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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. You can get the latest vesion of Java, Java Runtime Environment JRE 6, here (4th one down): http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp And latest Flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=ShockwaveFlash
  2. The "Last updated on 18th January 2007" just applies to the website, not the program itself.
  3. It usually does tell you if it didn't remove something. I haven't tried Zsoft's as I'm happy with Total Uninstall (takes about 4-5 minutes on my system which I'm happy with for the knowledge of a clean uninstall).
  4. Probably. I've tried a couple of themes that have caused strange things in other programs and when I've changed the theme back the problem has gone.
  5. Thanks. Though funnily enough I've just deleted the CCleaner cookies and revisited to recreate them again and I'm not getting any forum.CCleaner.com cookie anymore, just the CCleaner.com one, which thus far seems to be keeping me logged in on its own
  6. Are those all supposed to be American heroes?!?!
  7. Look at it again? I didn't look first time round (the links are dead). This is a single company's tests and like I said I take the results of one individual company's tests with a large pinch of salt, especially when after hunting out the results I see they aren't even testing the most recent version of AVG (7.5), which in my opinion makes the comparison completely worthless anyway. If several independent groups were to come out with results which showed AVG getting poor results then I might be inclined to listen, but its going to take more than one groups results to remove the 4 years of trust and proven results I've had personally with AVG.
  8. Since this forum was updated I seem to be getting randomly logged out, its happened twice just today. The only program cleaning my cookies is CCleaner and I've got the forum cookie in the '...to keep' list. I even tried deleting the old cookie and logging in again to create a new one but its not helped. Its not happening on any of the other forums I visit, so anyone got any idea why this one keeps logging me out?
  9. You should take these AV comparisons with a large pinch of salt, at least individually. I've used AVG free for over three years and have never been infected, and on the occasions I've visited dodgy sites, or downloaded something dodgy, AVG has always caught it. As for the update problems I don't know why people still go on about it. It was an issue for 2-3 weeks about a year ago but since then I've had no problem at all. Its also comparitively low on resources. I'm not saying its the best but its certainly a long way from being "among the weakest of all the AV programs"
  10. Not quite rude enough, give them big breasts and you get 100%:
  11. The index.dat is not cleaned when you run CCleaner, it has to be deleteed at startup so CCleaner simply marks index.dat for deletion at next restart. From the Beginners Guide
  12. Errr, Java 6 came out a couple of months ago EDIT: Having said that, just checked Java.com and they're offering version 5 update 10 as the latest. You can get version 6 from the Sun Microsystems site HERE. (Had it here since its release and no problems to report)
  13. Not completely convinced by those results. I still use Sygate and its passed (full stealth/invisible) every online test I've tried, yet it scores 'very poor'.
  14. Does this have any features that aren't in every other free recovery program? Also, I know its early for feature suggestions but, it would be great to have the ability to permanently erase files that are recoverable, either individually or as a whole.
  15. There's also this one, just to provide a little more info: http://engr.smu.edu/~kaytaz/xpservices.html
  16. Have you got any extensions installed, these can often be the cause of FF problems. Or as Humpty suggested, it may be even malware/virus related. Or it may just be a corrupt install requiring reinstall. It really is worth sticking with if you can find out and fix whatever is causing the problems.
  17. Correct. Did some googling and found this very interesting article on the subject of data recovery: http://www.nber.org/sys-admin/overwritten-data-guttman.html Also this rather heavyweight article which comes to the following conclusion:
  18. Are you logged on as an administrator, if not try that. Maybe also try doing it in safe mode
  19. JDPower


    That confuses matters a bit, fully featured free version 1 or reduced featured free version 2???
  20. Thats good news, I assume you did something in the Tools>Uninstall section. You don't need to do anything in the tools section, stick to the cleaner and issues sections. Also have a read of the beginners guide here: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  21. JDPower


    What makes you think that, I'm sure someone would have picked up on that before now if it did (its certified 100% clean on Softpedia)
  22. Super converter should be able to do it: http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html
  23. Andavari, would you mind posting to this thread when you update so we know its been updated - when you come into the software section of the forum it only shows this thread as being updated in November. I really appreciate this exclude file but have only just noticed its been updated six or seven since I last downloaded it. Thanks.
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