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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Richard, CCleaner does not clean Beta versions.Avg 8.0 is so new they haven't handled it yet. You can use the Include feature in OPTIONS function and drag that file or files there. Make sure to tick Custom Files and Folders in the Cleaner options . Good luck, davey Use the new Guide to learn about the Include feature. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504
  2. davey

    XP64bit Support

    Hi Lewis, Yes it does support Xp64. What operating systems does CCleaner work with?Fully tried and tested with Windows 98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista. It's currently partially compatible with 64bit XP and Vista, there are a few non-critical issues which are still being worked on. There are no Mac or Linux versions. Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. davey
  3. Hello mam204, Local police don't have the tools to try to read anything overwritten 1 time. The FBI maybe but you gotta be an awfully big fish for them to spend that kind of money and it probably wouldn't serve as evidence. Just a source of a little bit of info in bits and pieces.Government intelligence will foot the bill for this.Maybe. From what I have read in other sources COFEE is to give police a way of gathering info from a running system without turning it off.It is more a set of TOOLS AND HOW TO USE THEM FOR POLICE than anything else. ALL CRIMINALS BEWARE !!! Any other reason like perversion and drugs they already got the evidence before they come to the door. CATCH and CONVICT MORE BIG FISH CRIMINALS .NO PLEA BARGAINS OR COUNTRY CLUB INCARCERATION. davey
  4. Hello Sync, Welcome to the forum!!! Check to make sure Cookies are not unchecked in any Applications tab.Also was your browser closed when you ran CCleaner.Also maybe other browser cookies. The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  5. Hi Kelly, Andavari's advice to you was perfect for a user like you. ESET is a very reliable online scanner.I have it running now as I type.It will also fix anything it can for you.It is the simplest there is. 1. On the webpage Andavari sent you to click on the box that says "Yes,I agree to terms of use" 2. Select "start" button 3. Select the first option and ignore the second option about applications. 4. Select scan. I understand you are a novice.I was also 6 months ago.I am still learning but I have learned a lot on this forum.Just select the first option and ignore the second option about applications.Then select scan. I definitely recommend that you install a free real-time anti-virus product like AVG or ANTIVIR. I use AVG for its ease of use and automatic updates that are very fast.If you chose to use it just don't select any tool bars or other options.You have to deselect these options.You have to hunt your way through the BS but the free version is there.Once you install it you select check for updates to get your files updated until there are no more updates.You can deselect scheduling any auto scans. I also recommend installing and using SpywareBlaster.It is very simple to install and even simpler to use.It will keep things out of your system.It is not a program that you need to run actively but it sets up your Browsing zones automatically with data to protect when you are using your browser.I use IE7 also and it makes things very easy. There are too many malicious things being foisted on the inexperienced users like you and I.. I don't know how you ended up here but this forum is a very safe place to get advice and learn. Use this link to click on these products I have mentioned and read also.I am advising you what is the very minimal protection you need.Scans don't have to be run until you want to do them. Of course you always want your Windows Firewall on also. SECURITY ADVICE As security programs get better and better, malware programs get more and more devious. As far as security goes I recommend you use this link.Bookmark it and Add to Favorites. http://internetrotsyourbrain.com/rridgely/freesoftware.htm Read his other Posts(Buttons on left) Good Luck, davey P.S. We have all been "Newbies".There are no stupid questions,just stupid answers.Don't be shy. Any help needed,just ask. P.S. ESET took 1 1/2 hr to scan 960,000 files After uninstall of Panda in Add/Remove programs , in your browser click Tools > Internet Options > Programs tab at bottom click on "Manage Add-Ons". Follow instructions under Settings or Delete Active-X.
  6. Hi Face, I am using WinXP SP2 Pro and I have not had this problem with CCleaner 2 06 or the v 2.07. In the past I encountered problems by turning off "list my most recently opened documents " in the Advanced tab.I now leave it on all the time.As long I keep this on then I do not encounter any problem. Turn it off for awhile then I do. Does clicking on "Clear List" clear your Recent Documents. Take care off these two things first. Then reapply the Registry fix and Reboot. Create some Recent Documents and then try CCleaner. That's all I can think of for now.I am going to try things on a WinXP SP2 Home edition in a little bit. davey P.S. Works on WinXp SP2 Home Ed. also.
