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Everything posted by davey

  1. That is a great idea for the CCleaner.ini file !!! I hope they do that. I also keep a copy of winapp.ini so I can remember what was in there. davey
  2. Hello marlin, The later versions have eliminated many errors. Try the latest version v2.06 ' http://www.CCleaner.com/ Good Luck, davey
  3. Latest Updates http://forums.zonelab.com/zonelabs/board/m...essage.id=27695 Zone Alarm technical says it is a confirmed "false positive". Broadband Reports: Microsoft reports it is clean and a "false positive". http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r20194772-
  4. Hi Upacreek, Every thing you said is correct. As for the Windows Registry,just think of it like an old Name and Address book or an old Phone book. There are entries in there for people who have passed or moved or the houses or businesses have closed. You can still use those books for years even though there is some "invalid" information in there. The only thing you have to guard against is losing the book or it getting torn or damaged. ERUNT and NTREGOPT For complete Registry Backup and Recovery and Registry optimization. I recommend that all PC users use ERUNT and NTREGOPT. ERUNT and NTREGOPT come as a package at this author's website. ERUNT backs up the Registry and other important files needed for a greater chance of successful Emergency Recovery. Select the ERUNT /AUTO backup feature and your Registry will be backed up automatically Once a day each time you restart. It will automatically delete backups older than 30 days. NTREGOPT will create a fresh compacted copy of your Registry.To be safe you must REBOOT your computer immediately.This is because any registry changes made after compacting will not reflect in the next REBOOT. I recommend these two programs because of their outstanding reputation,ease of use,and the rarity of needed updates. I also recommend using all of the default settings for home users. http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/index.htm Good Luck, davey P.S. My original reply somehow got lost between here and there and now is somewhere in Hyperspace. I had a few paragraphs about why CCleaner's Registry is designed on the safe side. It should also be known that some "registry cleaners and optimization" report every instance they find on your computer even many duplicated in each copy of System Restore points. Andavari's following reply says it all about "Registry Cleaners".
  5. OK Download over the old.Reboot. Start CClean . Click Options and review all settings.At Options > Advanced Check Save all settings to INI file. Now review your Guide and set your settings. Run CCleaner. davey Don't get nervous about those new files,I am sure they are for some new advanced features.Most users don't know anything about those files or any of the old files for that matter.
  6. Hello thoste, Index.dat files get deleted at next boot.MS then makes new ones. davey
  7. Hello Sparky, Most users I know of just download the new version with no problems.You might copy your winapp2.ini file if you use one and it has special mods.Also the CCleaner.ini file if you want to save all your settings.Better safe than sorry. Otherwise , no problems.Don't be surprised if the download wants to load some new software from MS.Once downloaded,I would recommend an immediate reboot to avoid some problems. Good Luck, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504
  8. That's why I got rid of mine. Tylenol is the best for tooth-aches. Why do you have to wait so long?You should have told the dentist "let's do it now!!!" I got tired of root canals. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do but not wait that long. Oooowwwwaaaaaaooooooeeeeeeiiiiii Call the doc and tell him you are going to yank it out or have a heart attack or something.Tell him now you head aches and your ear hurts.Any pain,close to the brain is too much pain. Yow!!! davey
  9. I got no lower left molars to worry about. As far as the Oreo Pizza Mustache is concerned, I find that if you drink large volumes of coffee as I do this tends to keep the mustache down to a minimum.However with milk it tends to help the mustache grow. 490 Billion Oreos sold!!! If you are a "gamer" and "snack-aholic" you must visit this site. http://www.nabiscoworld.com/games/default.aspx Hope your molar feels better. davey
  10. davey

