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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. It is a trial on the program makers site but I can see no mention of it being a trial on the Giveaway site, and I've never yet seen a trial period restricted program on their site, they're always full programs.
  2. Did you run the 'Activate.exe' BEFORE installing? It is a full free program and should be the full version as long as you activated it before installing. Some negative comments below the giveaway regarding poor accuracy of the program. Also Spysweeper apparently picking up spyware in it:
  3. I don't have it listed in my CCleaner either Having investigated the winapp entry appears to be wrong for my version. The current entry is: [Windows Movie Maker]LangSecRef=3023Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MovieMakerDefault=TrueFileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Movie Maker|MEDIATAB0.DAT The detect key on my computer appears to be: Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MM20 Also the filename to be cleaned doesn't seem to exist on mine, instead theres a MEDIATAB1.DAT. Also seems to be possible to clean some more: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MM20\Recent Document List HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MM20\Publish Wizard\MRU List I rarely use Movie Maker so the above keys on mine are empty so can't test if they are cleanable items.
  4. But why??? If you want to analyse then analyse, if not, just click clean.
  5. Have you got the 'Custom files and folders' box ticked under the cleaners applications tab>Advanced section?
  6. I just paste it over the old gui files EXCEPT for the JKDefrag GUI config settings file.
  7. It is isn't it? When I click analyse the 'Run Cleaner' button is greyed out and can't be clicked.
  8. Nothing should be ticked under 'Advanced' by default and I'd suggest leaving them unticked unless you know what you are doing. Have a look at the CCleaner Beginners Guide HERE. For shredding sensitive data, if you do it often, I'd suggest installing Eraser. With that you can just right click and erase a file in the same way you'd right click-delete it (I use right click>Erase every time I delete a file now). This is better as Eraser does a better job of erasing data. Plus AFAIK moving a file leaves remnants of the file in the original location so even if you shred it in the recycle bin there may be recoverable elements in the files original location (hence the reason Eraser has a 'Secure move' function too, not that I've ever used it).
  9. Its up to you. CCleaner is pretty safe with its issues cleaner. Just clean them and make a backup when it prompts you, then if you have a problem just restore the backup. You could also be extra careful if you wanted and make a registry backup with ERUNT before running the issues cleaner.
  10. I know this isn't much help but I just tried it to see if it was a RegSeeker problem and I can merge backups without a problem (from within RegSeeker or merging the actual reg files)
  11. You might also want to give FireTune a try
  12. It is part of CCleaner by default.
  13. Seems to be working fine for me.
  14. I noticed it had reappeared too, despite me having hidden the update a couple of times already
  15. Not sure that would be advisable as it won't actually uninstall SAS:
  16. I've run CCleaner many times in safe mode without a problem. I think it just marks the index.dat for deletion at next restart as it does in normal mode
  17. Understandable, I've never been into their early death metal stuff. Check out the link rridgely, you might be surprised
  18. I gave up on them with the awful electronic album they released after One Second, but got back into them with the album before last (Symbol Of Life) and their last album was really very good. Check out 'Forever After' at their site: http://www.paradiselost.co.uk/fanarea/video
  19. Well I just tried it and its ok. Pretty basic and not that many results when you search but I may keep it for a while. EDIT: It has a 'Go pro' nag screen that pops up randomly and can't be closed for 10 seconds. EDIT 2: Also some tracks just don't play for some reason and has some minor bugs so think it may get uninstalled after all.
  20. Thanks for that, good site.
  21. It will simply uncompress them (make sure you click OK afterwards not just click out of it). If you want to you can highlight them all and right click>properties and untick the box and it will uncompress them all in one go. As for disk cleanup, unless you're really low on disk space you're best off unticking disk cleanups 'Compress old files' option as its not really worth doing
  22. Seems increasingly necessary, IIRC this is the second post this week involving an important file being stored in the temp directory.
  23. Looks like they've been compressed, CCleaner can't do that. Are you sure you didn't run Disk Cleanup which can compress old files? (To check if they have been compressed right click one of the blue ones, select 'Properties' and click the advanced button and see if the 'Compress contents to save disk space' box is ticked)
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