  7. Hi Everybody, Thought you might like to see the latest Defraggler update from http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/ Sunday, April 27, 2008 Another Look at Defraggler http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/ davey
  8. Hi Everybody, Thought you might like to see the latest Defraggler update from http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/ Sunday, April 27, 2008 Another Look at Defraggler http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/ davey
  9. Hey Icedrake, I think you may be more aware of some programs that are leaky than I am. I think I would describe it more like Pac Man gobbling up chunks of memory. In my case Meminfo gives me back more physical memory than I expected and it is not a temporary thing.At times I have watched the defrag cause some programs go to 0 KB and quit. Of course ,I do this only when the monitor turns red and stays there for quite awhile and I don't want to wait for memory to clear itself over time. davey
  10. Hi hannubys, There may be a "bug" but try this first. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=101895 Fill us in on what happens. Thanks, davey
  11. Thanks. I know you will feast on Kelly's scripts and Doug Knox site also.You may already have it. http://www.dougknox.com/index.html Tweaks, Tips and Fixes for Windows? 95/98/Me/XP. davey
  12. Hi Eli, This is very useful for those who do have some leaky software and only at specific times. I don't use it to defrag that often. but sometimes some programs refuse or were poorly written and won't release needed space. Sometimes I can't afford to wait 15 min for the software to automatically clear out while it slows down the applications I need to use ,NOW. Yes , they are no magic pill as some people are led to believe but it is beneficial to those who need it. MemInfo helps me monitor what is going on more than it's defrag function. Your report is most revealing to those who think it does some magical function. davey
  13. Thanks Hot Dog, All PC users are advised to stay away from Brothersoft and it's many related websites. If you don't, the chances of you getting infected go up greatly. You can go there to get an idea of what such sites look like.The others are very much the same. DON'T CLICK ON ANYTHING !!! HOT DOG s link to McAfee siteadviser shows it all.Please see this report. http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/brotherso...t_type=FF&a
  14. Hi Hot Doggie my friend, Turning off Indexing slows things down if you use Windows search and also some other software that takes advantage of the presence of the Index. JkDefrag advises turning off Indexing if you are using the screen saver option as it is constantly moving things around. Initially, when you turn Indexing back on you will notice a slow down in your daily work as it rebuilds an index file.So I would recommend turning it back on at the end of your normal activity and let it rebuild while you are not using the PC. After this you will hardly notice it running in the background.But if you are defragging on a daily basis with JkDefrag as many "specialized" users do then it is to their advantage to turn off Indexing. Most average users are slowing their daily work by doing Cleaning and Defragging too frequently. It is actually a waste of time.Everytime you do heavy cleaning and constant defragging the performance benefits decrease. CCleaner is an excellent product for increasing the performance of "junked up" PCs.It certainly is not necessary to be run several times a day or even everyday.I have learned too increase the size allocated to Internet Temporary Files and also the number of days to keep History.I don't clean the history or index.dat files or my Applications files eveytime I use CCleaner. This does not hold true for those "worried" about security.They have to balance the need for performance versus security.I like to keep History longer than some because it allows me to keep track of the good or bad practices of other users of this PC.I don't worry about some adware keeping track of how many times I click on "chicken wings" or anything else.Besides I use SpywareBlaster and that keeps most adware at bay. Regarding Defraggler,I think it is now somewhere between Windows Disk Defragmenter(WDD) and the ultimate specialized defrag programs.It seems to me that at one time Defraggler reported that everyting was defragged but when you Analyzed using WDD it showed that some files were still defragmented. That was because Defraggler was ignoring those files as does WDD when it comes to certain files that are a waste of time defragging.Who needs System Restore files and user temporary settings files defragmented? No one does because it is a waste af time.This is why WDD does not even bother moving such files to the outside of the disk.It will if it is necessary but only if there is little space to work with when defragging large files.Some people want to defrag eveything on their disk.What is the advantage of defragging music and movies and such?WDD and other defrag programs ignore them knowing that you don't need to move everything around to get get a very,very,very small increase in speed.This is as Andavari points out about Disable NTFS last access date. As I have said before most users are better off using WDD and only defragging when it says it is needed.They don't have to worry about updates or new "bugs" or any of the other problems with other defrag programs.Plus they don't negate the benefits of the built in optimization strategies of Windows XP and Vista.All they have to to do is leave Prefetch files alone and leave the Indexing sevice alone and Windows will do its thing.It is also necessary to leave the PC on if they never allow any idle PC time.This is when there has been no mouse or keyboard activity for 90 % of the time in the last 15 mins.Some users don't leave their PC that idle at all. A perfect example of this is that Windows optimization recently moved my MFT and dropped it comfortably in the middle of my programs and data files.It did this when I allowed it enough idle time. davey
