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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. JDPower

    Memory Tip

    I tried that a while back and kept getting explorer failing to start at computer startup.
  2. JDPower

    Memory Tip

    That'd be a great find (if there is one).
  3. I've been trying to get to grips with batch files so that I can end a bunch of services and programs before I play a game that I use quite often. I've put together a working batch file that ends the services and programs I want it too, then run the game and restart those services and programs on exit. My question is this - is there any way to also stop explorer.exe prior to running the game? When I add explorer to the batch file as a process to kill I can't get anything to launch after that, ie explorer closes and then nothing happens. I'm sure it must be possible as I've Googled and found gamers who do it but only found one suggestion of how to which doesn't work for me. Heres the section of the batch file that isn't working (I'm using Sysinternals PSKill as 'taskkill' doesn't work in XP Home): pskill -t explorer.exeSTART /wait C:\Papyrus\NASCAR~1\Nr2003.exeSTART explorer.exeexit The "pskill -t" command works fine for every other program and the line "START /wait C:\Papyrus\NASCAR~1\Nr2003.exe" works fine, just can't get it to launch after closing explorer (Apologies if this is a really simple question but I just can't find the answer)
  4. JDPower

    Log In

    And again, twice (so far) in one day, so its not fixed
  5. JDPower

    Log In

    Had to login again just now
  6. JDPower

    Log In

    Same here, hopefully that was just the cookie settings change. I have been kept logged in with just the CCleaner.com cookie for last week, no forum cookie was appearing, but that returned today too.
  7. So am I to take it from the quote below that they can be safely deleted (as they will just be recreated if needed), but leave the ones that are the frequently used items currently in the start menu if you want them left there?:
  8. Good news, might have a computer capable of running Vista by then
  9. JDPower


    LOL, its permanently
  10. JDPower


    I've been trying this out for past couple of days and am very impressed, so much so I've uninstalled DirMS (which I've been singing the praises of for a while). It also has a promising looking future - was browsing the JK forum and some kind of ordering of files to provide further optimisation is being considered for the future:
  11. Thanks for letting us know.
  12. Its also the setting for Fifth Gear, which I'm guessing might be why it was there.
  13. Can anyone tell me what the UEME_Runpath entries are that the latest version of RegSeeker now finds in the Histories>Old Start Menu Items section? With the old version of RS the old start menu items only ever listed the odd few items, and they were always safe to delete. But since updating to the new version (1.52) it now lists over 200, most of which are these UEME_Runpath entries. All I could find from Googling was that they might be something to do with user assist history. Are they safe to remove (as the invalid start menu items used to be) or should they be treated as carefully as regular regseeker invalid entries from a reg scan?
  14. In IE7 its Tools>Internet Options>General tab>Delete (in browsing history section)>Form Data (and saved passwords if you want rid of them too)
  15. I think thats a pretty good idea to have some sort of audio or visual notification of cleaning finished. Not something I've thought of before but would certainly use it.
  16. This is one of my favourite illusions: http://www.grand-illusions.com/opticalillu...s/amazing_dots/ Also look at the video for this one, absolutely brilliant: http://www.grand-illusions.com/opticalillu...ragon_illusion/
  17. What he said. I'd give it a 9/10 - one dropped mark for the high CPU usage when running a scan and its pretty slow when running anything else at same time. Having said that I wouldn't be without it as an on demand scanner.
  18. I already asked about this, I think it is planned
  19. Have a read of this: http://forum.CCleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=8588
  20. Really , even my trusty old Sygate only uses 8-12Mb.
  21. Yes, uninstall them, they aren't needed.
  22. What sort of memory usage does Comodo have?
  23. Definitely something strange going on there then, I actually reinstalled them both recently with no problem. Though having said that I know what a pain it is as I also reinstalled Shockwave player and that now refuses to work in IE - always says it needs to install it, I install again and it still says it needs to install it. Haven't got any idea why, just have to open any Shockwave sites in Firefox.
  24. It is an excellent suggestion though, and certainly one I'd really like to see added to CCleaner (If its gonna offer secure deletion, it might as well do it properly). Wouldn't want it doing a free space wipe though, I think thats beyond the remit of CCleaner.
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