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Everything posted by davey

  1. davey


    Thanks rridgely! I always wondered what all that garbage was.I just figured it was another suck you in site SO they show you all their wonder wares.What do they pay for that? Between them and all the phony .org .quorum .qarchives etc sites some times you have to start on page 3 of the Google search to start to get to anything real. What a waste of Google space. Sometimes makes me switch Search Engines for awhile. davey
  2. Hi manhattan, Augeas gave you terrific instructions to "Secure Delete" (Erase) current data. There are probably "adult content" pictures still on that Hard Drive but they have been deleted in the past and nobody can see them unless they have software like Piriform Recuva. If you want to "erase" that data it will require a special program to delete them all. I think it is important for you to know this.If you want to eliminate this data please see this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99736 Best Wishes, davey P.S. You seem to be a new user.Something lead you to this forum.Take advantage of your membership to read and learn by "searching" the forums on various subjects.Here is a link to get you started. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 You are a very considerate "family member" to insure the privacy of others. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!
  3. Hi middleman, Of course . http://www.CCleaner.com/ Make sure to turn off check auto update and Yahoo toolbar if you don't want it.Do this when installing. Check for updates manually on the CCleaner window. Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. davey P.S. I don't know what is going on in your current version but turn off auto updates check at Options > Settings. Current ver is CCleaner 2.06.567 and is good. Nowadays when software does strange things like ask for passwords etc,I would check my security settings and run some scans. SECURITY ADVICE As security programs get better and better, malware programs get more and more devious. As far as security goes I recommend you use this link.Bookmark it and Add to Favorites. http://internetrotsyourbrain.com/rridgely/freesoftware.htm Read his other Posts(Buttons on left) I use Windows Firewall,AVG Free Edition and Spyware Blaster.They or their equivalent should be installed and active on every PC.They offer the best basic protection with minimal required attention and system resources. These are the only things I allow to automatically update. Like the average PC user,I believe in keeping things simple.All other products I manually update. I do have other security software installed and I use them on an as desired basis. It is best to have them installed before you get infected.Malware sometimes prevents anti-malware from being installed when you need it the most.
  4. Hi pariah, You may need one of these links depending on what OS you have. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP EDIT Don't forget good computer habits. Always IMMEDIATELY REBOOT after installing new software. Good Luck, davey P.S. Need the complete message.You may have a hardware problem.Any changes recently? P.S.S. It could also be a virus. Run some different scans. http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ ESET link free online http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Trend Micro Housecall free online I Recommend you install AVG Free,REBOOT ,run it and check for updates then run a scan . Use it is an excellent anti-virus. You can check out others later.Do it ,even if you don't find a virus with the on-line scanners. AVG Free Edition. http://free.grisoft.com/doc/downloads-prod...s/frt/0?prd=aff
  5. Hi Fazio, Good to see members searching the forum. Every Hot Fix comes with an Uninstall program.That way users can run it if things don't work correctly after applying the Hot Fix .I normally keep this option unchecked until it gets near the next MS "Patch Tueday".Then I will turn it back on to clean out last months Hot Fix uninstaller programs. I turn it back off and do it again next month. If you are not in a bind for disk space,you can just leave them alone. If you do delete them,you will no longer see them listed in Add/Remove Programs. davey "Search" and you shall find. Good work!!!
  6. Have you run HDTune or something similar on your E drive. Excellent Everybody uses it. http://www.hdtune.com/ davey P.S. Just click on Download and take your pick.Check your results against Test Results at hdtune.com.
  7. Hi Zack, That is a real interesting situation you have there. The following info may help others come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report. P.S. Do you have anything else running when you run CCleaner? Also Happy Piriform Membership Anniversary!!!
  8. Hello my friend Gandorwig, As you can see there are many great members here to help you. You have apparently learned quite a bit on your own over the last 4 years. Now you have a place to come to read and learn. Also to verify some things when you are not sure. If you have a Software related problem you can start a "New Topic" in the Software forum. A Hardware question then of course the Hardware forum. If it is related to a specific Piriform product then use that forum etc. As regards uninstalling any software,the best practice is to go to the software manufacturer itself. If Google then Google.com etc. and the same with the other companies. Software companies don't want a bad reputation. Many products are getting so sophisticated that each product has it's own uninstall procedure and some times special "clean-up" tools. This makes it easier to remove all related files,programs,registry entries and avoid conflicts with your operating system. This is probably what happened with the Google tool bar when you tried to do it manually. Many free software products have options to opt out of installing other popular tools. With CCleaner the option is the Yahoo toolbar. Some software distribution websites also have free products that you also must opt out of installing the Google toolbar,Google package or some other software products etc. All users must check every install option very closely when installing "free" or "commercial" software. Best Wishes, davey
  9. SIMPLE CHANGE http://www.CCleaner.com/help/faq Can we get the link For "Where is the help file?" to link to the Beginners Guide page or have this page http://www.CCleaner.com/help/faq/general/w...s-the-help-file to link to the Beginner's Guide page. Either way would help out a lot of user's who go to the FAQ page as instructed and then get put into a loop. Thanks, davey
  10. Hey me1, Is CCleaner running OK ??? It may be a Windows 2000 without service packs thing. It is strange to see all the icons folded over the way they are and the CCleaner.com in the banner is folded over also. As far as I have seen you are the only user reporting this type of problem. Thanks for the report and efforts, davey
  11. Looks like someone came looking for PDF Repair topic so they could become a member and post their HIGH DOLLAR solution for FREE,on a FREE FORUM. Very suspicious indeed.
  12. davey


