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Everything posted by davey

  1. Running of the Black Sheep,Main Street USA davey
  2. Right you are Eli, I agree that maybe Firefox is cleaning it but I'm not sure as I don't use Firefox or Spyware Doctor. We need a reply from an experienced Firefox user. davey P.S. You learned your lesson well.You deserve a nice tea and cookie.Now, where are you going to find that?
  3. OK! Lesson time. Are we having fun yet? Navigate to your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder .Double click on the winapp2.ini file and Notepad will open it for your viewing enjoyment. Now left click on Edit in the toolbar at the top left of the Notepad window. Select Find in the drop down list and click on that. Having fun yet? Good. Now type in spyware doctor and click on "Find next" button. Down at the left of the Notepad window you will see highlihted "Spyware Doctor" These lines of data show what you want CCleaner to look for Log type files for Spyware Doctor and clean them. Lesson over except for one important thing.To exit Notepad click on the RED X upper right of the window.Same with the Find window.If you get any message to save changes REPLY NO. You just want look at the winapp2.ini file,not change it.At least not until next lesson.Whenever. Lesson over. Yes, Firefox may very well be clearing or not even saving a Log file.Bet you get an answer from a Firefox/Spyware Doctor user real soon. Good Luck, davey
  4. davey

    Adobe Flash

    What does CCleaner Options > Uninstall show as regards Adobe Flash etc ? I thought if you go to a website that uses Flash they give you the option to download Flash. Try browser Tools > Internet Options > Programs > Manage add-ons > (add ons that have been used by Internet Explorer Scroll to Shockwave Flash Object and Highlight then Delete. Maybe that's what they meant about "repairing" the browser. It may be needed to Delete the add-on to download a new one? No You Tube??? OH MY!!! Good Luck, davey P.S. The only thing slower than Adobe website Self Serve is when their software is loading. I don't ever remember getting through to that site.I think it exists somewhere at the other end of Cyberspace.
  5. Hello Daniel91799, OK! We got your professional specs. Act like a professional,calm down and give some specs as regards the problem.Of course it can be a bug or a misunderstanding as to what CCleaner overwrites. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? CCleaner version ? OS and version ? Already provided WinXP SP2 home ed Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? mcafee v10 anti virus and retail version Other data you think might be relevant? What kind of file or files are we talking about? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey
  6. I have been using AVG Free Edition for a couple of months now and I really appreciate it. Never had to try their forum until the other day concerning a "false positive". I couldn't decide where to post so they did not get my valuable info as to when and what update the problem occurred.I know because I was using two computers that evening and proved it to myself. The software is great but I think their moderator's are a little "burned out". They must have a Function key for redirecting posts and they don't seem to care or take time to evaluate what the user is actually trying to say. davey
  7. HOORAY!!! THANK YOU MrG davey
  8. Hi Tom, Ver 8 Free Trial 30 days. davey
  9. Hello writeaway, You seem to be having many problems with your system. The same way it was for me when I started being a regular member of the forum. If you would please use the latest version of CCleaner v2.06.567, you may find that more users are willing to help you out.The older versions were quite "buggy".This latest version is the best and most stable I have seen. Did you get your Icon Cache problem straigtened out? I will try to help. Good Luck, davey
  10. davey


    Hi hotrod, Yes,there are many Sandboxie users on the forum. Do a "search" and you will probably find some good info. Good Luck, davey
  11. Hello jbw, I would also add that software listed with old dates does not mean that it is not being used. Depending on developer and some registry modifications those dates can be very misleading. Good Luck, davey
  12. Hi Orphan, Do you sometimes use the Options > Include feature? What is specified in there? Good Luck, davey
  13. Hello Eli, I don't use Spy ware Doctor but maybe my questions can help. Does the info in the winapp2.ini match your computer? Are there options in spyware doctor to produce Log type files or not produce these type of files.? Do you have any Log files in the %ProgramFiles%\Spyware Doctor folder? Good Luck, davey
  14. Hello Tom, I use TweakUI also but I don't think it is related at all.You might look at this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99171 Good Luck, davey
  15. davey


