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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Just be VERY careful with the reg cleaners though, you'll end up doing more harm than good if you're not.
  2. JDPower


    You can already do that in Windows anyway using one of the MS PowerToys, just not with the flashy/pointless spinny cube thing.
  3. Don't think I could pick one album. Only one that comes to mind is Pink Floyds The Wall, think thats mainly down to Comfortably Numb though (my all time fave song). Their last, self titled, album was pretty damn good though.
  4. I didn't know that. Alot of code and unintelligible stuff in there but a few words/phrases. Starts with 'Pagedump' followed by 'Page' written about 50 times and then a long list of code and symbols with stuff through it like 'Raw stack dump', 'Stack unwind information unavailable' and various file names/locations. So memory dump??? (I've absolutely no idea what data is in a memory dump but it looks like it to me). And if so can it be deleted? Don't think I've ever had a BSOD memory dump leave something behind like that
  5. If you just want to run the game without the CD there are no-CD patches for Chessmaster 8000, Chessmaster 9000 and Chessmaster 10th Edition at GameCopyWorld.com
  6. Right, this is really peeing me off now. Took the old hub back and bought a decent powered hub (This one). Exact same problem, nothing at all coming through my modem when its plugged in to my computer via the USB hub. There must be some explanation/solution for this. Anyone any suggestions at all???
  7. I think this was created when my Windows BSOD'd and I noticed it during a defrag after the crash. Its in my C:\Windows directory and is 447MB. That file size makes me think it must be a memory dump as I've effectively got 448MB RAM and when it BSOD'd it did a physical memory dump. Am I right and if so can it be deleted???
  8. The mistake there was buying Sanyo I assume as Betamax was the superior format with better picture quality than VHS.
  9. I'll be sticking with McAfee's version, its hardly a big deal keeping the one cookie so you don't see the ad page.
  10. Be alot simpler just to use Unlocker (I just tried it on one of those folders and unlocker did its stuff and let me delete it no problem)
  11. It is very good but the full optimisation mode can take a long time and the author of JKDefrag recommends it only be used occasionly due to the intensive hard drive activity. The fast optimisation method is almost as good once you've run the full method once.
  12. No but it answers the question that Hazelnut was actually replying to: I doubt CCleaner will ever have a one click issues cleaner as it just goes against the concept of a safe cleaner having people cleaning reg entries without even reviewing them. I certainly wouldn't use it.
  13. JDPower


    It seems it does, though I'm not sure if its on by default (I've used Spybot for years and never really noticed this setting). If you look in Settings>File sets, at the bottom is a tick box for 'Usage tracks'. If ticked this will clean all cookies except those excluded as Chevygal pointed out (in Settings>Ignore Cookies). These 'usage tracks' will show up in the Spybot scan results as green entries. To answer Chevygals original question, yes they all find the same cookies and yes it is kinda overkill using three different methods of cleaning them. I would suggest turning off Spybots usage track cleaning and just let CCleaner handle the cookies. If nothing else it'll at least make it easier to keep track of what cookies you want to keep, ie not having to go into three different programs to add a new exclusion. Plus ATF cleaner deletes ALL cookies, it doesn't have an exclusions list so every time you run that every site that you have set to log you in automatically you'll have to login manually
  14. And crashes regularly for no apparent reason
  15. Yes - when you close the defrag window click on 'File>Read logfile' in the GUI.
  16. So does JKDefrag and that would certainly be the one I'd recommend.
  17. I uploaded it to VirusTotal and Panda also labelled it as 'Suspicious', nothing else did though.
  18. Really, do they play ok in WMP? I have QT Alternative but all my .mov clips stutter really bad in WMP.
  19. No, it won't remove any programs (unless you use the Tools>Uninstall section which I'd suggest you leave alone till your familiar with it). Have a look through the CCleaner beginners guide and come back if you have any unanswered questions: http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/ccleanerbeginnersguide/
  20. I have only used 7Zip as it works well and I've never had a problem with it not opening something so never had to try any others (though I have been tempted to try Izarc, just never got round to it)
  21. Hang on. You give us no details of how they did it or how to prevent it and end the post with a smile?!?!
  22. No, but its like that with just the modem connected to it (and nothing else) and theres absolutely no signal from the modem - both the DSL and data lights on it are permanently off. Makes me suspect its not just a power issue.
  23. I've just had two of my laptops usb ports die on me leaving me with just one working port. So I decided to buy a usb hub as I obviously need to connect more than one usb device. I bought this one as it was cheap : http://www.infotechshop.co.uk/products.asp?recnumber=2812 Problem is my broadband modem won't connect through it, theres absolutely no data signal at all from the modem when its connected through the usb hub (the data light on the modem doesn't so much as flicker). There IS power to it and the hub powers other devices no problem just can't get internet working through it. Anyone any suggestions? Am I likely to have problems with other usb hubs if I get another?
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