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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Works great, far better than relying on some program to do it. Got to say though I had problems with a couple of the uxtheme patch programs just not working. This one works on every computer I've tried it on though: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enh...e-Patcher.shtml
  2. Thats the problem though, alot have the fan on the bottom.
  3. Huge thanks to RRidgely who has sent me the installer, felt lost without my only trusted reg cleaner to clean up after the reinstall. Top bloke Yes, it was Eraser. I've always avoided using its 'first and last two bytes' erase method purely because it was killing peoples computer if used to erase empty space when version 5.8 first came out. They removed the option to clean free space with that method (but left in in for normal erasing) and its supposed to be safe now. I had a load of large Photoshop files to erase so used the 'first and last two bytes' to save time. Restarted the computer and was met with the heart breaking message "Operating system missing..."!!! Luckily, despite not finding a backup program I like for regular use, I did have about 70% of important stuff backed up. Just had to spend the best part of three days reinstalling and setting stuff back up. I shall be posting my annoyance on the Eraser forums soon
  4. Just had to do an unexpected reformat (after the supposedly now safe Eraser killed Windows dead) and found I don't have a backup of the Reg Mechanic 5.1 installer - the one that was given away free from VNU net (I've still got the registration details). Anyone know a download site or got a backup of the installer they wouldn't mind sending to me please
  5. Mine does, mainly if running high load programs. Just tend to make sure its on a hard surface, though I actually bought a cheap cooling pad and its worked wonders. (Mine has been a bit worse than usual lately so I think its about time for me to open it up and renew the heatsink paste)
  6. Try the Crucial memory advisor to see what your computer can handle: http://www.crucial.com/store/listmfgr.asp?cat=RAM I entered your computer model and this was the result: http://www.crucial.com/store/listparts.asp...l=Inspiron+B130
  7. It always surprises me when I see people getting false positives and accepting it as normal. I've been using AVG free for 4 years and have never had a false positive (or a virus). Not boasting, just stating a fact. On the subject of Avast it seems to me to be significantly worse than some for false positives recently, or at least thats the impression I get from the number of fp posts on forums from Avast users.
  8. Probably the free version of Super Antispyware is your best bet at present
  9. C:\Documents and Settings\user\.thumbnails It contains a load of thumbnail png images and one 3.7Gb!!! png which won't open. What are these thumbnails for and can they be deleted along with this mystery 3Gb file? (WinXP Home)
  10. Ah, sorry. Didn't realise he'd pm'd you with some links, thought you were talking about links in his post, which there weren't any except for in his signature
  11. LOL, I'm so glad I never got round to trying it
  12. Interesting idea for a topic but can I just suggest only one or two pictures (ie main browser with main theme), not a pic of every browser you've got with every theme
  13. Heres mine - Firefox with Glassier theme:
  14. Unless he's edited his post the only links there are those in his signature, those weren't suggested links to visit
  15. You could try Paragon Hard Drive Manager which is still available free here (this will certainly do it): http://www.computeractive.co.uk/hdmanager8/index
  16. To another tree I should think
  17. Perhaps this advice could be added to the "Reg issues reappearing" sticky as something to try if using Vista.
  18. Have a look at this post about issues reappearing: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8588 I hope you knew what you were doing with Regseeker and didn't just fix everything it found though or else it will almost certainly have caused some damage. Its a very powerful tool and the entries it finds should be treated with great caution (ie most entries it finds are not invalid).
  19. Looking at all those blokes on the masts reminded me of the game Lemmings
  20. LOL, thats what you call a tree house
  21. It appears to be pointing to a trojan WITHIN the VB settings, not VB itself so you may have an infection of some sort. You should definitely post a HighjackThis log in the relevent section of the forum as suggested:
  22. Well just had a look at it, the way it handles exclusions and including spacehogs is exactly the same as the JKD Starter GUI I've been using recently. I thought he would maybe add a browsing ability so that those who didn't quite understand how to include/exclude files could just browse to them and include them. On the plus side that means I can just copy and paste my inclusions and exclusions from JKD Starter to this to try it Its also about three times the size of JKD Starter (only 3Mb though). Plus I don't like that Ewieldra's GUI has to be kept open when defragging using about 10Mb of memory, JKD Starter can be closed once defrag starts which is important if defragging with as little running as possible (to obtain a better defrag/optimisation result). The only advantage it has is that it keeps the disk display visible when defrag finishes, JKD Starter goes to a blank screen. I don't think that alone is enough for me to switch back to this GUI though, I'll be sticking with JKD starter.
  23. It'll work with whatever version of JKD you've got. Its only a front end, all it does is send the commands you select to JKD and as the last few JKD versions have only been bugfixes (ie no new features) the gui doesn't need to be updated, ie it'll work exactly the same with JKD 3.12 as it will with 3.15. For that GUI though you will need to download JKD itself seperately from the JKD Homepage. I've started to really like this GUI and may even stick with it even after Ewieldra releases his updated GUI, which is the one I've always used before (unlike the GUI above his needs to be updated as he hasn't yet got the new JKD features/commands built into it)
  24. Incidentally what are the websites that say this is a trojan (just out of curiosity)
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