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Everything posted by davey

  1. davey


    Hello Division1, Slow is such a relative term.Are we talking twice as many seconds, minutes,hours. If you are using the secure delete feature it is going to take awhile. Some users uncheck Start menu shortcuts and Desktop shortcuts . davey
  2. Hello benjamin, Start the CCleaner. In the Applications tab do you see the application you are referring to.Uncheck the related box. Good Luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ P.S. If this is a standard Vista function this may not work.
  3. Hello Robertxx, Welcome to the forum. You apparently checked some of the advanced options in the Cleaner function. Those programs will start to fill back in. As regards Start > All Programs list,you will find that they have been sorted.They should still be in the list.You can move them back where you want them. Uncheck all the boxes in the Advanced section of the Cleaner function. I am not sure why your "search" program is doing what it is doing.I will do some testing. In the Application Tab in the Cleaner window uncheck Office or Word application until you review what is being cleaned. Link here to review the Guide. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Do not use the Registry function or Tools function unless you understand what they do. Best Wishes, davey
  4. Hi Hazel, I have the latest v 02.05.555. It does as he indicates on my machine.WIN XP SP2. This is in the Options > Settings and Options > Advanced . Of course you must have the habit of clicking your mouse when you shouldn't. davey
  5. Hello writeaway, There are issues with this update. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/936181/en-us See the section under Known issues with this security update P.S. Read the complete bulletin. Good Luck, davey
  6. Hi Guy1, First,one question? Are you using a 32 bit operating system or a 64 bit operating system? I am presuming a 32 bit operating system.I made an incorrect assumption yesterday. I am a relatively new user of CCleaner myself.I have installed and used 5 versions of CCleaner. They have all worked very well for me with no download problems whatsoever. Please try the following steps. Link to here . http://www.CCleaner.com/download Select Alternative Download . When asked to Run or Save select Run. Do not change any download locations. When asked about options . Select only icons to desktop and start menu. Uncheck all other options.(This is IMPORTANT).You can select those options later. Reply I agree, next, and Finish as needed. Now Double left click on your Desktop icon and see what happens. If it works OK then use Options > Settings to select your options.I never have used the Automatic Check for Updates option.I don't trust those options on many pieces of software I use. I sincerely hope this works for you as it always has for me. davey
  7. No ,I mistook his proceesor info for OS since I had asked earlier about 64 bit and not 64 bit OS? Thanks JDPower. Well at least I accomplished a bit of reading re x64 bit OS. Maybe next time I need to ask x64 ?
  8. You check all the boxes for IE? Do you check to clean Adobe Flash Player under Multimedia in Applications tab? What I am getting at,is the fact that some sites take the info you provide and store it either in their product data files stored on your computer and some store in the Flash Player files.Others have been known to hide data in your Registry like MS does? Do you have applications listed on the Applications tab that are related to the Website you referred to in your Post?Are these apps checked for cleaning? However, there are certain apps you may have unchecked to prevent that data from being cleaned? You may have to clean those files once to get rid of your stored password and username.The site may encrypt that data so only they can read it and your info is protected anyway? You have to make that decision. This situation applies to other CCleaner users as well. Of course the data can be hidden who knows where on your computer.Especially if they have a business relationship with MS. Just like "viruses" ,data can be hidden and hidden in many more places than "viruses". What version of CCleaner are you using? davey
  9. Hello Rafer, Also at Options > Advanced make sure box is always checked for Save all settins to INI file . davey
  10. Hello chattpanther, Do you ever check the option Autocomplete Form History when using CCleaner? Do you have some Cookies saved in Cookies to keep for that Website? Do you use IE or another Browser? These may be the answer. Regards, davey
  11. Everything you have done so far is correct. Did you see my note about the latest release.?CCleaner v2.05 Have you used CCleaner in the past? Should be 6 files in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder. What are they? What are their attributes? Any Blocked? P.S. Excuse me 6 . I ran out of fingers while typing one handed. Some may be Hidden. BTW I have have heard of 1 other person with similar problem.That was a few versions ago,though. What OS version ,browsers,etc.? 64bit? Security programs? Check security logs.See if CCleaner kicked off. All this info will help.The Moderators always have some good answers when they have enough info from you. You did do a re-boot after MS update also? Prior to Safe Mode start-up?
  12. Hello Guy1, Are you logged in as an Administrator? If not Right click on the icon and select Run as. Good Luck, davey Also the newest version was released since you have Posted.CCleaner v 2.05 http://www.CCleaner.com/ P.S. Bookmark this link to the Users Guide also. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504
  13. Hi Brad3152, From the info in this post,I advise you to change the name of your folder "Temp Downloads" to something else i.e. " BradsTemp Downloads" . "Temp" is one of those "holy" words that can sometimes get you in trouble.Wildcards can sometimes cause problems if PC users use "holy" words like "Temp","Recent", or "Temporary" etc. in their file names. I was telling you to use Defragmenter program only to Analyze and get a Report. I advised against doing a "Defrag" itself because you may get into more problems since you may not have any space left to do such a thing. DO NOT run any more maintenance programs until this problem is resolved.Otherwise they will be unable to complete their task and possibly just leave you with more of a mess. Answer the questions I posed in my earlier reply. This is to "unbaffle" the problem you are having? Perhaps you have a Directory Print program or something similar.You need to know if 1 "HUGE" file is being created or THOUSANDS of small files. If thousands of small "temp" files already exist on your Hard Drive, we need to figure out how to delete them.It only takes one bad program to get into a loop and this can occur.We also need to figure out how they got there, if possible. A "virus" program can do the same thing. I also advise not running Window Washer or CCleaner or any other maintenance programs at the same time. MAINTENANCE type programs must be run 1 at a time or I guarantee problems. You have stated twice " I hope someone can help". My intention is to help! Nobody can help you if you do not answer their questions and do what they ask you to do.See my previous reply and follow it. davey
  14. Hi pasty, The thing about the System Restore files is this.If a virus program gets copied by Windows into the restore file,you may remove the original virus program but if you do a System Restore the virus copy will be reloaded.The virus will be back again.This is why it is necessary to create a "new" clean Restore point and then delete all the old ones. davey
  15. Hi elletee, Well,what a fix you are in. Luckily there are some pretty experienced and helpful members on this forum that can help you out. Unfortunately,I don't have that kind of experience.It sounds like your Outlook Express may need reinstalling but I would suggest waiting just a bit longer for some replies from experienced Outlook Express users also. I would do some "searching" and Exploring for that Address Book,especially in Outlook Express folder. This link may come in handy for OE.See the tools he lists there.Looks like OE can be "testy". http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=94549 You can get info to backup and restore OE data at this link. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/270670 You can get the latest IE 6 SP1 for your computer at this link.This has latest Outlook Express also. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 98: 16 MB of RAM minimum Full install size: 11.5 MB Then a trip to Microsoft Update here. http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdat...t.aspx?ln=en-us Maybe someone else on the forum can help you get another copy of Word Perfect. Best Wishes, davey
  16. OH, WOW!!!!! A physical depiction of the World Economy. davey
  17. Right Hazel and I haven't heard anything to the contrary. dusty2008 must pay attention to FAQ # 2. Turn off UAC when using. MS MVP's recommend them all the time. davey
  18. A-squared Free should pose no problem.Other A-squared products include real-time processing and will cause conflict or slow-down running against Norton. davey
  19. Hello BarbiD, Below is extract from another members testing.Give it a try for now. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck, davey
  20. davey


