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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Humpty, Here is a screen saver for you. davey
  2. Hey Augeas, Yep,analysis takes time since it's doing all that sorting and running around and adding up all those bytes and things.I don't mind it cause I'm the curious type.Same old,same old.Maybe I'll just start clicking on Run Cleaner right away. Rambo knows 1 well placed bullet does the job.It just doesn't sell as well at the Box Office. Besides, he's not paying for the ammo and doesn't worry about melting the barrel on his Hard Drive weapon. davey
  3. Hi Andy, I know you replied to a similar post and I thought it was important for those with similar problems to also see this thread. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=98524 davey
  4. Hello ident, The latest CCleaner v02.05.555 seems slower to many users who use secure delete. Prior versions were not secure deleting everything.If you are using secure delete you will see an increase in time especially when you select more than 1 overwrite. Overwriting more than 1 time is a waste of time.Nobody is going to go to the expense of forensically analyzing your overwritten files unless you have highly classified information.It is just too hard to do and too expensive to do. This version runs faster than previous versions for me.I do not overwrite any data on a normal basis. Regards, davey
  5. It woul have been more disasterous if he was doing it sober from the start and he was really that stupid.Either he would have dropped that tree on the other three guys or himself if he was sober. Drunks have someone watching out for them.They always seem to be the one that survives. He probably reported it to his insurance company as an act of God. davey
  6. Hi anotherday, Just a few questions that may trigger some others memories. Is this value being reset by possibly another program at startup such as an admin batch job or script? Are you on a network? What is the value immediately before and then after running CCleaner? These answers helps evaluate your problem.Just fill in answers next to questions? CCleaner version ? OS and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Provide a list of your Applications tab. Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey
  7. Hi again Dave, You gotta lot of Irish grit going for you.Of course brothers help too. I know there are others here who have been through similar problems. Maybe they can provide you with some suggested recovery steps to take. Anyhow,here are the corrected links.Some how they got "corrupted" during a spell check process. I think I need some updates also or a different spell checker. Now I'm going to be a little more nervous and aware when I decide to uninstall an app. that says it is "corrupted".Maybe we can get some comments on that as well.I know there is a good lesson to be learned from this but fortunately it has not happened to me,so I can't provide the lesson. Edit 03/14/2008 Corrected links http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14299 MrRon info about Recuva. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8563 Recuva Guide There are also some video Experts that may be able to tell you how to Burn some copies of your files and videos etc. to reload later. davey
  8. Hello dave09, Welcome to the forum. Too bad it is under such unfortunate circumstances. It is nice to know that our forum is being recommended. When it comes to recovering data,every user has a lot to learn. The advice Augeas has been giving you is very valuable to save as much of your data as possible. These links are important as to Recuva. Edit 03/14/2008 Corrected links http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14299 MrRon info about Recuva. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8563 Recuva Guide If you can use a friends computer,please do so. Now down to your situation. You apparently have an operable OS, so I would advise NOT doing a System Restore until you Recover as much lost data as possible.Your OS "may" be just fine. Do you have any backups of this data? It is very hard to recover deleted files completely.Sure it can be done but you may have more than you can handle. Is this data very valuable to you? Professional recovery is expensive but may be more succesful than your efforts.This may be a learning opportunity for you and your friends,try Recuva and get as much as you can. It may be better to leave things as they are and rebuild from there.It is all up to you. I would make backups of what files are valuable and still available to be copied.Your OS itself "may" be corrupted, that is why you want to backup what you can now.Copy what you can from your hard drive to another drive or computer. It is unusual for uninstalls to do what happened to you. What uninstall method were you using? Just some advice for the future, try to copy and if needs be delete the "corrupted" file first and work from there before you decide to uninstall the complete application. Some apps leave some things behind,good ones don't.Sometimes strange situations occur and there is no way of avoiding them. Just the simple act of backing up your data even on the same drive at least leaves you with recent data still available to rebuild from in such a situation. Just remember to copy what you can before trying to do any further system maintenance tasks. Good Luck, davey
  9. Hello Ancient Brit, Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the great report. It really helps to hear reports from users like you, that do a lot of Defragging like you do on a daily basis.I am sure there are many others like you but you took the extra time to report. There are some really "defrag savy" users that reply to the negative posts and they must be thanked also for their active membership and knowledge sharing. We all benefit from your reports and replies. Thank you all very much!!! davey