  15. The only reason you want to use this option for is if you are using a disk defrag program like JkDefrag and you want to sort on date last accessed. This is because some anti-malware programs are still causing date last accessed to be updated every time you run a scan.Some vendors have fixed this problem and some have not. In other defrag programs that use similar practices to Windows optimizing disk strategy this option is detrimental. You definitely don't want to "disable NTFS last access time" or other so called tweaks if you are using Windows Disk Defragmenter.This includes turning off Indexing service, or turning off "index this disk for fast file searching".These all make certain Windows features not function properly for average users of Windows XP and Vista. If you use TweakUI you also don't want to uncheck Optimize hard disk when idle. If you are constantly using JkDefrag then the benefits of Windows optimizing strategies is negated. If you use JkDefrag sorting and defrag features infrequently then you do not need to disable any of these features. I think JkDefrag is an excellent defrag and optimizing program but only for specific users. Average users are better served by Windows Disk Defragmenter and Windows optimizing strategies. They should not disable many things that they are told to disable by well-intentioned but insufficiently informed advisers. davey
  16. Hello Face, Welcome to the forum!!! This is a good topic for CCleaner users to know more about. I don't think CCleaner is cleaning your Recent Documents because something has happened in your Registry related to Recent Documents.This occurs infrequently but it does occur in XP. Bookmark and Add to Favorites this link.It is a great source for XP users. http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp.htm Click on the topic "Tweaks" in the left hand list. Now scroll down to line 55. Click on the left hand entry Restore Recent Documents, My Documents. Click on Save and save the file in My Documents.(You will need this again someday.) Now double click on the saved file and select "Run" then select "Yes". Congratulations ,you have just fixed your Registry as regards Recent Documents and My Documents. I could have given you a direct link to the fix but this way you learned how to navigate around Kelly's website.There are links to other MVPs and other goodies on her site.If you can't afford it now come back later and make a donation to her site. I hope this fixes your problem.It always has for me.Pass this info on to your friends. davey
  17. Which one is better? I can't answer that. Why? Because like most users I use Internet Explorer. Which version? I use IE7 because I have learned to accept MS offer of updates as they come along. I am not sure if most users do this or not? For 3 years this PC was never MS updated since it was first setup. The only updating was to new releases of applications on CD or DVD. Get it in the mail. Read the instructions. Follow them,insert disk1 here, now click on "yes", now click "OK",now click on "Finish". Simple and quick.Just what most users want. The only short coming was that for most of those 3 years this PC was never connected to the Internet. Will I go to IE8? Probably,just not yet. Why haven't you used other browsers? Since there are other users of this computer who only know IE. Will I try other browsers? Yes but not until I feel thoroughly competent and knowledgeable about Windows and Internet Explorer itself. Remember, I am trying to maintain a "New" to "Average" users view of PCs. davey P.S. Icedrake Thanks for posting such an interesting topic.
  18. Thanks,James for your follow up. Your experience makes you a valuable member for our forum. I wired a couple of EAM boards myself. Regarding your Administrator privileges,something is not right. Possibly in CCleaner.There was another gentleman yesterday using 64 bit Vists and I think the same bug is affecting you both. This info is good to know for the "bug" fixers to track down or at least identify an unknown problem. CCleaner does report the amount of deleted disk space after you run the Cleaner at the top of the listing. If you are referring to Registry space,you can use NTREGOPT to compact the Registry and see how much space was recovered. You may already have ERUNT and NTREGOPT from the author. If not get them.Small,quick,valuable,and necessary to all users. ERUNT and NTREGOPT For complete Registry Backup and Recovery and Registry optimization. I recommend that all PC users use ERUNT and NTREGOPT. ERUNT and NTREGOPT come as a package at this author's website. ERUNT backs up the Registry and other important files needed for a greater chance of successfull Emergency Recovery. Select the ERUNT /AUTO backup feature and your Registry will be backed up automatically Once a day each time you restart. It will automatically delete backups older than 30 days. NTREGOPT will create a fresh compacted copy of your Registry.To be safe you must REBOOT your computer immediately. I recommend these two programs because of their outstanding reputation,ease of use,and the rarity of needed updates. I also recommend using all of the default settings for home users. http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/index.htm Works on all Windows NT OS 32 bit and 64 bit. The Uninstall function of the Tools feature is quicker and more detailed than the Windows Add/Remove program.It uses whatever uninstaller comes with the Program to be uninstalled.It also allows deleting of entries that have already been uninstalled. A specialized "Uninstaller" program that does a more thorough job is being used by our members. It is called Revo Uninstaller and is available here. http://www.revouninstaller.com/ Good Luck, davey P.S. That certainly is an impressive system you've got there.Perhaps if it needs a new home someday... P.S.S. I recommend, once you get all that squared away,that you make a copy of the CCleaner.ini file and save it .That way if you ever uninstall CCleaner and re-install all you will have to do is copy your saved .ini file back into your new C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and all your preferences and settings will be restored to CCleaner.
