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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. VB is usually Visual Basic and is required by many programs, including CCleaner, for normal functioning, not usually a trojan (though as with anything theres always a slim possibility). If you want be sure your computer is clean post a HijackThis log in the relevent forum section. Instructions here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1720 Post log here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12
  2. Mine has been taking me to Microsoft update for months, I thought everyone was updating through Microsoft Update now (as opposed to Windows update)
  3. Pay attention, have you not read the posts directly before yours
  4. I'm with you on that one. Not really keen on Star Trek, or any space type series, but absolutely loved Babylon 5, used to get really sucked into the storylines. Great series, shame they killed it off
  5. You could also try the advice in the thread at the top of this very section of the forum: Registry issues keep reappearing in CCleaner
  6. Give it time, AOL will soon bloat/kill it somehow.
  7. So's mine, it must configure differently depending on browser version.
  8. I'll stick to NTRegOpt, registry defraggers aren't something I want to mess with and I know NTRegOpt is safe on my system.
  9. Yes but I've still not upgraded to FF2 (I know, I know )
  10. Well the two folders in the Windows folder on mine are 22Mb (IE7) and 45Mb (IE7updates) and the actual program folder 7Mb Which compares to Firefox at 17Mb for the program Folder and and 28MB for the application data folder (two profiles). Though thanks to checking just discovered the Google toolbar on GFs Firefox profile had safe browsing turned on with a 48Mb definitions file!
  11. Hmmm, the link in that quote appears to have changed (and its all in German so I can't understand what is on that page), heres a direct link to the JKD Starter GUI download page: http://web41.server2.dce4u.de/index.php?me...wnload=jkds.zip
  12. Yes I think its now bug free (judging by the lack of bug reports since the latest version was released). As for Ewieldra's new GUI version, should be soon. I know he is working on it but was also busy with something else last time I discussed it with him. In the meantime I can highly recommend the new GUI I mentioned earlier, I like it alot:
  13. Might just be playing Urban Sprinting
  14. You can't. Perhaps if you post the exact reg keys causing the problems it may help the developers find a workaround
  15. Probably just keeping in sync with the Firefox version numbers.
  16. Its hard to say (as were probably talking miliseconds difference). I ran the 'Sort by last access date' optimisation last night (and added some of my own spacehogs for moving to the end) and launching my most used apps seems a little snappier and with less disk activity. But I could just be imagining it. Either way I'm happy to have those files near the start of the disk and to be able to move big rarely used files out of the way right to the end of the disk data.
  17. Thanks for the link, not come across that site before, very useful
  18. Theres a Softpedia review of Cleanse Uninstall HERE. I tried it briefly, didn't think much of it. I'll stick with my trusted combination of Total Uninstall and Reg Mechanic.
  19. Perhaps try downloading and installing the Visual Basic 6 runtimes as explained here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8587
  20. You need to post a HijackThis log in the relevent forum section. Instructions here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1720 Post log here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12
  21. Think I'd rather just wait for CCleaner 2. Fair play to you though for putting all that work in
  22. LOL - "CCleaner removed 2 Skype related registry entries". Is that their polite way of saying "CCleaner bought to our attention a c**k up that we've now fixed"
  23. To quite JK himself (hope he doesn't mind): Even if there was a major bug in JkDefrag then all your data is still perfectly safe. JkDefrag is built on top of the Microsoft defragmentation API and does not access the harddisk by itself. It doesn't even know what a harddisk is, that's why it works on everything that looks like a disk to Windows such as floppies and USB sticks. All JkDefrag does is send commands to the API, basically "move this file to that location".
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