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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. On the one occasion I tried it, it simply didn't work (didn't cause any problems as such). The alternative method works fine though.
  2. The activate.exe is a standard part of the GOTD free software downloads, its just the activation program to activate the software for free (usually has to be run before installing the actual program).
  3. You should be fine with CCleaners reg/issues cleaner as it is designed to be very safe. Though you can make a backup when you fix any issues then if you have a problem you can restore the backup to fix it. Having said that I've been using CCleaner for about 2 years and never had any problems caused by the issues scanner.
  4. Untick ''Window size/location cache" under the cleaners advanced section. Can't help with the first problem though.
  5. Please be EXTREMELY careful with RegSeeker if you choose to use it and if you're not sure what you're doing with the registry then leave RegSeeker well alone. Its a very powerful program with the ability to do an awful lot of damage in inexperienced hands.
  6. Well actualy IIRC the peak age for your brainpower is around 25 years old (its all downhill from there lol ) and the IQ tests compensate for that. Yes but its a different test so you'll likely get a different result (especially with such a short test), it would only be a meaningful increase if he'd tested himself with the exact same test as previously. Besides your IQ can increase and decrease regardless of age, its partly down to how much you use your brain day to day.
  7. Quite like the humour of the verdicts, I got 124 with the comment: "What is your problem, you're not stupid, your even above average. But please make up your god damn mind. Either get a little less or tighten your boots and try to become gifted" Not really, they use your age in calculating your IQ so that it is comparable with people if different ages.
  8. I think the solution is actually to untick the 'Office' tickboxes under the applications section, not recent documents
  9. My trusty old Sygate firewall still passes the leak tests with 100% stealth rating (and uses around 9MB)
  10. But hows it gonna be the best cleaner in the world if its full of unfixed bugs?
  11. Same here, was quite disappointed
  12. JDPower


    RAM boosters are of course complete nonsense and will at best do little to improve your systems performance and at worst damage performance.
  13. You'll probably be looking forward to the next Tonb Raider game then, Tomb Raider Anniversary, which is a PS2 remake of the first game.
  14. But it doesn't work, thats the problem. They've gone from 98% backwards compatibility using the PS2 chip to, in their own words, "limited" PS2 compatibility using the software.
  15. Just stumbled across this, seems a bad move on Sonys part: http://www.theage.com.au/news/games/new-pl...2338762229.html
  16. That would be part of a Mandelbrot Set, a fascinating geometric pattern that is infinetly zoomable: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6460130356432628677 You can find loads of cool pics of them if you Google Mandelbrot Set and/or Fractals
  17. Why, what are you on, 1Mb? I remember when we went onto 1MB DSL it ran at that sort of speed for a few days (to make sure its stable or something) before being bumped up to its proper speed, shouldn't be the case for you as you've been on for a few weeks now. Check it on a few speed test sites to make sure its not one site giving a bad speed, if its wrong on all give your provider a call to make sure theres no issues Speed test sites: http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest.html http://speedtest.net/ http://www.abeltronica.com/velocimetro/pt/...&newlang=uk http://www.internetfrog.com/mypc/speedtest/ Also if your in the UK check to see if your exchange is having problems: http://usertools.plus.net/exchanges/?
  18. JDPower

    Toshiba laptop

    Well it looks pretty tasty to me. I've got a Tosh laptop and its pretty solid - 2 year old and no problems at all thus far (except overheating with very high resource apps, though I've solved that with a cooling pad) Shame its got Vista on it though
  19. Have a look at this thread with the same issue: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8827
  20. A completely new version you mean - AdAware 07 isn't an update its completely rebuilt new program.
  21. Also Jeroen has said there should be further file ordering options probably in the next version (possibly moving files to start of disk to compliment the new 'move files to end of disk' function) so its only gonna get better and better
  22. Me neither, looks like someone used a colour pallet called 'Vomit'. Thank goodness for the skin changer
  23. Yup, bug fix release is working fine now. I like the GUI as its easier to use, and having a GUI was what persuaded me to try JKD. Only problem is it doesn't offer all the different methods JKD has available, the GUI author has said there should be more options in the next version. Regarding JKDefrags authors future intentions for the program, this was asked recently as he kept mentioning a possible pro version at some point in the future. He said that even if he did make a pro version that too would be free (just more functions for advanced users) and he had no intention of making JKD a paid program.
  24. JDPower


    I suggested it in the suggestions thread a few months back. Really does need adding though, we're getting several threads a week that are answered with 'Have a read of the beginners guide'
  25. Just so you you know, I've been experiencing a minor bug with the new version of the GUI where the defrag window sometimes doesn't open, but defrag does happen. The new version of JKD itself though is working faultlessly
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