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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Makes the hosts file unusable for me as I have a FF extension that reloads the page if it doesn't connect. So I end up with all the ads constantly reloading
  2. I came to the conclusion quite quickly (and went back to my FiltersetG) simply because i started seeing adverts that I just don't see with FG. Noticeably it didn't seem to block the sort of porn ads you get on some dodgy sites (wares etc). Not that I visit dodgy sites of course
  3. It came back online a week or so ago You can do, apparently large filter lists can slow down browsing a little. Though I tried Easylist on its own when it looked like FiltersetG was no more and I found it to be pretty poor.
  4. JDPower

    Links down?

    Yup, not working for me either. The download page is there but it gives a server error if you try to download the slim or basic version.
  5. Backup4All 3.3 Lite and Paragon CD-ROM Emulator 3 Still looking for a backup program that I like so I'm gonna give Backup4All a try tomorrow
  6. It might make browsing marginally slower if you run it halfway through a browsing session, but the junk that accumulates by not using it will slow you down more IMO. You are best off running it at the end of a session if that is an issue for you. Personally I use it regularly during a browsing session and usually the difference is a positive one. In fact quite often if a web page or site is slow or not working, running CCleaner often sorts it. As for your security question, it won't have any detrimental effect on that. If anything it will make you slightly more secure as tracking cookies or malware hiding in temp files will be removed.
  7. I'm guessing that question was aimed at Elektro-Man
  8. Tried replacing the hosts file again in case I did something wrong first time and still the same result - 'Page cannot be displayed' message where the ads should be. Damn
  9. Being a bit of a spider hater I've been tempted to pour water on it and watch till it froze to the spot
  10. JDPower


    NOOOOOO. Thats your installed programs, remove them you'll have a very empty computer. Its basically whats listed in Add/Remove programs with some extra programs that Windows doesn't display.
  11. You misunderstood. The music files that I'm trying to burn to CD are in wav format. Gonna try using a CDR instead tomorrow, I'll let you know if it works.
  12. Not sure if CCleaner caused it but to attempt to fix it download Dial-a-Fix from here: http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix#Download_Dial-a-fix After downloading it, double click the it to open it, tick the 'Fix Windows Update' box and click 'Go'
  13. Finally got round to trying the hosts file and don't like it. For starters it killed my theme, but more annoyingly, the blocked ads on alot of pages are replace by "Internet Explorer is unable to display the page" and in FF "Unable to connect" messages. I'll stick to AdBlock and Spyware Blaster I think
  14. I'm burning it as an audio CD (using AShampoo Burning studio 07). They are saved as stereo wav files and they are recording to CD no problem, as I said they playback on my PC, just won't play in a CD player. Is there more chance of it working with a CD-R?
  15. I'm trying to burn some music files to CD but must be doing something wrong. The audio files are in .wav format (i read thats the best format to use for CD playback) and I'm recording to CD-RW. I can play the CD on my PC but its not recognised in a regular CD player. What am I doing wrong? Is it the audio format, should I use a CD-R instead of CD-RW? Any help much appreciated.
  16. Yes, its unfortunate as this version fixes a few bugs but seems to have caused a few minor ones too. There is a new version due soon as the current one was released with a partial fix to the IE7 problems which is still being worked on. MrG has a busy few weeks/months ahead I think
  17. Not another thing the new version is missing, think it may be time for a downgrade here
  18. One thing you need to realise, IMO you shouldn't be aiming for zero entries found by RegSeeker (or anywhere near it). The odds are alot few of the entries will be needed, despite what RegSeeker says. If your system's running fine you shouldn't be worrying about it, you certainly won't see any improvement in performance just by removing some invalid entries. I removed some entries from uninstalled and old software with RegSeeker recently and have about 300 left, my computers running fine so they can stay exactly where they are.
  19. That is just the 'Compact' function, they recommend against using this now anyway. A regular defrag takes about 20-30 mins on my computer and gives an excellent result.
  20. Almost all CCleaner issues found are safe to delete. RegSeeker on the other hand is a very powerful program and you can do some serious damge with it, so if you're not absolutely certain you know what you're doing leave it well alone. And definitely don't just go by the colour coding of entries as you can still cause problems deleting entries which may be listed as safe. Accidently deleting some needed entries will cause far more trouble than leaving a few dead entries alone.
  21. DirMS-CL (No install and most thorough defrag I've found)
  22. It wouldn't be a very popular program if it removed all the programs would it. If you're confused have a read of the beginners guide HERE
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