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Everything posted by davey

  1. Yes, I was confused also when you said you purchased it. Some "crooks" have been selling it on the net. Thanks for your support. davey
  2. Hi Gamer, Welcome to the forum!!! When you say uninstall do you mean software? YES in the TOOLS function.Remember that list shows what software can be uninstalled if The User wants to do that.It is not a list of software recommended to be uninstalled. When you say uninstall if you mean temp files and things like that the user can Analyze what will be cleaned.If he wants not clean certain data he must change his options. Have a look here before using CCleaner http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=10266 davey
  3. Hi zeppo, Welcome to the forum!!! There is always more than one way to do something in Windows, since there many major versions of Windows as it evolved. You can view that folder and the file and folders it contains.Each way gets you to the View tab in Folder Options. To unhide that folder open My Computer and left click on Tools in the tool bar at the top above the address bar.Click on Folder Options.... > View tab > advanced options .Now turn on and off the options to see system folders and hidden files and folders.You should reset these settings later. Click on Apply at the bottom then OK.Come back here again and Click on Restore Defaults to keep your hidden and system files protected.Don't forget to click on Apply then OK.(Practice good habits not bad ones.Many basic things keep users out of trouble.) Now navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 Now you right click on that folder and select Properties to see it's size,# files etc.Also Explore Local Settings itself as that is normally hidden.History is in there also!!! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Depending on what version and edition, you also want to look at C:\Temporary InternetFiles\Content.IE5 Plus where ever else some one may have moved the Temporary Internet Folder. If your computer is out of wack as this computer was and was never maintained don't be surprised to find a lot of crap.Mine had 1.6 Gigs if I remember correctly.I think it took around 40-60 minutes to do my first CCleaning. You need to read this link if you really are concerned that your browsing is actually "erased". http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=93980 You have to keep in mind all the "not responding and cancels ,""hangs",power outages etc and then these files are left behind. If you turn on the option to Show detailed listing of IE temp files to delete at Options > Advanced in the Cleaner you will get a listing after the Analysis.Sounds like it will be a long list. Stuff Happens!!! Good Luck, davey P.S. If you will reduce the size of the Temporary Internet Files to something in the lower range,once it fills up IE will start deleting files and slowing things down.A good indicator that Cleaning is needed. This can be done at IE TOOLS > Internet Options > Browsing history > Settings . Now you are going to be up all night looking at all those hidden files and folders. REMEMBER Look but don't touch!!! Close the door when you leave.(Reset those Folder Settings)
  4. Hi world09, Now you can help me out. Do you have the Options > Settings option checked for Automatically check for updates to CCleaner? I also failed to ask, did the message appear as soon as you started CCleaner? If not when did it appear? Thanks, davey
  5. Good News!!! Seems like everytime I suggest a visit to MS update,people get upset. They come back and say that didn't help at all. They reboot and get the new software loaded and say "Don't no why but the problem fixed itself!!!" Most of the time ,from what I have seen, when users get that message you had it indicates the presence of old software or lack of new software.I think some people don't pay attention to the fact that Piriform downloads some new software from MS and they forget to reboot before trying the new version of Piriform product. Regarding IE6 vs IE7,I have had less problems with IE7 than IE6. Regarding System Restore that's the next to last thing I want tell someone to do. Glad your problem is fixed. davey
  6. Post Edit Hello ladihari, I made a little visit to SpiralFrog and now I understand. The following link is at SpiralFrog.com Follow the directions there to solve your problem. http://www.spiralfrog.com/pages/support.aspx ....When you get to the page,go down some under SUPPORT and click on Windows Media Player Security Settings.A description of your problem and the solution will appear there. You have some work to do!!! Good luck, davey Post Edit Hotdog3 has a good point about what security programs you are using. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? OS and version . Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Are you both using the same security software and are the settings the same. You say "it keeps coming up saying this computer does not accept active x and to download the patch" What is giving this message? Download what patch and from where? What download button is greyed out? What says to use IE7? If you are trying to download software What is the name of the software and from where are you trying to download it. The more I think about it ,it sounds like someone or something is trying to get you to switch over to IE7 so something not so nice can be downloaded. Are you downloading from the same site that you used for your computer?Is the site "safe"? You must be careful about where you are downloading from. As you can see we still need clarification, davey
  7. The default options don't include any Advanced cleaning options.They must have accidentally been set. Yes, it does take some "searching" of the Piriform forums to learn more about these options. In computers there is an old truism."The Application always develops faster than it's documentation". Advanced users understand these options and requested them. Here is a link to a reply I made to another member.This help improve your "searches" on the forum. It is a fun way and quick way to learn how to find other posts about those options etc. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 P.S. Welcome to the forum!!! Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.
  8. There is someone out there with the answer. What happens when you try resetting your Graphics settings? Control Panel > Display > Settings First try switching from 32 - bit to 16 bit and back again. Then try the Advanced settings at the bottom. davey
  9. davey