    Forum URL icon

    I'll go along with the coat design. Maybe that's what a pear looks like when it's rotten. Maybe a plot to bring back the "old" pear? Thank God the new pear doesn't have a bite taken out of it!!! davey P.S. Update:When I go to Piriform.com,I get the new pear icon.When I come to forum.piriform.com I get the "Gateway" box. I have changed my mind Andavari.You are correct Andavari it is the Gateway icon. Thanks. Now, where have those other guys been today with this computer??? Off for a visit to the History folder. P.S.S Update : Checked out the History folder.Found nothing unusual there. Checked out Temporary Internet Files.Found the forum with the Gateway icon and found CCleaner with the Google icon. Ran CCleaner and logged back in at the forum and Voila new green pear icon back again.Something Hiccoughed today. Windows did what it always does and does it's best to keep right on running."Somebody" can clean up later. Today it was me and CCleaner!!! Problem?What problem? We got no stinkin' problem!!!
  11. davey

    Forum URL icon

    I can't get along without my Icons.It's the only thing that exercises my right-brain. It's like computers and air condtioning.Once you have it, you can't do without it. HAAAALP!!! That bleeping icon looks like a "virus". D@%n!!! Now I gotta figure out, do I have a "virus" icon or an "icon" virus. davey P.S. Anybody out there recognize that icon ???
  12. davey

