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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. I'm pretty sure you can disable that touchpad entry too. Looks like I have the same touchpad as you, there were two entries for mine - SynTPEnh and SynTPLpr. I've got that entry you've got disabled without any probs. Funnily enough though I've still got the other entry enabled cos I thought it was needed for the touchpad to work, have you got the SynTPLpr entry disabled in msconfig???
  2. Just 5 startup items here (two of which are completely optional - dsl status tray icon and HD temp monitor) and between 18-21 processes running normally:
  3. Analyze doesn't remove any files, it merely scans and shows you what will be removed if you run the cleaner. If you completely trust CCleaner then there is no need to run the analyze function but it is there for you to check what will be cleaned before you remove it by running the cleaner. You might want to have a look at the CCleaner Beginners Guide: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  4. They include XP's search function but the only reason they give is the animated character, which can be turned off, is annoying
  5. Google is your friend: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=installin...lient=firefox-a EDIT: Just noticed its a laptop you've got. Odds are its got a small panel on the bottom you can unscrew to get to the RAM easily, then its normally just a case of undoing a little clip at the side of the installed RAM and sliding it out. Read through some of the guides in the Google link for an idea of the precautions to take - you should really take some anti-static precautions (you can get away with not using it if make sure you hold the new RAM only by the edges, don't touch the face of the RAM or the contacts at the bottom. Having said that I take no responsibility for you destroying your RAM doing it that way).
  6. Yes and the files can be extracted from installers with most zip programs. Try it if you've got anything other than Windows zip program (eg 7Zip, Izarc etc). Quite useful for seeing what files are gonna be installed on your system without having to actually install them.
  7. Actually that is from a song by Korn who always wore Adidas gear and wrote a song called A.D.I.D.A.S with 'All day I dream abot sex' as the chorus - Wiki link.
  8. I had backups of all but one of the installers and registration details I needed, and RRidgely kindly provided the missing one (which was immediately burned to disc ). I would have lost alot of bookmarks too but luckily have been using the Firefox Extension Backup Extension (FEBE) so had backups of most of my bookmarks (about 600!!!!!). Lost a few though as I'd not backed them up for a month or so. And annoyingly gained a load back that I didn't want as I'd only just gone through them clearing out dead links and duplicates (with AM Deadlink) and manually clearing out and reorganising bookmarks I don't use/need anymore, which as you can imagine took some time with 600. Just building myself up to doing it again
  9. Know that feeling, I'm STILL reinstalling stuff after my unplanned reformat last week. Still got about half the programs to go but got the most important ones on and am just reinstalling a few here and there when I can be bothered
  10. Thanks for the link, some nice pics in there. I'm now using this one from that site: http://www.spacewallpapers.net/wallpapers/...=0&pos=-289
  11. I'm about to dip my toe into this whole area and give Returnil a try (been convinced by all the comments on here )
  12. Go to Tools>Options in Firefox, go to the privacy section and check the box "Always clear private data when I close Firefox" isn't ticked.
  13. JDPower


    CCleaner only cleans the drive it is installed on as far as I'm aware.
  14. I don't use IE. But just for the sake of completeness I viewed the site in FF and IE and its fine in both
  15. JDPower


    When you create a new post or reply (not 'fast reply'), under the box where you write your message there is an attachments section. Click the browse button on the right to browse to the pic you want, select it, click the upload button and post your reply
  16. The VS ones are visual styles, these are the ones that work with a patched uxtheme file. The WB ones will only work if you've bought and installed Windows Blinds. There are hundreds of visual style themes on deviantart, you will find one that suits you (and works) eventually. Some do occasionly cause strange display issues, as you've just found out, but most are fine
  17. Apologies for butting in but should work absolutely fine, there were no feature additions between 3.15 and 3.16 so shouldn't have any effect on the GUI.
  18. Never heard of it. Is this after running the cleaner or issues scanner?
  19. Just to point out the obvious possible solution (that catches everyone out ), have you ticked the 'Custom files and folders' box at the bottom of the cleaners Windows tab?
  20. I wasn't criticising, I think you know from the JKD forum I'm a fan of your GUI, was just giving a comparison. Different GUI's work best for different people. I take your point about the size of the GUI, a slight oversight on my part on the reason for the difference (JKDStarter is still only 820Kb including JKDefrag). My reason for mentioning the memory the GUI uses is simply because, as I mentioned, most times I like to have as little as possible running when I run JKD (and generally have as little as possible running for general usage too). 10Mb is still 5 times more than my AV and if it doesn't actually need to be running, it would be a good feature to be able to close it. Finally my comment about about the inclusion/exclusion method was not a criticism, as I said it was actually quite useful (and will be in future if I switch back to your GUI). I can understand you being defensive about your GUI but I was merely offering a comparison between the two and for my usage JKDStarter is most useful for me at present.
  21. But you don't need to do it manually. If you download the the Universal UXTheme Patcher (LINK) all you do is open it, click the patch button and restart, thats it.
  22. And search DeviantArts 'Visual Styles' section (LINK), they will all work with just a patched uxtheme file and be FREE
  23. As long as you successfully patch the uxtheme file you should be able to install any DeviantArt theme without too much problem
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