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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. It is probably because its deleting the Google cookie and so you are not staying logged into Google, which is necessary for preferences to work. After you've signed into Google open CCleaner, click 'Options', click 'Cookies'. Highlight the Google cookie on the left hand column ('Cookies to delete'), then click the arrow button (->) to move it to the cookies to keep. Slightly OT but for people who dislike the privacy issue of staying logged into Google, if using Firefox the Customize Google extension will keep preferences set without being logged into Google. And with your choice of showing 100 results per page you'd probably like its 'Stream search results option' (See it in action HERE)
  2. Some astonishing pics there, this looks like a scene straight out of War of the Worlds or Independence Day: http://www.extremeinstability.com/wp/1430wp.jpg
  3. Well its your choice. You've had two false positives from it in as many weeks, if you want to keep using it then the least you can do is scan with one or two other scanners to at least try to find out for yourself if its a false positive. One things for sure, if you keep letting it remove Spyware Blaster or Spybot blocked zones you'll soon start getting real spyware.
  4. Thanks Hazel. Been using the last free version they gave away and its a nice simple program. Surprising to see McAfee Site Advisor marking the Ashampoo site a red site for a browser exploit: "Breached browser security. When we browsed this site, it made unauthorized changes to our test PC"
  5. It probably can't be removed normally. The index.dat that CCleaner cleans has to be removed at startup, its then automatically rebuilt by Windows as an empty index.dat file. So I'm guessing adding it as a custom file simply won't work.
  6. I've got stuff off there before and its a pretty safe site (though McAfee SiteAdvisor claims one dodgy download on there)
  7. CCleaner also says if you have SP2 installed (at the top under the CCleaner version number)
  8. Quit using NoAdware, or at least scan with some more reliable programs to find out for yourself if its a false positive. You've already seen for yourself it gives false positives.
  9. Firefox has a habit of leaving the FF exe running for a while after closing, especially if its been open a long time. You can either wait the 30 secs or so till Firefox closes properly or open task manager (Ctrl-alt-delete), right click 'firefox.exe' under the processe tab and click 'End process'. I would suggest the first option though. If its staying running for minutes or more there may be an extension causing the problem. Also the now rarely used program Firefox Preloader will keep the FF exe running.
  10. Apparently its still @gmail if you get a Gmail invite too. So if anyone has one going spare...
  11. Click the link in Andavaris post.
  12. Are you sure you are talking about CCleaner? CCleaner does not go on a toolbar, sorry if this sounds a stupid question but do you actually have CCleaner installed, can you access it from the Start>All Programs list? Also you said it used to be on your Yahoo toolbar, can you explain better what you actually had on the toolbar and what happened when you clicked it (did CCleaner open). Is this yahoo toolbar in Internet Explorer? Also, just to make things clearer, what does the button you used to click look like? Was it a red C like this one: http://www.tweakers.net/ext/i.dsp/1094467922.jpg (Sorry for all the questions, just trying to understand better so I can try to help )
  13. If you open CCleaner, click the cleaner button. There is a list of checkboxes, the last section is entitled 'Advanced' and under that is the tickbox for 'User assist history'. If you have that box ticked it will remove everything from the menu you see when you click the Start button at the bottom left of your screen. Like I said you probably shouldn't have any of the tickboxes under advanced ticked unless you know what they do. (PS Don't worry about being a newbie, we've all been there)
  14. I'm just looking to change to a provider other than AOL so that my email account is not dependent on my ISP. I'm not to bothered about fancy features, just useabilty, reliabilty and security (and preferably without ads in emails either now or in future)
  15. Untick 'User assist history' under CCleaners advanced section (and if you don't understand what the advanced section does untick ALL under that section and have a read of the CCleaner Beginners Guide HERE)
  16. Which do use/recommend and why - Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo mail (or other)
  17. What has happened to parenting skills these days? I don't think games consoles are something kids should have at just three years old. And a two week ban?!?! He'll have forgotten about it in three. I'd do the same to his Wii as he did to the TV, then he'd learn a lesson he wouldn't forget!
  18. Shame they only offer @googlemail.com addresses now instead of the simpler (quicker to type) @gmail.com
  19. You probably should with it being a high priority update (even if you don't now it'll probably end up in one of them 'Cumulative updates' in a couple of months) I installed it earlier in the week without a problem.
  20. Is there actually anything on the external hard drive that CCleaner could clean?
  21. Don't be silly, you've got a LOOOONG time before you're that old - 5 or 6 years, maybe even more
  22. Lesson learned then - don't just automatically click next without reading the details. Wouldn't have killed Windows updates though.
  23. And linked to, with instructions, in the post I linked to
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