  10. Yes, HIPS has grown to mean so much to different people. This is a link from the article provided by Andavari.It shows how complex the term has come to be. I apologize for not limiting my view to just Firewalls. http://www.gartner.com/teleconferences/att..._165281_115.pdf davey
  11. Hi rridgely, No truer statement made than this one. Hello Lynch30, Sorry to it say it but you will be better off to turn your question into a request and post it in CCleaner Suggestions and hope something develops from there. Best Wishes, davey
  12. Hi TeeJay3800, Just to keep it to the most basic explanation of HIPS,it looks like a duck,it quacks like a duck, it walks like a duck,it flies like a duck,then maybe it's a duck.The security program uses no specific files about specific ducks or the names etc. It just uses Heuristic data about ducks,dogs,etc. to determine their "duckiness" or "doginess".Somewhere along the line it determines that this is very much a duck or dog and responds accordingly. Now plug in the word virus,dialer,malware,worm etc for duck or dog and you get an idea what it does. HIPS programs don't need daily updates,whitelists,blacklists or any data related to specific items. It only depends on knowing the specific characteristics of the items. Every now and then the HIPS program is updated because the characteristics change or better heuristics methods evolve. That's about it. To be more exact reqires some "searching" and reading in more technical forums. Best Wishes, davey
  13. Hello erniec, Turn down the volume on your lettering,OK!!! Start with latest Guide. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Then Forum rules. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?act=an...p;f=4&id=15 Good to see someone asking before they take the leap. Stick to default settings first. Don't use any Advanced options on the Windows tab in the Cleaner function unless you don't mind surprising consequences. Don't use the Registry "cleaning" or Tools function unless you are an "experienced" user. "Search" around the forum for topics you want to learn and get some more knowledge.Just reading the threads you will learn a lot. Mainly starting out You should also review the Applications settings and turn off ones you are unsure about. Regular PC users only need the Cleaner and Options function to get good results. Welcome to the forum.Any further questions make a new topic at CCleaner Discussion forum. Good Luck, davey Piriform Forums > Piriform Software > CCleaner Discussion Bookmark those links.
  14. Hazelnut, I was forced to stay this side of the Desktop for over 3 years.Only got to use the Start button to Turn Off Computer. Once I got to the other side of the Desktop All Programs was the first thing apperared automatically. I thought I remember what hari123 describes. But about that same I used CCleaner for the first time and like hari123 I set all the Advanced options on the Windows tab and let her rip. Bingo!!! all the All Programs sorted and old icons to nowhere removed.Where did my Start menu shortcuts go? Where did those Desktop Icons that never did anything go ? Gee, who put all those programs into grouped folders and then scrolls out all the Programs within those Generic icon folders.The programs each have their original icon. I thought the Piriform fairy goddess must have done it or somebody's software did it.I didn't know how to do it myself. It got to the point that I thought it was standard fare for Win XP SP2. Maybe it isn't? Now here is a link to MS talking about All Programs icons. Looks familiar doesn't it? Just what my All Programs list looks like today and Hazel's example. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/s.../startmenu.mspx Gonna look into CeeCee's link. davey
  15. You went and did it this time.Gave me something that I didn't want to complete reading in one sitting. It only takes a couple of those answers to really get me laughing heartily.I wanted to save some for later like good cake,pie, or cookies. With your post and Humpty's "have a nice day" I feel better already. davey
  16. davey


    Hi my2divots, It seems to me you have just about answered your own question. Do you think CCleaner somehow benefits by removing utorrent stuff ? Piriform does not sell or license or have any restrictions against what you might put into your iTUNES files. Gee, now we have to figure out who would do such a thing and probably has it in their fine print license agreement with their users. Better keep that External hard drive handy until you figure somewhere else on your "C" drive to keep it. Definitely not in iTUNES. Best Wishes, davey
  17. I would definitely run every scan I could including what is recommended in that link.Save the logs and submit them You might try a couple of online scanners like Trend Micro's HOUSECALL 6 AND ESET BE BACK WHEN I FIND THE LINKS.There are things out there eating up lots of maint programs and security apps. I really don't think you have a problem caused by CCleaner.There would be many more reports like yours and there aren't any. What is causing it is the mystery.Might as well find out before you have to do another system install. P.S. Cross off any conflict between Avast and Spywareblaster from what I have read. Do these steps first then the online scans later. You may need HiJackThis help.Start at this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=11000 http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ ESET link free online http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Trend Micro Housecall free online
  18. daba, I agree with what you said in this Post. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=97704 I also think Glenn was correct about prior versions not secure deleting. If you install 2.01 also try overwriting 7 passes.If it is secure deleting then the cleaning time should go up accordingly. There were IE temp files not being secure deleted in that version. 2.01.507.
