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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. JDPower


    What if you bookmark some sites or make other changes to your browser, how do you keep them. Their website does a good job of giving a dumbed down explanation of the sandbox concept but isn't very clear on the practicalities of it.
  2. Have you tried right clicking CCleaner and selecting 'Run as administrator', then clean the issues?
  3. Indeed. I went an awful long time not knowing why I kept getting that group of files being moved to a big area of free space. Admittedly the ProcessIdleTasks command can speed up Windows startup if run occasionly but I'd rather choose when that is (I have the command in a batch file and run it once every couple of months now), not have Windows do it twice a week and shaking up my JKD optimised disk
  4. Don't ya just love scare storys with no advice at all. As it is this issue it seems was fixed two versions ago, anyone running Java 6 update 1 or later is covered (update 2 being the most recent version): http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/printfriend...y=1-26-102934-1
  5. Sorry, I confused the issue. I meant use the forums own upload system to attach the screenshot Hazel asked for. Follow her instructions on how to take the screenshot showing whats left in CCleaner, then upload the screenshot with your reply.
  6. Ok thanks for that, got it blocking just the section I wanted but don't fully understand it. Will be a slight case of trial and error in future I think but you have helped point me in the right direction, thanks
  7. 75 year old computer? Its the owner that's 75 lol
  8. That happens on my system after windows has run the ProcessIdleTasks command (LINK), which it does every 3 days or so, always a small group of files moved out to the right of the disk display. To see if thats what is causing it you could defrag, check the disk analysis, then run the ProcessIdleTasks (Run>Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks) command manually, then check the disk analysis again and see if you see the result you mentioned with files moved to right of disk (open task manager and make sure the defrag processes are finished to know if the command has finished, takes about 5 mins). I found this a nuisance though as it undoes JKDefrags good work and am pleased to say I discovered Microsoft's TweakUI has an option to disable this - in the General section untick 'Optimise hard disk when idle'. Or you can edit the registry directly to disable it - LINK
  9. That (1.5x memory) is only the minimum amount to use. From Microsoft: Link As many places recommend setting min and max values the same I set min and max on mine to 3x RAM (I have 512Mb so set pagefile to 1536Mb)
  10. Thats absolutely mad - "Sigbritt will now be able to enjoy 1,500 high definition HDTV channels simultaneously. Or, if there is nothing worth watching there, she will be able to download a full high definition DVD in just two seconds"
  11. I'm aware of that. I'll give you the most recent example I've come across. On Google results pages like this one, I tried to hide the bottom block where it says "Google Home - Advertising Programmes - Business Solutions - About Google" but although it highlights that it always takes away the blue section just above it. This is something that RIP could, and did, handle without to much difficulty (creating my own x-paths is way above me). I still really like the Element Hiding Helper and I don't intend to go back to RIP (which also had some minor issues though it handled the core stuff really well), its just something I hope will improve as it is developed.
  12. This is OT but why not just use the forums own hosting, ie click upload on the reply page? Surely alot easier?
  13. JDPower

    Bedroom Golf

    That is actually a myth but I'll let you off for the purposes of the joke
  14. JDPower

    Bedroom Golf

    And you can be funny with being dirty, if you disapprove don't read it. To help you feel a bit better heres some nice clean humour for you from one of my fave comedians: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eshR-WpdYDM
  15. Yup, from MS "Version 3.0 enhances version 2.0 with new technologies". I've never bothered installing it and don't intend to until something complains it won't work without it
  16. NP, just made the switch to ABP after a recent reformat and the Easylist Filters have improved since I last tried them a few months ago, enough for me to feel happy using them now I like the Element Hiding Helper for ABP too, not quite up there with RIP for removing exact elements (too often removes more than I select) but still good and will hopefully improve over time.
  17. Well I had a quick Google and found the same question on some other forums and no-one had any suggestion of a freeware alternative unfortunately (maybe someone who knows the area better may have a suggestion though)
  18. Is this when running the cleaner or issues scanner? If possible would you be able to post a screenshot of the items its finding that are causing this to help pinpoint the problem? (Also what version of CCleaner and Windows?)
  19. I have it too and only have AVG antivirus so its not just for AVG rootkit. Not easy to find info on it on Google though.
  20. Me too. I rarely question what CCleaner finds anymore as its never deleted a reg entry that has caused a problem.
  21. Yeah, it was pretty poor - 'It becomes light enough to defy gravity'!!! Get a clue woman Seen this a few times in pubs using paper napkins instead.
  22. I've never lost Firefox bookmarks in a year or so of using it. You could try FEBE to regularly back them up: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2109
  23. This is also quite good for duplicate files: http://www.clonespy.com/?Features
  24. JDPower


    I assume you are talking about the hotfix uninstallers cleaning (in the cleaners advanced section). If so you haven't removed any updates, you've removed the uninstallers, thats why they don't show up in 'Add/Remove' any more. Perhaps you should try understanding software better before blindly running any next time (CCleaner Beginners guide), especially when running something clearly marked 'Advanced', you may not get away so lightly next time
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