  19. davey

    File Deletion

    Hi Guys, Yes,Andavari's comment sure piqued my interest. Also the fact that JDPower stated the other day to go ahead and use Recuva to overwrite deleted files. That being said I went to //www.recuva.com tonight and downloaded the newest version 1.13.304. Wow!!! What great improvements have been made to make it easier to use by the average PC user. I used all of the defaults in the wizard except I specified Other show all files. It took only a couple of minutes to scan and analyze and came up with approx. 50,000 deleted files. I then checked the box at the top left next to Filename.This caused all the files to be checked marked. I then right clicked in the body of the listing and selected Secure Delete Checked. It then took approx. 30 mins to Securely Delete at the default 1 overwrite to overwrite approx. 48,000 files. This was speedy compared with what I thought it would take. Now,I can rest assured that all previous data other than filenames is unavailable for malicious use or accidental viewing. I put a lot of value in Andavari and JDPowers comments. davey P.S. Augeas Thank You for all your testing and valuable replies regarding Recuva,
  20. Is it an executable also?As a matter of fact, aren't they all? davey
  21. I never expected the "boogeyman" would come in the evening bearing a possible decision tie-breaker. Thank you for contributing to our thread and growing accumulation of very desirable "work-arounds". That eliminates one more forced "toolbar" possibility versus forced "nag screen". With the "gift" and the personal assessment I guess the "boogeyman" isn't so bad after all. At least I see a concrete alternative to AVG 7.5,if I need one. I shall sleep better tonight. A ray of light pierces through the darkness. davey P.S. Thanks "boogeyman" you are welcome to drop in more often. Never thought I would ever be saying that.He was the greatest behavior modification threat there was when I was a kid.Still is,at least for me.
  22. Hey Dennis, After using WinSecret and reviewing all of those options, it is true many of these options are related to myths or old OS practices.Trouble is most of the options are more detrimental than beneficial to all OS.A few options are beneficial to some OS.Unload .dll files is beneficial to OS prior to 2000.It has no effect on 2000 and later. I thought you might have picked up on this link when I first posted it for Eli. http://home.comcast.net/~SupportCD/XPMyths.html I like this whole site so far (comcast). One of the options in your snapshot is detrimental to most average users PCs. Fill it in later. davey
  23. Yes!!! PC lovers all over the world are experiencing the wonderful system smoothing effects of Piriforms(new formula) RECUVA. Not Sold In Stores. Hurry!!! Due to high demand quantities may be limited. This offer not available in some locations. davey
  24. I have had MemInfo since before I had AVG FREE.The first thing I saw in Tools was that when I got AVG Free. It is handy for those who never had it in their tray.I am glad also but what is going to happen to AVG 7.5 Free ? There are going to be users looking for RAM defraggers. MemInfo fills that function and Monitors memory.
  25. Hello PG, I am pretty tired right now but your post caught my eye. Been some funny things going on this week as regards Windows/Microsoft Update.Related too SP3 schedule.They have been trying to install Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool.Anyhow this was first time I ever had Installer problems. Try Dial-a-Fix again and do (Windows Update and Windows Update Automatic Update) WU/WUAU and MSI installer.Then run over to Microsoft Update and get your new WGA software before you end up standing in line because of the backup come "Patch Tuesday" when everybody else finds out what you have so fortunately discovered now.I could be way off on this but that is what happened to me on both PCs. Hope this works out for you. davey
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