    Forum URL icon

    Mine looks like this.Take your pick.Either a malformed soccer ball or a magnified "virus". It only does this for Piriform icon displayed in my browser.It looks like Humpty's in my Favorites list on the Start menu. davey P.S. I linked up to Piriform on another PC and I get the new green pear icon as normal. I rebooted this computer and now I get get the "soccer" ball even in Favorites on the Start Menu. I reset from 32 bit to 16 bit and back again,still the same. I ran TWEAKUI icon repair,still same thing. All other URL icons are normal. Scary !!! Spooky ???
  13. Hi egeezer, Thanks for filling us in. So now we know CCleaner will be removed by Microsoft Malicious Malware Tool. FOR NOW DO NOT USE Microsoft Malicious Malware Tool OR YOU WILL HAVE TO RE-INSTALL CCleaner. FOR NOW DO NOT request that CCleaner be deleted by ZoneAlarmPro OR YOU WILL HAVE TO RE-INSTALL CCleaner. It has also been reported as a possible "false positive" to Microsoft Good to hear from what I would call a Founding Member. davey
  14. How ya doing,Mike? Welcome to the forum!!! If you use a computer it is always best to be conservative,no matter what your age. We understand your request. Feel free to ask or request whatever you like. We are all still learning,here. Best Wishes, davey
  15. Hi Mike, Welcome to the forum. The Restore feaure does not re-install all software. As CTskifreak said you don't want to "Uninstall" these MS updates. You can remove Hot Fix Unstallers which are used to uninstall Hot Fixes that are not working properly.Once you are certain that the Hot Fixes are working OK you can get rid of the Hotfix Uninstaller.You can do this using the Cleaner > Advanced > Hotfix Uninstallers option.Just remember to to turn this option "off" after using it.This will get you some Hard disk space but will not improve your system performance. I also have a pretty slow machine and it was down to 6-8 minutes boot time and the same to turn off the computer.Since joining the forum and getting good help and advice my PC runs as good as new. The advice CTskifreak gave you are the first things I would do. Norton/Symantec was eating up my machine so I removed it and Installed Windows Live One Care. I removed Windows Live One Care and installed AVG Free Edition.It found some spyware which it removed.My PC speed went up and I still have real-time protection with automatic updates.It does not "bog down" my PC like the others did. AVG Free Edition. http://free.grisoft.com/doc/downloads-prod...s/frt/0?prd=aff I also advise you to read and follow this link.There are more things to improve your speed later. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 daves advice This will keep you busy for awhile but it is well worth the effort. Good Luck and let us know how things are going.Then we will talk about other things to improve performance. davey P.S. Also here is a handy little tool for us guys who have to watch our Mega Bytes. http://www.carthagosoft.net MemInfo - a Pentium or higher computer with 32MB Ram - Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server FREEWARE I also agree with you about automatic updates.However I do accept prioity updates from MS and AVG.There is too much fast spreading malware out there!!!
  16. Hello uno.imrite, Thank you for the great report.You provided some good info about this recent history. I am not familiar with ZAP. Does it do background running real-time or stand alone scanning. Are any other security programs running at the same time. Thanks again to everybody sending us reports.Keep us filled in. davey
  17. OK Firip, I find no problem at all.Updates only come out maybe once a month.Use the check for updates link on the CCleaner screen when ever you need to check. Do things in this order. Start CCleaner. You want to CHECK the Save settings to INI file and leave it checked at all times. You want to UNCHECK the Automatically check for updates to CCleaner and leave it unchecked at all times. Now TOGGLE every option there is in CCleaner. OFF,ON,OFF. OR ON,OFF,ON. Now EXIT CCleaner. Now look in the CCleaner.ini file and you should find a nice sorted list of all your settings including Cookies to keep,Include data, and Exclude data. Copy this CCleaner.ini file to My Documents.You can create "special cleaning" CCleaner.ini files and also save them in My Documents. All you have to do is copy the saved .ini file into the CCleaner folder to run any cleaning job. If you get the Registry messed up or uninstall CCleaner for some reason,you will still have all your settings saved in My Documents to be used later. Of course, you want to also keep a copy of any special setup winapp file or winapp2 file I hate losing all my settings,my Cookies to keep, and having to retype Include or Exclude entries. Good Luck, davey
  18. Hello vmo1707, I guess you read how the other member found a "worm" was causing his problem. Are you having any problems with any of your security programs? Have you run any security scans? Can you run some root-kit scans also? Try these online scanners. Eset online scan http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Trend Micro Housecall free online Good Luck, davey
  19. Hi Graham, Did you get the same message or something different? When did you get it? When did you last update ZoneAlarmPro? Have you checked Zone Alarm forum? Thanks davey
  20. Hi john_a, Welcome to the forum!!! I think this is just another Windows thing.Even after running "Disk Cleanup",if you run it again it will still show as 32K. Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Thanks for taking your time to make a report. davey
  21. Hello Firip, Welcome to the forum!!! Thanks for your report.I have been around the forum now a little over 4 months.I have questions regarding automatic check for updates myself as I have never used it.Yours is the only one I have seen that actually mentions a connection being launched. I am going to assume you are using 2000/XP/Vista.You also are running CCleaner at startup. At Options > Advanced is the box Save all settings to INI file checked. If not, check it and make sure the *not* automatically search for updates option is set. Give it shot.If that works let me know.If not then do the following. These answers help evaluate your problem.Just fill in answers next to questions? CCleaner version ? OS and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey
  22. Hi warmth, Yes it would be an endless cycling to the Recycle Bin but I have learned to lighten up on any suggestions.Inside each suggestion is a need trying to be expressed. His suggestion matches that of others I have seen and the developers need this input to improve the product. Best regards, davey
  23. Hi Harshrealm, Since you say it is all new to you,I wanted to re-emphasize to you what Augeas said in his reply. Not only may you be able to recover pics from your picture card ,you may also be able to recover some of those pictures from your Hard Drive itself.Hopefully they did not wipe your disk before re-installing Windows.. So try to recover what you can from your Hard Drive first.You want your Recuva copies to go to another drive so you don't overwrite what you are trying to recover.It is very important for you to understand that. So the first thing you want to do is run Recuva then select "pictures" and then click on "Scan" to see what may be still available on your hard drive as regards pictures.There may be other things you want to recover also. Also book mark these links and read first. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=95389 How to use Recuva, Tips and hints http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/recuvabeginnersguide/ Recuva Beginner's Guide Good Luck, davey
  24. Hello David, Thank you for your report. It is like unclebic said in his reply.Follow his suggestion. Also to get this resolved with Zone Alarm please provide this info. When did you last update ZoneAlarmPro? When did you last install CCleaner? What version? Downloaded from where? OS and version ? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? Welcome to the forum!!! Thanks, davey
  25. Thanks Mr. Ridgley, I'll remember that as soon as those "free laptop" scam sites send me my laptop. All I had to do was give them access to my computer and answer a few simple questions like What are your Credit Card numbers, bank account numbers, and a few passwords etc. I have been waiting and waiting. I know "Don't talk to strangers" and "Stay away from Scam sites". davey P.S. Here is a classic snap shot for you. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=98552
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