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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Funnily enough I was just reading an article about these memory optimising programs the other day. The conclusion was something along the lines of: At best they have no effect and at worst they can seriously damage performance. Personally I agree, I tried one for a while and found it made no difference, except to cause some programs to crash. Source: http://tweakhound.com/xp/xptweaks/supertweaks11.htm
  2. I used that for a while but didn't like it. Its based purely on user ratings and as such I found some site ratings to be pretty silly.
  3. I use a virtually identical style but though I quite like the vista style I don't like the white window borders so use this one which has black (or white) borders: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/39755679/
  4. It'll cost us over here even more than in the US though. Cost when its released over here (March 23rd) is about ?460 with one game ($900) with games retailing at ?50 ($98)
  5. Well those of us on this side of the pond can't even buy a PS3 yet so thats hardly a problem. Having said that, I certainly won't be buying a PS3 till the price comes down anyway
  6. But you can also buy PS3 intercoolers.
  7. Intercooler?!?! Joking aside, thought this was worthy of a read: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Microsoft-R...ler-38899.shtml
  8. This explains it: http://www.snopes.com/science/nailgrow.asp And a Google search will throw up many results giving almost purely the same opinion.
  9. Been discussed before, I wouldn't put too much faith in them.
  10. Just 18 processes running here but it all depends on your computer. Try disabling any unnecessary background services (Start>Run>services.msc) if you consider it a problem.
  11. Its actually not true, nails and hair continuing to grow after you die is actually a complete myth.
  12. Same here - 'IPS Driver Error' for a while earlier. Working fine now though (fingers crossed)
  13. There was a thread here a while back that I think concluded these comparisons were fairly worthless (it certainly is for comparing AVG as they're testing an old version - 7.1)
  14. Excellent, just make sure you get the recovery basics working solidly first (though I'm sure I don't need to say that )
  15. Oh yeah, forgot about the email scanner so probably about 2Mb usage is closer than my post of just over 1Mb (don't have the email scanner component installed on my AVG, don't need it)
  16. And its the feature I'm holding off installing it till
  17. I have the IE7 updates folder - contains 2 updates (both are hidden files) totalling 21Mb (which is the same as the IE7 folder itself)
  18. Agreed. Manufacturers will always use the stats that suit them. Yup, WELL under that. Currently showing as using just over 1Mb here, and usually less than that on my system as I have the update service turned off.
  19. No you don't (jc836 seemed to be answering a completely different question), as long as the Yahoo add on is gone its sorted. And yes you should always pay lots of attention when installing stuff.
  20. JDPower


    Plenty more 'examples' if you Google image search for chav
  21. Just tested it here by putting a couple of jpgs and an exe in the temp folder and CCleaner cleans them on my system
  22. JDPower


    Oh come on, are you seriously saying that using a derogotary term makes kids want to be that. I could just as easily label them braindead t**ts, by your logic all the kids would go 'Yeah I want to be a braindead t**t too'. Of the kids I know they REALLY don't want to be chavs because its a negative thing. As for what do I consider dodgy cars, basically any car that they spend all their time bolting cheap bits of plastic onto.
  23. JDPower


    Not really. Really poor dress sense (usually involving baseball caps, sportswear, cheap jewellery and anything Burberry) and not enough brain cells to realise are definite requirements. Usually boy racers in dodgy cars too.
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