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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Are you aware of the moving of 'spacehogs' to the end of the data, even in the default (fast) optimisation mode. I'm running the latest version now, after hanging onto 3.8 till bugs were sorted, and its working very well. There was alot added to the version of JKD that started the run of bugs so there were bound to be some minor issues that needed ironing out (and they were all pretty minor). I'm also using that new JKD Starter GUI I mentioned a few posts back (as Ewieldras original gui is yet to be updated) and that also works well.
  2. Oh well, worth a check (and something to look out for when you buy your next camera )
  3. Its not the zoom thats the problem, for really close up pics like that you need a macro function (usually sybolised on the camera with a flower symbol like this one). Most cameras, even alot of cheapo ones, will have this (either as a button or selectable in a menu) so have a check
  4. JDPower

    Regseeker 1.55

    Well I just tested it against the old version and it does seem to have more exclusions built in by default. On my system with default exclusions the previous version finds 477 entries, the new version finds 406. Adding Andavari's exclusions to both, the old version finds 284, new version finds 249. The look of the program is a little better but there are one or two very minor display glitches. Unless I'm being totally blind it doesn't have this new tool. EDIT: Hmmm, found it. Its hidden until you tick the 'Search Files' box in the 'Find in registry' section. Not very intuitive to use either IMHO and the 'Check shortcuts validity' option doesn't seem to do anything (certainly doesn't give any indication of good or bad shortcuts which is what I expected)
  5. Paragon HD Manager is still available free despite the offer running out months ago: http://www.computeractive.co.uk/hdmanager8/index (I've just downloaded it and received a serial from the 'Click here to register' link )
  6. The giveaways generally aren't that great IMO. I've had their RSS feed on my toolbar for a while and there hasn't been a single program that I've tried that I've kept and often there are better freeware alternatives to the programs offered.
  7. But whats the point in replacing an empty 0 byte folder with a 30-40 byte text file?
  8. Maybe this is fixed now, OpenOffice 2.2.1 just released which is a security and bugfix release.
  9. Tried a previous version of that a while back and was pretty unimpressed with it.
  10. I see where you're coming from but SiteAdvisor is REALLY useful Yeah, runs fine. I have tried to cut them down but they are just too useful
  11. Maybe its just me but I don't see anything particularly advanced in that, just a plastic covered robot with lots of sensors that says 'eh' alot
  12. Quite possibly the only time you'll get away with posting a pic of someones tits and p***y
  13. Thats not bad, heres my list of extensions (this is bad ): Adblock{} Autohide{1.1.5} BBCode{} CopyPlainText{0.3.3} CustomizeGoogle{0.60} CuteMenus-CrystalSVG{1.9.1} DisableBackspaceNavigation{0.2.1} DisableTargetsForDownloads{1.0.1} DownThemAll{} DownloadManagerTweak{0.7.1} Dr.Webanti-viruslinkchecker{1.0.14} DuplicateTab{0.9} FaviconizeTab{} FirefoxExtensionBackupExtensionFEBE{4.0.5} Fission{0.8.8} FullMap{2.1.3} GmailNotifier{0.6.1} GooglePreview{2.1.4} GoogleToolbarforFirefox{3.0.20070217W} McAfeeSiteAdvisor{26.3} OptionsMenu{1.3} RedirectRemover{1.1.1} Reliby{1.2.0} ReloadEvery{2.0} RemoveItPermanently{} ResizeableTextarea{0.1d} RestartFirefox{0.3} SessionManager{0.4.3} Splash{1.2.2} ToolbarControl{1.5} TryAgain{2.0} TweakNetwork{1.1.1} Openselectedlinks{2006.01.14}
  14. Well its the closest I've come to finding a program that is simple works how I want it to. I tried some of the programs in Andavari's link - Cobian, SyncBack and Rsync but I never got on with them. I've not heard of Areca before though so may give that a try at some point.
  15. If you've already had an infection recently it may be worth posting a HijackThis log as Andavari suggested anyway just to make sure there's no leftovers. Are you still getting this AV warning when runing CCleaner with Avast running? (or did running it once with Avast off fix it)
  16. Really, I think the new AdAware looks really tacky
  17. Windows Installer Cleanup Utility might be able to remove that.
  18. Suggested many times before, I'm guessing CCleaner 2 may have this option. Well if it deletes the entire contents of the prefetch folder the worse that can happen is prefetch will no longer work properly. The layout.ini needs to be left intact, if deleted it often won't come back on its own. (This is of course seperate from the much discussed already issue of cleaning prefetch being completely pointless but I'm not going into that again, do a search ) Already there - check options>advanced for 'Save settings to INI' option
  19. There was a whole family of frogs living in my girlfriends garden when she moved into her house. The previous owners had a pond but had just filled it with mud and rubble. We use to see the odd frog quite regularly but when I dug out the rubble to fill the pond in properly there were 6 or 7 frogs living there. I've got some pics somewhere (including me with one sat on my hand ) but they were taken on a film camera, I might have a look for them and scan one in to post.
  20. http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html
  21. They have me down as being in France?!?!
  22. Not really my cup of tea but I have seen one of his before which I think is pretty cool: http://www.jimwarren.com/fine_60_mothernature2.html
  23. Followed by "You been shagging the parrot again?!?!"
  24. Yup, just a few threads down from this one. I won't be using either if there has to be an unnecessary service running for no apparent reason.
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