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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. JDPower

    MRI anyone?

    My dad's had one a couple of times, pretty much as '1984' described, nothing to worry about. If anything you'll be bored, or fall asleep
  2. Could be either, but cookies is the one that most commonly comes up. From the beginners guide:
  3. Thats a really nice bit of design, if I used a screensaver I'd certainly try that. That's just about every Vista thread covered
  4. Or maybe no-one quite understands what your getting at, you understand the program is just for recovering files you accidentally deleted and want to get back, ie you scan, look for the file you accidentally deleted in the results and restore it. (Plus its only been two days since you posted and this is one of the least busy sections of the forum)
  5. Go to Options>Cookies, select the cookie for the site you want to save the password for (in the 'Cookies to delete' box) and click the arrow button to move it to the 'Cookies to keep' side
  6. Can it not be uninstalled via Windows own Add/Remove programs list (Click start>Click Control Panel>Click Add/Remove programs then find the program, select it and remove)? You can do the exact same as the above using CCleaner (but if the above doesn't work CCleaner won't uninstall it either) - Open CCleaner>Click the Tools button>Click the Uninstall button>Find Driver Cleaner in the list>Select it and click the 'Run uninstaller' button. Let us know if it can't be uninstalled using the above methods (By the way, there are several programs called Driver Cleaner, are you able to tell us which one you are having difficulty with)
  7. Errr.... Even I can do that!!!
  8. JDPower

    Prevx 2.0

    Yes, having read some of the comments about it, it contacts the internet alot. Theres also comments about it being a pain to uninstall.
  9. Those programs aren't just free for one day, they are all permanent freeware :
  10. Probably a good idea with Erasers potential to do serious damage.
  11. Cheers, I'm not planning on killing my registry, just curious as to how far the protection goes in respect of vital files/reg entries. Perhaps if Mike answers he could tell me if you did something to kill Windows with protection enabled should it, theoretically, be able to restart ok?
  12. Eraser will soon be Vista compatible, there is a beta release already available: http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/
  13. LOL, wish there was a clip of that
  14. Is that the same with the registry, if you were to delete a bunch of vital reg entries should everything be fine on reboot? (still not got round to trying this yet but will do asap)
  15. I used to get the Transformers comic most weeks as a kid, loved it.
  16. :buısnɯɐ ǝʇınb ʇnq ssǝ1ʇuıod ʎ1ǝʇǝ1dɯoɔ http://www.revfad.com/flip.html
  17. No I didn't. Like I said I found them annoying. When I first got this computer I couldn't work out why I kept getting a pop up flash up on screen briefly. When I found it was a silly shortcuts menu that popped up if you touced the pad in a certain way or place I killed it off and do so after any reinstall. I assume if you do want those functions you will have to leave it in startup.
  18. I don't use any of the advanced functions, in fact I find them annoying, so thats one of the first things disabled after a reinstall.
  19. Just because a folder is empty doesn't mean its safe to be deleted. CCleaner is designed to be a safe cleaner, therefore I doubt this option will ever be added.
  20. Well having seen you running without the touchpad entry I've got I tried killing the entry in task manager, touchpad still worked fine. Took the plunge and disabled it it msconfig, restarted and still working fine. I now have neither of the touchpad entries running at startup and the touchpad is working exactly the same as before.
  21. According to Castle Cops the SynTPEnh entry is optional:
  22. Have you got any cookie handling extensions installed in Firefox?
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