    Yes,we are all curious.I think if any thing dangerous or having to do with spying on the users all the Spyware software companies would be all over it. Yes and don't forget to "search" the forum like I said.There are dangers in removing some of them. davey P.S. I am going to have retract what I said about finding something in our forum about the dangers of removing index.dat files within the last couple of months.It may be further back or I saw it on another forum etc. while researching the topic in the past.If I come across it again I will post back.
  10. Hello ladiharli', You may need some software from MS as regards ActiveX.You probably need IE to do this. I hope her E-machine is better than what I have been reading on the net. Good Luck, davey P.S. Also make sure your cousins Browsing settings at IE Tools > Internet options > Advanced match your settings Especially those to allow downloading.I don't use Firefox but I think the terminology is the same. P.S.S Your computer also will probably benefit from a visit to the Microsoft update website. http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdat...t.aspx?ln=en-us Keep going back to MS update until it says there are no more updates required. Don't worry about cleaning your Registry until you do what is advised above. Then consider what is in this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510
  11. Hi Stryker, If you haven't already heard from him,just PM RipChain with a link to your post.He is so busy he may not see it in the Lounge. davey
  12. I can't blame you not wanting to remove it from your Exclude list. Maybe just .log has a lot to do with it.I have experienced software that uses such files just to get up and running and they are not used again.Keep an eye on that file and see if it grows. davey
  13. davey


    Some of the index.dat files can get pretty large with internet use.With CCleaner you have an option to mark these files for deletion at next reboot.Doing so results in a new file being created at reboot. The old file contained much more Internet information and is used to speed things up.When it is deleted this information is picked up again during your normal browsing.There is a difference in speed for some browsing functions.I have a PC with only 256 MB of Ram and I can see a difference if I keep the index.dat files for awhile.Those with much faster PCs and routers and such don't see this difference. Other index.dat files have no relation to this processing and CCleaner does not bother these files. You can spend a lot of time on the net searching about index.dat files.Much of the info is rumor ,guessing etc. unless you go to Momma Soft itself.Only problem there is very little info to be had. From all my reading I arrived at the conclusions that I reported above.Going into more depth requires your "search"of the net as I have.I do recommend you do a "search" of "index.dat" in the forum.Especially those within the last month or two. Basically it comes down to leave most of them alone. Those related to Internet processing should be cleaned when you can't stand seeing the size they have achieved or you are worried somebody is going to look in there and decifer where you have been etc. If I leave them alone my Browsing is faster.Your PC may be different. Yes ,I do use the option every now and then. Windows does many things to improve the speed of your processing. We all make our own decisions. Good Luck, davey
  14. davey