    Hello nils, You may be experiencing a known and identified problem similar to what is reported in the following link. If so, it is being worked on but the solution is not easy at all. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99170 Good Luck, davey
  16. At your experience level, you don't need anything else to increase performance. However,I recommend you check out this link and apply it. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Every time you use new software,note some before and after stats. What data back up software do you use? If you are all set good.If not,start searching the forum for some back up software. I am looking myself. Good Luck , davey
  17. Hello vecchio, Is the box checked in Applications > Office 2003 ? Good Luck, davey
  18. Hello EuropaNET, The clearing of the Run in Start menu does not happen until you log off to switch users or log off and log back on or you reboot. Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Thanks for taking your time to make a report. Best Wishes, davey
  19. I am using a VW desktop compared to your Ferrari notebook. Did this increase occur right after using CCleaner? Did you do any Registry fixes?How many? Do you use Defraggler? Did you make any Services changes? How much do you specify for Internet temporary cache? 50 > 100 MB unless you want to carry the internet around with you. Does your notebook weigh a lot less now? davey
  20. Hello Harry, I did some investigating. Are you sure you cleaned out the Temporary Internet Files for the user profile that is having this problem. If unsure go to browser Tools > Internet Options > Browsing History > Delete > Temporary Internet Files > Delete files > Close. While still there Internet Options > Advanced > Settings > scroll to Security > Do not save encrypted files to disk (make sure this is not checked) > Apply > OK. http://www.frontpagewebmaster.com/m-218782/tm.htm#220402 Let us know what happens. davey P.S. If that doesn't work see this link. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;810978
  21. Hello dillwidit, Welcome back to the real world of computing.Isn't it fun? What else have you done? Maybe you have been loaded down all along and didn't realize how much. Ther are other things to be done,if you have not already done them. Good Luck, davey P.S. I hope you recorded how much freespace you had before CCleaner and then after. Of course the performance difference is the best measure.Sometimes it is not how much is cleaned but where it was cleaned. You sound as excited as I was when this happened.Maybe even more!!! Now,don't come back and tell me the performance increase was due to your AV being turned off. Sometimes that happens and if so, you have some investigating and decision making to do. Anyway, glad to hear of your performance increase.
  22. Hello lank, Welcome to the forum!!! I am not positive of what you are asking. The underlined area in your snapshot shows the web address for CCleaner's website. If you are asking about the version history, it is no longer shown in the About window. The complete English version-history is available at the following link. http://www.CCleaner.com/download/version-history Good Luck, davey
  23. Hello jon2, First time I have heard about that kind of problem.Some strange problems disappear with a reboot. However, the latest version is now CCleaner v 2.06. davey
  24. Right on about the E-Mail address. "mxzaffino24" ,I would recommend that you edit your posts and remove your E-mail address. CCleaner's Registry function has been listing about 26 unused file extensions for me since I stared using it in Nov. 2007 . Regedit,used by CCleaner Registry integrity process, puts them right back immediately. All these extensions have to do with Internet Explorer,in my case. They are always reported as unused file extensions. I just leave that option unchecked and turn it back on every once in awhile. Sometimes I do have other unused extensions that Regedit allows to be deleted. Good Luck, davey P.S. If the Registry function says they are deleted and you scan again immediately are they still there?If so, then as Andavari said it is probably a registry permissions problem. If they are gone and come back the next day then as Andavari said it is probably a program recreating them.
  25. Hi Laverne, I am not familiar with the either Zone Alarm or Spywaredoctor. Don't these give you the option to Exclude or Ignore rather than automatically removing CCleaner. This is the first I have seen anywhere reporting that Spywaredoctor detects this. What does it report and when? Have you tried the latest CCleaner version v2.06 . davey
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