    Hello TeeJay , Somehow I missed this thread until now. I was just thanking some of the members and moderators in another thread yesterday. There was a link to a very valuable tool for all users ,especially users with a lot of different software. I went ahead and downloaded the Personal version.I then cleaned up a lot stuff I didn't know I had. I am going to link you to YoKenny's reply in that thread.Use his link to get this necessary and valuable FREE tool. Use this tool and you will realize the value of JavaRa also. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99532 davey P.S. Thanks to YoKenny and fredvries .
  13. Hello Speeder, Welcome to the forum!!! CCleaner did what you told it to do. If you did any registry cleaning, I would MERGE the backup .reg files in reverse order that they were created and then do the following. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Start here and figure it out.I have always had best results uninstalling using the manufactures uninstall method and tools. http://www.nero.com/enu/downloads-cleantools.html You may have to reinstall Nero in order to uninstall it properly and get your Registry back in order. There may have been permissions settings changed while Nero Scout was in progress also.Hopefully the Nero clean tool will do what you need. Your best bet is following the manufacturers advice. http://www.nero.com/enu/index.html With a name like Speeder, it may be wise to slow down sometimes and think these things out. I heartily agree with your advice "It's not what you don't know that gets you. It's what you think you know that just ain't so." Fill us in on the results. Good Luck, davey
  14. davey

    Adobe Flash

    Thanks all you guys and gals for a real heads up thread. It really helps us other members and users to do the right thing and keep up to date. Especially all the great links you guys provide in your replies and signatures. I have used them all and they have been tremendously helpful in giving this PC a re-birth. Plus my friends PC,plus my relatives...plus my pet...plus me.....plus....... davey
  15. Hello you old Tom Cat, I haven't used Threat Fire myself.You know it's going to slow you down if you are running it & AVG realtime. I'm stuck with 256MB RAM myself.AVG has been as good for me as it has been for you. What's wrong with staying with what works best for you??? I know!!! You are the kind of guy that always likes trying out "new" toys. Nothing wrong with that. Keep us filled in with your latest exploits. davey
  16. Wow, this is the best thread I have read since coming to the forum. It's like being on a bus trip or at a party that won't end. davey
  17. Andavari, You've got a good eye for motorcycles. Reminds me of my Honda Super 90.It wasn't my first M/C but it was for millions. You could use it everywhere but not recommended for highway use. If you ever get one, stick with a four stroke engine and not a Chinese knock off unless you like tinkering and hunting for parts on the Internet. Otherwise go for it.A Honda Rebel is a great starter bike. Then I'll tell you about "Beemers". davey
  18. Man, you guys are sooo... suffering from "spring fever" I can't stand it. The R50 and the R75 both stand a better chance of still being on the road than the old "Beetle" or the Dodge van. I fell in love at about 8 yrs. old with the first "Beemer" I ever saw.What a beautiful piece of machinery. I couldn't believe it a R50 and a Lotus Elite on the same paper route!!! I never got the Lotus or the R50 but you would have to kill me to get my R65 away from me. Maybe that explains why every M/C I ever owned had a horizontal engine? davey
  19. davey