    Hello oldtech, Bookmark this link.Welcome to the Beginner?s Guide to CCleaner . http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 You need to read this so you have a better understanding of the Cleaner options. In Options > Cookies be sure to move any cookies you may want to keep to to the right hand list. Do not use any advanced options until you have "searched" and read the forum discussions about these items.The same is true as regards the Registry function and Tools function.. There is a known "bug" that causes confusion.In Options > Advanced CHECK the box for Show detailed list of Temporary Internet Files. Good Luck, davey P.S. Any future questions also provide CCleaner version ,OS version,Browsers,Security programs
  21. Thanks for your suggestions Rolyak, However since this Feb 2,2008 post Shodan816 has become a valued member in the testing of Recuva. His work and the testing by other members haver been very valuable leading to improvements to be made in the next and future versions. Best Wishes, davey
  22. Plus if you have done some installing and/or uninstalling during the day,you can run it again and add your own time stamp to the name.Do this right before you do any Registry fixes in case you get goofed up merging back or power loss or whatever.A good bakup of anything you are doing is the easiest way out of many problems.
  23. Getting along on this 256 MB Dell Dimension 2400 after reading,and applying info and advice on the forums. O Yeah!!! I get by with a little help fom my friends !!! Too bad it's not mine,yet.Nothing like putting in 2 GB of new RAM. But how would I know when it's slowing down? Oh well I'm a member of "run what brung" club and nothing wrong with that. The more old and new computers out there making more knowledge and truth available to all,the better off the whole world is now and in the future. Thank God for what we have. Thanks to all, davey
  24. There have been conflicts between some security programs and CCleaner.I haven't heard about any regarding Threat Fire.Security programs can be very suspicious of programs at startup especially. As much as you use your computer why not just run it yourself after startup. Auto running of CCleaner at startup is supposed to be "silent". If you try running certain tasks like a "defrag" CCleaner is just going to sit and wait mostly if not continuosly.There have always been conflicts between maintenance type programs and always will be. Regards , davey
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