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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Yes theres a very busy, but pretty good, Mozilla forum: http://forums.mozillazine.org/
  2. And there was me thinking I really must get round to finally installing this, don't think I'll bother now
  3. Thanks for that, saved me installing it to find this out then immediately uninstalling it
  4. Thats exactly the question I was gonna ask. If no-one else answers I'll install it later and try it myself
  5. I'm afraid just removing CCleaner won't fix whatever it is he did. It sounds to me like he disabled or deleted some startup items, but the only person who is gonna be able to tell you for certain what has been done is him. I know you said he did a system restore but have you tried yourself to go back to a restore point from before he did this? (in case he did that wrong too or didn't go back far enough)
  6. Maybe a session manager thing. I know the session manager extension I use (don't know about FF2's own session restore) can restore tabs including typed info in forms, I would assume it would have to log that typing in some way to do that. Just a thought
  7. Ha ha, spoke to soon, another bugfix version out now that fixes an X64 bug. I've never known a program have so many releases in the space of a few days
  8. There is a promising looking new GUI just released on the JKD forum. Looks nice and simple but functional though i've not given it a proper workout yet (this is not the Ewieldras original GUI that a few of us use but a completely new one by a different user):
  9. Also when you say "the volume controls, scrolling features, and battery display dont work like they used to", in what way are they not working like they used to???
  10. Fame, fortune and a supermodel girlfriend. .....hang on. No, thats Formula 1
  11. Latest bugfix version available now and all seems to be fixed: http://www.kessels.com/JkDefrag/
  12. Yes it is but if you disable it in the new version AVGAS won't work.
  13. Ah thanks Andavari, knew I must have been missing something obvious, didn't expect them to be there. A winapp2 entry won't be possible for it then will it.
  14. I like the right click scan of AVGAS so like to keep it installed. Theres a few negative comments on their forum about this so hopefully they'll change it. If not I'll probably just get rid of it, its always a pain in the rear to update anyway so this would just be the final nail in the coffin.
  15. I've been meaning to try it out for ages myself but have never got round to it
  16. And yet another bugfix due out later today or tomorrow to fix several bugs.
  17. Bugfix release now available: http://www.kessels.com/JkDefrag/index.html
  18. Think I'll stick with the current version if I can for a while. Having read their forums it seems you have to leave the guard service running to use the program, if you disable it AVGAS won't open
  19. With regards to IrfanView, as far as I can see its only the MRUs (under 'File') that contain any info to be cleaned. Unfortunately I can't find where they are stored and so can't write a winapp2 entry at the mo. I'll have another look tomorrow in case I'm just being blind. You can though stop IrfanView storing this info in the options if you want. In IrfanView click Options>Properties, click the 'Misc 2' tab and from there you can untick 'Add MRUDs to file list' to stop them being stored. There is also a 'Clear' button to clear the MRUs that are already there. (Can't help with VLC player as I don't use it)
  20. Might be worth posting a HijackThis log in the relevant section of the forum just to make sure theres nothing malicious causing it. HijackThis forum section: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12 Instructions on how to post a log here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1720 As Hazel said there were users having strange problems like this a while back caused by a particular virus. It may have nothing to do with that virus but probably worth posting a log just in case.
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