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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. None of that matches me. Except the male bit, not sure I'd class as 'heavily male' though
  2. JDPower

    Firefox 3

    You can get round that with a few of them. For example Java always puts back jusched.exe (think thats right), search for that file and when you find the jusched.exe rename it juschedOLD.exe or similar. After that it won't add itself back to startup, works with RealPlayer (Realsched?) and QuickTime too and probably any others (those are the only ones I've done it with though so can't guarantee it)
  3. I don't know, some people will take the credit for anything : From winapp2.ini thread:
  4. Not completely sure what you mean, do you mean tracking on websites. If so open CCleaner, click Options>Cookies and move the cookie of each site affected from the 'Cookies to delete' box to the 'Cookies to keep' side
  5. Open CCleaner, click Options>Advanced and tick the box to 'Save all settings to INI file'. Then all settings, and cookies, will be saved in the CCleaner (Configuration settings) file at 'Program Files>CCleaner'.
  6. Could be a bug, theres a few posts appeared on the JKD forum today reporting problems. He needs peoples logs to see whats going on though. If you choose to post a bug report over at JKD heres how to run it and creat a debug log: Click Start>Run and enter something like this (obviously make sure the filepath matches yours) will run it with the default optimisation with highest debug level: "C:\JkDefrag 3.9\JkDefrag.exe" -a 3 -d 6 When its done there will be a text file in the JKDefrag folder cotaining the log (just called JKDefrag I think). Posting that on the JKD forum would help get it fixed.
  7. JDPower

    Firefox 3

    Some interesting stuff there, can't say I'm particularly keen on any of it (seem to be heading towards the bloated end of the spectrum if that blog's anything to go by) but interesting nonetheless. They seem to be 'taking inspiration' from existing extensions in several places but I doubt half of that will even make it into the final version.
  8. Are you using the new optimisation methods, they are all slow. If your using the standard default optimisation (-a 3) it shouldn't be any different. Perhaps post a bug report and JKD log on the JKDefrag forum I haven't used it yet, waiting for the GUI version.
  9. Only if you've compressed them (or disk cleanup has), thats all the blue font means. Any file or folder can be compressed and have a blue font (though only with NTFS filesystem). From the CCleaner Beginners Guide:
  10. The GUI is developed seperately so the new version of the GUI (version 0.8) should be available, hopefully in the next few days, here: http://www.emro.nl/freeware/ The GUI download contains the JKDefrag program so nothing else needs to be downloaded seperately (ie you don't have to download JKD then download the GUI as an add-on). Though until it's updated it will only contain the previous version of JKD. As a few of us use it I'll post to this thread when its released, if no-one else beats me to it
  11. Well it can be run at startup but requires the use of the program ScanDefrag From the JKDefrag homepage:
  12. Should be posted in the Hijack This section of the forum forum HERE
  13. Yeah, very nice. Just replaced my desktop pic with it
  14. A really good update this. Now includes several file ordering options. Including an option to move rarely used files to the end of the data on the disk. Whereas before you had to run one option to move files to the end of the DISK, and then run it a second time with a different option to optimise with those same files excluded to stop them being moved back. Ewieldra's GUI will be available soon. Been in contact with him for a bit about a solution to the above and now Jeroen has built it into the defrag program itself. This new option will be included in the GUI Changelog: JkDefrag v3.9 (May 30, 2007) Changes: - Added optimization methods for sorting files on disk by name, size, last access, last change, and creation time. - Reduced the number of steps from 6 to 3. - Added zoning to the Fast and Full optimization methods. Files are now placed in 3 zones with a free space between: directories, regular files, and space hogs. - Added "-u" commandline option to add custom masks to the list of build-in SpaceHogs masks. - Added a top-25 of largest files to the status report. - Huge files (>4Gb) are now treated in segments. - The versions now also detect if another version is running (windows, command line, screen saver). - The Windows display idle timer (screen saver) and system idle timer (power saver) are disabled while JkDefrag is running. For programmers: - Many changes in the sources. - Added an example Visual project. - Library sources are now compatible with the UNICODE compiler setting. - Changes to facilitate multithreading. - Renamed the sources. There is now a JkDefrag.cpp and JkDefrag.h file for easy inclusion into a project. - Integrated the DefragInitialize function into the RunDefrag function. - Changed the StopProcessing subroutine, it now accepts a timeout.
  15. No, CCleaner will only clean the user account it is being used on. So to clean the other users you would have to log onto their accounts and run CCleaner there. The advanced section is generally best left alone unless you know what you are doing. There is info about each option in the CCleaner Beginners Guide here: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  16. Java WILL still work, its just the Java console (under the Tools dropdown) that very few people use that is disabled. Read more HERE.
  17. http://www.lavasoft.com/company/newsletter...1/article1.html
  18. I'd just kick the whole lot into the loo and flush
  19. Certainly unusual. I'd be interested in seeing what it looks like NOT speeded up though, wonder if anyone would even notice it at normal speed.
  20. Theres nothing to figure out really: FF1.5 works fine for me. FF2 doesn't have any features that make me want to rush to install it. I initially waited for any FF2 bugs to be ironed out. My FF installation has a couple of minor problems so I want to do a completely clean install of FF2 and I just haven't got round to it.
  21. Not really a problem here - maybe get a funky rain line
  22. Firefox changes: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ Firefox changes: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/releases/ Surprised to see that FF 1.5 support period has been extended. IIRC support was due to end in april, now theres a new version and a note saying support will now end June. Must still have alot of 1.5 users out there (not just me ) EDIT: Having just updated my FF1.5 you do now get a FF2 nag screen instead of the usual 'Firefox has been updated':
  23. Err, but people usually cut their toes off by accident, by which time the cut off is a little late (ie its already happened before you notice and let go). I take no chances, steel toe cap boots every time
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