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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Cheers, very useful. Was looking at the vitual apps page HERE, not sure Returnil should be only in 'Partition virtualization' section? Also on that same page an amusing typo:
  2. Also there are many programs that people request for adding to CCleaner, the only way to please everyone would be to add every program in existence. But that isn't practical which is why the 'Custom files and Folders' option and winapp2 cleaning exist so people can add whatever programs they want.
  3. JDPower

    Help me

    Why can't you restore your system? Perhaps you could also explain more clearly what you mean by 'can't view images properly' and what exactly doesn't work properly in IE
  4. Because CCleaner only finds entries that are SAFE to remove. Regseeker WILL find entries that are not completely safe to remove. I use, and only trust, Reg Mechanic and CCleaner but even after running both Reg Seeker still finds around 200 entries (with about 150 exclusions so nearer 400 in total), 99% of which I have no intention of ever touching. Don't ever clean everything another reg cleaner finds, and don't delete anything with them unless you know what you are doing (or enjoy reformatting ). I have yet to find a free reg cleaner that is thorough but safe, and I've tried many. I was lucky enough to get hold of a free version of Reg Mechanic and this does fit into the thorough but safe category but is not free usually and still requires careful use.
  5. Try unticking 'Internet history' in CCleaners Firefox/Mozilla section (under the Applications tab)
  6. If using IE7 try unticking 'Delete index.dat files' under the Internet Explorer section
  7. I've seen a sweet deal on a Dell laptop but it only comes with Vista, anyone tried formatting a Vista comp and installing XP and are there any issues or problems that may crop up?
  8. You need to patch the uxtheme file on your computer, which is simple if you use the patcher in my link above (literally just open it, click patch, restart, thats it). Then you can install any other 'visual styles' like the many hundreds at DeviantArt: http://browse.deviantart.com/customization...amp;alltime=yes
  9. http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enh...e-Patcher.shtml And a reliable link for the Royale Noir theme (your link was taking about ten mins to load): http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhan...oir-Theme.shtml I used it briefly but didn't like the grey in common task menus along with a couple of minor display glitches. There is a fixed version which is much better in the second post here: http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1442816
  10. Have you tried unticking 'Autocomplete form history'?
  11. LOL sorry, he's a quite well known name/face over here
  12. Just does the same as the repair scratches type fixes in most photo editing software by the look of it, doesn't exactly give a good result by the look of it.
  13. Have just been having a bit of a play with todays Giveaway of the Day, Wondershare Photo Story Platinum, and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a similar freeware program. That program is ok, range of output formats is nice but its a bit limited on the effects/transitions side. Am gonna give MS's PhotoStory a try but thought I'd ask if anyone uses any others? (Never felt the need for a program like that before but that one has got me interested now )
  14. I read all that article and its theory translated into opinion. He is taking scientific theories and making them fit his needs for the sake of an attempt at an interesting article. Check his other articles - Wizards, ghost, angels, UFOs, astral travel, fairies! Need I say more
  15. Are you sure that was the only infection?
  16. If you've got it set to 'Automatically check for updates' in Options>Settings then it may be your firewall blocking it.
  17. Thanks for that Andavari, I've never thought to check there. If I ever uninstall an extension I check the profile>extensions folder to make sure nothings left behind (as it sometimes is), but I just discovered some leftovers of an extension in the prefs file so cheers
  18. Sounds infected to me. Follow the instructions here and post a HijackThis log as instructed at the end: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=11000
  19. I'm still using the excellent JKDefrag Starter GUI
  20. JDPower


    Just tried and it is a messy site to navigate to the download. I was going round in circles but if you click on the 'Start Downloading SUPER' link, then on next page click on the 'Download and use' link and there are download links at the bottom of that page. I was gonna link directly to that page for you but the link just takes you back to the homepage
  21. JDPower


    Contains spyware/adware: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC0sIwcAi1A...ted&search=
  22. JDPower

    CC Cleaner

    Have you run a full virus scan since finding that virus file, you may have a virus preventing the temp files deletion.
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