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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Have you got anything ticked under the 'Advaced' section, if so try unticking the 'Window Size/Location Cache'.
  2. Some files are still recoverable even when using those methods, its just due to CCleaners erase function not being the strongest (better than nothing though.) Certainly wouldn't want CCleaner erasing free space, too easy for something like that to go wrong. Besides Eraser does that well enough if you really want that.
  3. Just cos its discontinued doesn't stop it being an excellent firewall, still passes every leak test I've thrown at it so I'll be sticking with it, at least till one of the other free firewalls starts to stand out as a clear leader. I certainly wouldn't switch to Zone Alarm, had some experience of that on another computer and it was a complete nightmare.
  4. If theres nothing wrong then no it won't make your pc run better. Its not an everyday program, its just very good at fixing some common problems that sometimes crop up. Don't think you'll find any info other than whats on the Dial-a-fix site and in the program itself.
  5. What a great site, I feel like going and burning a DVD just for the fun of reading the guide:
  6. Depends what you want to fix, what exactly are you wanting it to help with?
  7. JDPower


    Indeed, very useful site.
  8. Not really. I have temp internet files set to use a maximum of 150Mb, only takes a couple of days browsing without running CCleaner to build that amount up.
  9. Its not really for finding errors, more for fixing something when its already gone wrong. It saved me on one occasion when Windows Update wasn't working working because the BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer) service had stopped for no apparent reason and wouldn't restart. Spent about two months in contact with MS tech support with no solution. Came on here, had Dial-a-fix recommended and it fixed it within 30 seconds. Having said that I've had no use for it since but it will be staying on my computer just in case (What I'm trying to say is, yes its very good )
  10. Well its helped make a more informed decision about whether I can trust a program before I install it on several occasions, and once or twice has stopped me from installing something that I wouldn't have wanted on my computer.
  11. I use it to analyse every program I install, its rarely necessary but for the sake of a couple of seconds longer installing I think its worthwhile.
  12. Just on a side note, running CCleaner at startup can cause problems when you install some programs that require a reboot to complete installation. I think most would suggest not running it at startup. I know that doesn't help with your problem, just pointing it out.
  13. Sounds like theres something wrong with your toolbar then
  14. Eraser is great and I use it all the time but its not much help for the files that are recoverable after using CCleaner (using secure deletion methods). Then your only option then is a free space wipe, only ever done that once as the potential for it going wrong scares me. Or restore the recoverable files to a folder then erase that folder with Eraser, which isn't the most convenient of solutions. Hopefully CCleaner 2 will have slightly improved secure deletion methods. I know its not an essntial function of the program but it would be nice
  15. Same here, and until some firewall comes along that is significantly better I'll be sticking with it I think.
  16. Version 1.2 of Eulalyzer just been released: http://www.majorgeeks.com/EULAlyzer_d4759.html Changes in 1.2: Improved and enhanced detection of interesting items based on user feedback, enhanced automatic EULA detection in EULA-Watch (now covers many new versions of installers), tweaks and additions suggested by users, and many small bug fixes.
  17. Google Toolbar (for Firefox) is not being listed in CCleaner anymore. Using CCleaner 1.36.430, WinXP, FF, Google Toolbar 2.1.20060807W I looked in CCleaners winapp.ini and it lists Google toolbar 4.0 and Google toolbar 1.1, neither of these match the current version of the toolbar which I assume is the problem.
  18. The Google toolbar isn't even listed in my CCleaner anymore. No surprise then that it doesn't clean it here either. Do you have the toolbar listed under CCleaners application tab? It appears to be slightly different in the FF version, you click the Google button on the toolbar (the one that has the full word "Google" on it), then in the dropdown menu is the option to clear the search history.
  19. I've tried restoration and didn't like it, had a couple of problems when I tried it too, haven't tried the other two. The best unerase tool I've tried, and the only one I ever use now, is Avira Unerase (free version): http://www.free-av.com/antivirclassic/avira_unerase.html
  20. I actually use Eraser (5.7) for deleting almost everything, either via right click>erase or delete to recycle bin then erase recycle bin. Personally I trust Erasers secure deletion far more than CCleaners due to finding some files securely deleted by CCleaner easily recoverable.
  21. One of the startup programs sounds the most likely cause to me (though having a HP printer myself I have found the software to be pretty unstable and end up reinstalling about every six months). Try enabling the startup programs you disabled, if that fixes it you know its one of them. You can then disable them one at a time to avoid disabling the needed one (if that is the cause).
  22. It may make a noticeable difference but not necessarily a positive one. Get rid of it and try Firetune instead which does work.
  23. I don't see any either thanks Firefox with Adblock and FiltersetG
  24. Thats what the issues scanner is. Admittedly its nowhere near as thorough as Reg Mechanic or Reg Seeker but its not designed to be, its meant as a safe alternative.
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