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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. The documentary that came from is on BBC2 next monday at 9pm
  2. Should have ticked the box stating "I do not want to receive marketing information from Panda Software and/or its International Representatives where applicable."
  3. But CCleaner is designed to be safe, if it was made to remove safety features in Spybot that would not be safe. Your exclude files are probably at 0Kb because you haven't set any exclusions in Spybot (I have and need those exclusions kept). Recovery files should ONLY be removed manually within Spybot once you know they can be safely removed, not removed automatically by any other program. Snapshots are a useful feature in Spybots tools section for checking quickly if anything has been added in startup, BHO's or active-x. Again, shouldn't be removed automatically. I'm not sure what the backups folder is for (mine is empty) but the logs ARE cleaned by CCleaner, I've just double checked. If the logs aren't being cleaned on yours then there is something wrong.
  4. If you're using Firefox 2 it sounds like Firefox's session restore feature is causing FF to restore that page when you open it. I'm not using FF2 so can't give specific help but try to disable the session restore feature in FF options, restart FF then reenable session restore, see if that stops it.
  5. No CCleaner does not defrag. With regards to your defrag problem there are some good suggestions for someone with a similar problem here: http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/forum...ag-failing.html As for the registry, CCleaner only cleans invalid entries that should be safe to remove. Other reg cleaners will find alot more entries to fix but at the risk of removing valid entries and corrupting the registry so stick with CCleaners reg (issues) cleaner, and make backups when it prompts you, if you want to avoid causing damage. It can't replace missing reg entries, and no reg cleaner can really unless it was responsible for removing them in the first place and made a backup.
  6. Would you want a new computer with a "Browser Address Error Redirector" installed on it causing almost your entire Google results pages to be ads?: Google turns the page... in a bad way
  7. Yes it is because Windows will delete them automatically anyway if it hasn't been used for a certain amount of time. Search the forum more on this (and read through the link that marquis posted), its been discussed several times and it was generally agreed there was little point cleaning old prefetch files which is why that option was moved to the advanced section in CCleaner (it used to be in the main section).
  8. It does remove Spybot logs. If you are suggesting it clean the rest of those items it would be a really bad idea remove Spybots backups, exclusions, recovery or snapshots.
  9. Don't think there is any debate anymore is there, most agree its pointless.
  10. It might be fixed quicker if you can make time to do as Andavari suggested and let us know exactly which of the IE cleaning options is causing the problem you are seeing.
  11. You don't even need to do that really as you can always get older versions at FileHippo: http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/
  12. I know Customize Google has already been recommended but I think its worth a second mention thanks to a very cool new feature it now has. It can now stream Google search results: If that doesn't make sense there is a video of it in action HERE And you can download Customize Google HERE
  13. Try using the Windows Uninstall Cleanup Utility from MS to remove the entry: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301
  14. JDPower


    What I meant was it didn't come back with cheesewire round its neck or a decapitated limb or worse from a less friendly trap
  15. JDPower


    Otherwise? Jeez could have used a smaller pic, damn near s**t meself when I clicked that and scrolled to the middle!!!
  16. But you will get that on a forum (though I think 'hundreds' is a slight exaggeration), you're not gonna get the millions off people who update without a problem posting there. You could judge CCleaner in the same way and say its not very good cos of all the posts of people having problems with it. Ok so lately CCleaner has had a few issues but even when it was going through periods of flawless updates there were still posts with people having problems. Its the same with Firefox but on a much bigger scale due to the number of FF users.
  17. Super says it can do it: http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html
  18. JDPower


    During the night? They are permanently left out round here, day or night.
  19. Your ISP probably uses dynamic IP addresses, I know mine (AOL) does. There is an explanation of static and dynamic IP addresses here: http://searchvb.techtarget.com/sDefinition...i520967,00.html
  20. They really do have too much time on their hands don't they: "He's now been bailed on firearms offences" How can they bail him on firearms offences when there are absolutely no firearms?!?! Imagine the scene in court: Prosecution: "The prosecution would like to submit our key piece of evidence in this firearms case" Judge: "What is that? It looks like a piece of cardboard" Prosecution: "Yes indeed m'lord. But a piece of cardboard IN THE SHAPE OF A GUN!!!"
  21. JDPower


    No you're just a cat lover so the fact that you find them loveable means you tolerate (maybe even don't notice sometimes) the nuisance element. I have lots of patience and tolerance for animals, but I just find cats a nuisance. That said I still think this persons wrong trapping animals of any kind (at least she is trapping them without harming them physically and then handing them over to the shelter though, could be alot worse).
  22. Oh yeah, my apologies I'd forgotten about when I was on dial up. At least they gave the option (IIRC) of just using the dialler in AOL9. But certainly with broadband you don't ever need to use the software. I created a DUN connection to connect to broadband at startup without AOL, use GAIM/Pidgin or Miranda for IM and can use Thunderbird for checking AOL email. Been on AOL broadband for about 2 years and in that time only had one period of downtime (about 2 hours) and only about 2 disconnects in that whole time so I'm happy with it.
  23. Maybe, but apart from the major version updates (ie 1.5>2.0) nearly all FF updates are bugfixes or security updates so why would you want to skip them.
  24. Yup, that seems quite common in some poorly written programs. I tried a free download of Glary Utilities recently and its reg scanner was picking up one of my Spyware Blaster blocked sites as adware.
  25. After running the cleaner or the issues scanner? Are you using Vista too?
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