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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. You could try Index.dat Spy: http://www.stevengould.org/software/indexdatspy/ I would suggest you let CCleaner finish first though, regardless of if it takes a long time, otherwise the index.dat probably won't be cleaned. If you've left it for a couple of hours and it still hasn't finished you could try ticking one box at a time and running it to see which item is causing CCleaner to take so long.
  2. JDPower


    Go to 'Options', click 'Cookies', select the cookie for each site you want to keep and click the -> button to move it to the cookies to keep box. Do this for each sites cookie you want to save the login info for (you may need to revisit the site if its cookie doesn't actually show up in the '...to delete' box). You may want to have a look at the CCleaner beginners guide too: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  3. Because, at least here in the UK, they are cheap with great connection and no download limits. Yes the software is a bit sh*t but you don't have to use that at all (I don't)
  4. JDPower


    Not really that easy though is it. I'm certainly not condoning what this person did and I'd never do the same but cats can be a right pain in the a***. I'm glad you got yours back though and if I were you I'd have a word with this person, not aggressively, just ask them calmly why they felt the need to do it. At least if you understand where they're coming from you can make an informed decision whether to THEN get angry with them
  5. Not for spyware, unnecessary (for me) waste of resources. Spyware Blaster and Spybots immunise function gives all the protection I need. Plus only browsing with Firefox and running CCleaner after every browsing session. I only run a scan (with AVG AS and Spybot) occasionly cos I never have any kind of malware for them to pick up, and haven't for 4 years.
  6. LOL, to keep you paying for it of course
  7. Give it time. Unless its improved since I tried it a couple of months ago you'll see about 10% more ads than with FiltersetG.
  8. The definitive guide on what services can be disabled is Black Vipers guide: http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/servicecfg.htm Might want to give Startup Lite a run too to see if theres any unnecessary programs running at startup: http://www.malwarebytes.org/startuplite.php
  9. Yes they are safe to delete. They are just the backups of cleaned reg entries, if your system is fine then just keep the most recent. (I trust CCleaner enough that I don't even make backups of what it removes, not that I'd recommend doing the same)
  10. The download thingy? You mean the popup window it uses? If so you can get round that easily with Download Manager Tweak extension: "A modification of the Firefox download manager that changes its appearance and allows it to be opened in a separate window, a new tab, or the sidebar".
  11. Have a look at the 'Command line parameters' section of the beginners guide: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  12. Similar to what they do with car insurance now, ie they renew it automatically 'to save you the hassle' (not to keep you with them of course). I just had a letter from my insurance company to tell me they would be automatically renewing my car insurance, despite the fact the car doesn't even exist anymore. It was stolen a couple of months ago, written off and scrapped!
  13. Nope, not noticed any difference in speed at all.
  14. It did have one originally but it was removed due to being pointless as you could just click the X to close.
  15. Not really. My understanding is that the element hiding helper allows you to block any page content you want, similar to what Remove It Permanently does.
  16. I wouldn't call it a mess but it is a little but silly not to include such a simple fix, especially when the fix has already been submitted.
  17. Starts off well then goes downhill badly. First two tracks are pretty good, in large part thanks to the stunning guitar work and riffs. 'Lay your world on me' would have been a bad song in the eighties let alone now. 'God bless the American dollar' - I hope thats deliberately ironic. And I'm just not buying the 'save the world' lyrical content considering they drive everywhere in huge 4x4s, race round on quads for fun and have their own private plane! I don't dislike Ozzy or his music, this just seems a little cynical to me. Or maybe its just me thats cynical
  18. This issue came about with Internet Explorer 7, for some reason deleting index.dat seems to kill the cookies too so only solution for the timebeing is to untick that box too
  19. Try unchecking the 'Delete Index.dat files' box too.
  20. Be aware that is personal opinion of the creator of ABP (and because there is some animosity with the old Adblock, and by proxy FiltersetG), not because there is any technical reason. I got into a discussion on Mozilla with the creator of Adblock Plus about this and he admitted that Filterset G will work fine Adblock Plus. He just thinks the filters are unnecessarily long and complicated, making it almost impossible to find any rule that blocks something it shouldn't, though I've never had that problem. I still use the standard Adblock and tried some of the ABP recommended filters but they just weren't as effective as FiltersetG (ie, I was still seeing ads). On ABP's plus side it does now have the promising looking RIP style add on Element Hiding Helper
  21. Download the newest version (released today): http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds.aspx
  22. They are listed in 'Add/Remove programs' and can be uninstalled from there. Just keep the most recent version
  23. That was a bug with the previous version (secure deletion wasn't removing 0 byte files), download the current version here: http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds.aspx (Download the basic or slim version if you don't want the Yahoo toolbar)
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