    Registry cleaning

    Hi giantwrasse, You have fallen into our trap. Welcome to the forum!!! "Come into my parlor" said the spider to the fly. You are talking pretty advanced stuff.Simple description but not necessarily self explanatory. If we had a book to explain it ,it would be pretty thick. It is an experience,trust and judgement thing.But you make the call. Put that list in a little folder and follow in some others foot steps. You will know when you are ready.Have fun. Click on this link and follow where it leads you. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 Good Luck, davey
  20. Hey Friends, Nothing like a good discussion about a very important topic for all users. My thoughts are due to a lot of reading and evaluation also. LEVEL #1 For the AVERAGE PC USER Disk Defragmenter is the best things going for most average users.MS put a lot of thought and experience in developing and honing this product.It does the best job that can be done for the average PC user.It rarely needs any updates or fixes.If so this is done during MS updating.No muss,no fuss for the average user.May it always stay that way. It takes into consideration the users preferences and processing history and "defrags" and optimizes based on the information that Windows has accumulated during the history of the computers use.Most users leave Prefetch and User Assist History alone.That is to their benefit.There are other areas that keep historical data also but I won't go there.Average users don't need to go there either. This explains the "slowness" of MS defrag.In reality most users don't need to defrag that often.That is why I advise average users to only defrag when Disk Defragmenter agrees that they need to do so.If it tells them it doesn't need defragmenting it is because of Windows disk optimisation considerations. It is that plain and simple.If you do keep defragging it is detrimental to your computers performance in the short term.In the long term Windows will eventually sort it out.However it can be a very long term. The average user is best off using Windows defaults,leaving Windows special files alone and let it do it's thing.Users have the option to Analyze(always recommended by me),View a Report, Defrag or Cancel. LEVEL #2 For the SLIGHTLY ADVANCED USER Piriform DEFRAGGLER is the type of defrag program needed by those with more specialized needs and more advanced knowledge of the PC.It is small, fast and easy to use but requires a little more knowledge to take advantage of it's various options.It is still evolving in it's development. This best things that can be said for Defraggler can be found "searching" Piriform forums.Especially Posts and Replies by those who have used many different "defrag" products. LEVEL #3 For the MORE ADVANCED USER These defragment programs fill the needs of those with very specialized needs.They also tend to include more advanced disk optimization stategies.This includes those users with complex systems and/or large volumes of data. Some of these products are free.Some free products out perform commercial products. Arguments can be made for the use or non-use of each.It really depends on the users needs. Personally I am LEVEL #1 user most of the time,Level #2 user some of the time,and Level #3 user rarely. What level Degragger are you? Best Regards, davey
  21. Hi again , Your answer is here from my prior reply You always have to check back in my replies.I am constanly updating them. That's just me . Post Edit Hello ladihari, I made a little visit to SpiralFrog and now I understand. The following link is at SpiralFrog.com Follow the directions there to solve your problem. http://www.spiralfrog.com/pages/support.aspx ....When you get to the page,go down some under SUPPORT and click on Windows Media Player Security Settings. A description of your problem and the solution will "magically" appear there. You have some work to do!!! Good luck, davey Post Edit
  22. Congratulations on your survival.I know you really benifit from your computer. The best way to get out of that Post editor I have found is to Click on Piriform Forums at the top of the Window. You can submit Posts in the proper forum by going to Piriform Forums and reviewing the available forums.Click on the desired forum or sub-forum and click on New Topic button at the top of the forum listing on the right side. We all make a few mistakes in the beginning.By the way(BTW) it may be a little easier on your eyes if you try out the different styles (skins).Click on the style scroll button at the bottom of this thread on the lower left.Down there next to the RSS Feeds icon. I keep forgetting to tell "new" members that. davey
  23. davey

    Adobe Flash

    Hi krit86lr, Like you I used Add/Remove programs.Then I made a little visit to a trusted website.They said I needed Flash Player and I used their download which sent me to Adobe with some sort of "higher priority".In a minimal amount of time I had my "new" Flash player.No muss, no fuss. I find it interesting that many users including myself have experienced Flash problems recently. And how C:\Windows\Downloaded Programs is now left with empty shells of what used to be in there. Anybody else noticed these changes? davey
  24. Hi Ex1580, I am another member just like you. Thanks for your corporate input.CCleaner is evolving and your input is appreciated. davey
  25. Hello gandorwig, Most users have no problems at all with CCleaner. There will always be some "bugs" that only occur under certain circumstances and are harder to resolve Regarding Google removal,it's always best to go to the Manufacturer first for their instructions We all get ourselves into troubles using jackhammers,saws and chisels when all we needed was a liitle screwdriver and knowing where to use it. Welcome to the forum. davey
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