  19. OK!!! Good News. Now for a little practice and learning. Better now than later.Where have I heard that before? Click on My Documents. Here is where you will find the CCleaner registry changes backups. To actually do the restore look in My Documents and you will find .reg files created by CCleaner. They will have names like this cc_20080221_1419.reg . (cc for CCleaner year month day time of day .reg) Right click on the newest one and select Merge .You will be asked do you want to add the information in this file to the Registry and reply "Yes" to update or "No" to stop . This time you you will reply "No" since this is just a test. You were correct to be cautious about Resetting the Registry needlessly. Good Luck, davey
  20. Hey Dennis, Thanks for "spilling the beans" for us less experienced users when it comes to Desktops. Your idea is going to be useful to a lot of users to clean up their Desktop.I know I will be using it. I think this is right down the alley.Mike doesn't want to see recently used programs list and now he can pin his less frequently used programs as you say to "make things a bit tidier" both on his Desktop and in the Start menu. This way nobody can readily see what his most recently used programs are.They would need access to his computer to look at his User Assist History to find out.This access could only be directly at his computer,through his network if he is on one, or through the Internet. Now I understand why your Desktop is so uncluttered as seen in March Desktops in the Lounge forum. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=97563 Thanks for the valuable tip, davey
  21. Hello oregoncoast, If this is the first time you used CCleaner v 2.05.555,try to Merge your CCleaner .reg backups "latest" first then prior one etc. .( Only the ones you just created) Then do a reboot.Let us know how it goes. Good Luck, davey P.S. Turn off any Advanced options on your Windows tab in CCleaner. If you are using Options > Include or Exclude leave last Advanced option checked on Windows tab. Some users get the file or folder paths incorrect and this can cause problems also. I am wondering why similar problems with earlier versions also.
  22. Hello hrpskyrunner. Read and bookmark this link.The mystery of your filenames will be resolved. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=95389 Glad you Recva'd your files before they were overwritten.They must not have been very "new" files. Some users are not as lucky as you were. I always maintain full control of my Recycle Bin. If you are CCleaning it,then you may forget what's in there and before you get a chance to review it,it's gone. This may not apply in your situation but it may help others. Good Luck, davey
  23. Hi again Aces, Your situation leads me to believe that it is worse than you think. You may need HiJackThis help.Start at this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=75715 davey P.S. Somehow I went right past your question about security apps in Post #1.You don't have multiple security apps running against each other in the background do you? This can cause many strange things to happen.Especially if they are trying to "strangle", "quarantine", "kill" or remove each other or whatever happens to be an innocent by-stander while they are at each other. Some "real time" security apps say they can be run with other "real time" security apps. My experience tells me otherwise.They may not have been conflicting but 350 MB error logs convinces me not to do it. This may be your problem and your solution.Other than the damage already caused.
  24. Hi cdrw04, TWEAKUI is a neat tool. However,I don't appreciate certain corporate websites leaving their URL in my Recently "Typed" URLs. That is why I want to see what is in there before deleting.I am not sure if it happens when I am browsing or when I execute certain software or when I close certain software. Thanks for the tip, davey
  25. Hi kaybee, Go back and read the whole thread.It pretty much says it all. Although, some users may have some later updates. So far it looks pretty grim. davey
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