    Registry cleaning

    Hello again Alan, I forgot to say in my reply to Eli that everything I was referring to was related to Internet Explorer 7. Thanks for reminding me.I also forgot to use the term Favorites icon which many users do recognize. This PC belongs to my best friend and it is used for business purposes Monday thru Friday. Also all the other users of this and other PCs have minimal understanding of PCs. Therefore I must keep it the way most users use their computer. I have decided to use IE7 as is, in case I am no longer here to maintain it.Nothing imminent but you never know. This also helps me keep a viewpoint closer to most users. I try to keep my replies as simple and basic as possible for the average user. Alan,you are not an average user.You have gone beyond that with your Windows learning and use of other browsers etc. Good to hear from another valuable member.Thanks for the info you have posted in other threads also. davey
  15. Hey Sockdown, If ORACLE shows in the Applications list you might want to uncheck it until you can get some more info. Also review winapp2.ini if you are using it. davey
  16. Yes, you have done enough for today.Sleeping on it is probably the best idea. ERUNT is a good product and ERDNT a sub program has saved me in the past also. You need to get your original C drive back to where it was before you tried to install the new drive. Use a ERDNT file from that time. Don't try any new software until you get the new drive situation resolved.I would wait awhile to see how the new drive is working before doing anything else. CCleaner is a safe product but not the type of product to introduce until you get the new C drive organized and reliable. Good Luck, davey P.S. I wouldn't doubt that there are other members who have been through what you are doing.They may have a lot better advice for you so don't rush things just yet.
  17. Hello world9, First try a reboot. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? CCleaner version ? OS and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  18. Hi Alan, That was a "good catch". That is why I want CCleaner to have some way of locking certain options. It ia also why I advise inexperienced users not to do registry cleaning until they learn more. Thanks for you information.Many other users can benefit from it. davey
  19. Hi Martin, Your list of your .ini file showed your problem. You did not have "Custom Files and Folders" option checked. Don't forget to keep a copy of your .ini file somewhere.I hate having to recreate my settings ,options,cookies to keep ,etc.Of course you need to set the option to save settings to INI file in Options > Advanced. Good Luck, davey
  20. davey

    deleting cookies

    Hi Steel, No,it is not supposed to work that way.Checking any box means you want that cleaned. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? CCleaner version ? OS and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Provide a list of your Windows tab. Provide a list of your Applications tab. Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504
  21. Did you try CCleaner because you were experiencing problems prior to using it?What were those problems? I am assuming that you tried to Reboot into "safe mode" first.If not try that and "Use last good settings". Hi Russ, Merging back the .reg file will do no good as you restored the Registry to a prior point. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? What were the disk problems you referred to in your post? CCleaner version ? OS and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504
  22. davey


    Hi drmsucks, Index.dat files are harmless.CCleaner marks some of these files for deletion at next Reboot. Windows then creates new ones.Most index.dat files have a specific reason for being there.Deleting some of these files will cause problems with some features of your OS. Some users are afraid that this information leaves them open for security reasons.There are many places on the computer other than these files that contain user information also.Trying to clean out all this data on a daily basis results in a slower computer at least for awhile. Some times these files can grow and grow due to software problems.Then something has to be done about them. Best wishes, davey
  23. Hello djp, The reason your short cuts disappear on the Start menu is your use of the Advanced options.Specifically User Assist History. Now that you have used all the Advanced options in the Cleaner function.I advise that you uncheck those Advanced options. Don't use them until you understand what they do. The last option "Custom Files and Folders" is needed if you use the Include/Exclude features of the Options function. The Start menu shortcuts and Desktop shortcuts options result in a "search" for icons that point to programs that no longer exist.If not found the short cuts will be removed. Turn off User Assist History and your Start menu short cuts will start to fill back in as you execute the programs from the All Programs start menu or Desktop or directly clicking on the program icon in Program Files. Thanks for providing the info requested by Alan B.By the way, Tweakui is a great tool and is not causing any conflict.Alan B was correct in his thoughts that the Advanced options were causing the problem. Tell your friends about us. Good Luck, davey
  24. davey

    Registry cleaning

    Hi doodler, Thanks for you encouraging words.I hope all the other members who contribute to this forum feel this way about the efforts and advice they give. A forum reflects the feelings of it's active members and moderators. The more member input in questions and advice the better the forum. 7 months ago I was just a PC user,locked in to whatever Icons were on the Desktop. This PC needed help.It had been used for 3 1/2 years with no maintenance whatsoever. Luckily it had only been used on the Internet very little.But it was suffering from many Power outages,purposefully and otherwise.It was off in a cold office down to 20 F. and in the summer up to 100 F during the day. Somehow it has survived. It was down to 8 to 10 minutes at startup and unpredictable times at shut down. My best friend finally allowed me to do something about it. I started "searching" the net for info and discovered forums. Searched many of these but never got a "good" feeling about one until I got to Piriform. Using the products and reading the forum's threads gave me much advice and information. This is the first forum I ever joined.I love it and the members. Doodler,y'all come back now.Ya hear! davey
  25. davey

    Registry cleaning

    Hi Eli, You are very welcome from all of us. Good members deserve good support. We all do our part to make using your computer easier. Pass it on.That is what matters. Better informed people make a better world. davey
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