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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. I didn't realise that. Not sure I could think of anything more appropriate than Power Member bearing in mind my name though
  2. Now that's just rudely over helpful
  3. Its in the cleaners advanced section and will clear a considerable amount of space with the amount of updates he has listed, but will mean any Windows Updates will not be able to be uninstalled, hence why I said only if the system is stable. Also uninstalling the old Java versions will clear 100Mb or so
  4. BTW I'm not saying that just cos everyone slags AOL, I'm on AOL myself so know all too well how slow and unreliable the browser is. I only use Firefox but my girlfriend almost always uses AOL, even though she knows off by heart now the two responses from me when she can't get a site to load - "Run Crap Cleaner" and "Use Firefox"
  5. I've never had to reinstall it and never had a single problem with it
  6. Definitely tell her to dump the AOL browser, its terrible, and recommend she try using Firefox or IE7 again.
  7. Just had a look and it looks like its an activeX issue - the Myspace player is an activeX control in IE and Firefox doesn't allow any activeX controls as they can be a security risk (the 'Comments' and 'Rate' links don't work either do they). If Myspace was any good they would have found a way to make the site work normally in Firefox but they obviously haven't.
  8. Yeah but you can still get Sygate in plenty of places: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Fire...wall-Free.shtml And it still passes the leak tests with 100% stealth rating, despite being a couple of year old (and just as imporantly doesn't break anything or pester me for permissions every five mins).
  9. Can you give us a link to an example page (don't use Myspace so not sure what you mean)
  10. Make sure your using the one of the filter subscriptions too, then you should see virtually no ads anywhere (Easylist is the only one I'd recommend) and with AdBlock Plus they automatically update so you set and forget
  11. Quite amusing but almost certainly fake I think.
  12. A minor point - the 'Malware Prevention' and 'Free software' sections are too wide, ie they have a scroll bar at the bottom and you have to scroll across to read the page (at 1024x768) BTW, just out of curiousity, Why do you recommend Pidgin over Miranda?
  13. And I'm still using Sygate, and suspect I will be for a while yet as theres been nothing close to it as far as problem free effective firewalls go.
  14. Well theres your problem, you wanna use a filter list or you'll never get on top of the ads. If your using the original Adblock use FiltersetG: http://www.pierceive.com/filtersetg/ (Read the instructions for how to add them to Adblock) If your using Adblock Plus (which you really should be now as Adblock hasn't been updated for a long time and Plus is better in several areas) there are filter subsriptions here: http://adblockplus.org/en/subscriptions (I use Easylist and Easy Element)
  15. Well after my recent reinstall I've managed to do without the majority of my previous 35ish extensions. Currently just 14: 1. AdblockPlusElementHidingHelper{1.0.1} 2. AdblockPlus{} 3. CustomizeGoogle{0.60} 4. CuteMenus-CrystalSVG{1.9.1} 5. DownThemAll{} 6. DownloadManagerTweak{0.7.2} 7. DuplicateTab{0.9} 8. FirefoxExtensionBackupExtensionFEBE{} 9. McAfeeSiteAdvisor{26.3} 10. MenuEditor{} 11. SessionManager{} 12. TryAgain{2.0} 13. openselectedlinks{2006.01.14} 14. toolbarmode{0.7.0} Think a few more may creep back though - Gmail notifier, Google Toolbar (or some other extension that will highlight search results).
  16. Um, that would be AdBlock wouldn't it? What filter list are you using?
  17. Slightly OTT I think (just because you would remove something doesn't mean he doesn't have a good reason for having it). And you missed one, he's got two versions of Java installed, not even the most recent, so needs to install the latest version and remove the two old versions. With that many Windows updates and hotfixes I'd probably also suggest CCleaners hotfix uninstaller cleaning, but only if the system is stable. And you told him to uninstall Opera AND Firefox, why?
  18. JDPower


    I'm guessing they are still focusing on the basic functionality of the program at present and will add features to the business edition. Though as its only a year subscription I don't see much point.
  19. Sorry to say this but it sounds like you've got a virus. Post a HijackThis log in the relevent forum section and someone will help you get rid of it: HJT Instructions here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...amp;#entry75480 Post log here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12
  20. JDPower

    MRI anyone?

    Well like I said my dad has had a couple when he's had cancer and he said he nearly dozed off
  21. Let us know if you have any probs and we'll try our best to help
  22. JDPower

    MRI anyone?

    Well you're not physically squeezed in, you just won't have much room to stretch . Besides if its just your foot the nurse was probably right about having most of your body out of it. Lots of info about it if you Google, or to save you a few seconds click HERE
  23. You basically want a program that can handle layers (ie the main pic as the bottom layer, the persons face will be the top layer). I use GIMP (LINK) though it takes some getting used to. I'm pretty sure Paint.net and Photofiltre can both handle layers too and may be easier to work with for simpler stuff
  24. Try checking here: http://www.castlecops.com/StartupList.html I don't think the first and last one you mentioned will cause any problem being disabled but I've no experience with Vista so can't say for definite
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