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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. It should be easy enough using a batch file if you really want to do it. Something like this works fine: @echo offSTART /wait C:\Progra~1\Intern~1\iexplore.exeSTART C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO Save it in notepad as 'Internet Explorer.bat', put it away somewhere and create a shortcut to it. Right click the shortcut, select properties, change the icon to the IE one and change the 'run' dropdown to minimised and replace your Internet Explorer shortcuts with that. Only downside is having a command window open (but minimised) the whole time your using IE, I don't know a way round that.
  2. It will be fine to clean, just means it'll have to reload any java content next time you visit a site you have before. Of course if you never visit those particular sites again that is all just useless junk that will just keep accumulating.
  3. Thats fine, you can delete the old Java runtimes without a problem. I delete the old one after every Java update now.
  4. I'm as frustrated as you but nowhere does it say that was to be added to this version. Thanks for the fixes Mr.G
  5. Yup, never rated them. Loved GnR gut everything I heard from Revolvers first album just seemed bog standard MoR rock. Slash's solo albums weren't great either so no big surprise.
  6. Just untick 'Sun Java' under the cleaners applications tab.
  7. Thats my experience of using Nortons uninstall tools too, always leave some stuff behind.
  8. That'd give me a headache
  9. Adblock does it fine for me.
  10. My worst so far (touch wood) would have been botching a graphics driver install and having Windows restarting every time it got to the Windows logo. Had to do a full reinstall and had no backups of anything
  11. Same here. I was put right off chicken nuggets (of any kind) when Jamie Oliver did his healthy school meals campaign and in one of his programs showed what the 'chicken' in these nuggets looks like before its cooked - it was just a vile looking sludge, and when he cooked it it just looked like a normal nugget. Was supposed to put the kids off them but it put me off too
  12. Sounds like it could be a graphics driver problem. Try reinstalling the graphics driver from backup CD if you have one or from the graphics cards website (Windows Update MIGHT have an older one)
  13. There are still some Vista issues being ironed out with CCleaner so if you're on Vista it could be that. Also if you're using CCleaner with secure deletion enabled try running it without as the secure deletion is is a little buggy in the latest version.
  14. A: Not sure about .NET 3.0 but I know you have to keep 1.1 if you have 2.0 so you probably have to keep all three versions. B: Thats Norton for you Apologies if you know this already but the uninstall list in CCleaner is basically the same as Windows own Add/Remove Programs, it just shows a few extra items that Windows hides to avoid them being accidentally removed, ie its not something to be 'cleaned'.
  15. Has the secure deletion bug (not deleting 0byte files) been fixed?
  16. You have to right click an empty part of one of the bars and select customise, then you can drag anything on the toolbars wherever you want.
  17. Really?: "Its main advantage is speed, as in almost all other categories it ranked third"
  18. Though to be fair we've been on AOL for a few years and the actual connection has been great, no disconnections, good speeds, no downtime etc. Admittedly all the software is bollocks
  19. Same here, nothing for 3-4 years. Have just cut down the AS programs I have and got rid of AdAware and SuperAS. Kept Spybot, for its immunise function and tools, and AVG Anti-spyware, for its 'right click>scan with...' function (as well as their on demand scanners of course).
  20. A quick search of all files on my system (XP Home) finds 8 index.dat files, none above 76Kb My Content.IE5 folder is at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 And the index.dat there is 32Kb
  21. No, not unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing. Have a read of the beginners guide (HERE) for an idea of what they do but I'd recommend leaving them alone. Post your HJT logs on this very forums HJT log analysis sectrion: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12
  22. Think I've found an additional Java temp folder for cleaning which isn't cleaned at present. Found it by accident when trying a Java demo and checking where it went. The temp folder is at: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\tmp\ Is this safe to clean and can it be added to CCleaners Java cleaning??? Heres a winapp2 entry for it if anyones interested, assuming its safe to be cleaned (in which case it'll hopefully soon be added to CCleaner): [*Sun Java Temp]LangSecRef=3022Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-inDefault=TrueFileKey1=%userprofile%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\tmp|*.*|RECURSE
  23. I tried Thunderbird a while back and didn't really get on with it. Been meaning to give it another try, along with GAIM/Pidgin, so I can access my AOL mail and IMs without actually using AOL itself. Just haven't got round to it yet.
  24. Just tried it and its right. Also, just noticed, if you enter an completely incorrect password it brings up a window asking you to enter it again and doesn't let you enter more letters than the passwords length, meaning you can find out the length of a persons password easily. Probably also a bad idea security wise.
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