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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Keith, I agree with BEN. Either you are going to have become a PC hardware "techie" or get a newer model PC. As far as getting help from MS,there is an unbelievable amount of help available but it is all online. Plus you've got to find the right forums. You will get a lot more personal help from the computer manufacturer if it is a later model. Neither Windows XP or Vista is a load of s*** when you have the proper hardware to support it. Give that old PC and Win98SE to a kid who really needs it and wants to learn PCs from the ground up. They will never forget it.One way or another but I think more on the positive side.It could change their whole direction in life. Good luck either way on your upgrades, davey P.S. Regardless what others say,I have received excellent support from Dell for their computers 1 1/2 yrs old up to 4 yrs old.
  2. If CMC is the same company I think it is, it also is the largest manufacturer of AK-47s in the world. davey
  3. davey

    Keyboard Probs

    Yep,I agree with you Hazel. Typical overworked underpaid overachievers desktop. Notice the medicine bottle on the right hand side with the yellow and red label ? Poor soul!!! davey
  4. Hello wgan, Have not tried it yet but AVG Free 7.5 has always been good. There was a large update a few days ago,almost like a re-install.Maybe I'm now using the equivalent of 8.0 but with 7.5 dressings. Thanks for the news. davey
  5. Hello Halvah, See this link and download ERUNT and select the /autobackup option when asked. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99044 If you already use ERUNT see the Documentation in it's folder. Best wishes, davey
  6. Hi twamuc, You made it easy to diagnose when you thankfully said it was the Brazilian version of the product. I don't know when it will be fixed.I am just another member like you. Those numbers on the banner are just printed characters and not computed values that are edited. Seems to me I remember reading about totals editing considerations when using Unicode being a problem. Try checking the boxes at Options > Advanced for Show detailed listing for IE temporary files. I don't think it will help in your case but see what happens anyway. Good luck, davey
  7. Andavari,we will all be waiting by our PCs. I know it will be good. Now what do I do with 125 GB of data and Apps? Looks like I found my double overtime work at last. Oh boy!!! Lets see. 2 x 0 is... whaaat.I've been ripped off in advance. davey
  8. Of course you feel for him. You had all the necessities for comfort and survival at hand. Oh, the predicaments we sometimes find ourselves caught in !!! I'll take the washroom anytime. Where's a screwdriver or pliers when you need one ? I think I'll start wearing one of those fold up pocket tools. Maybe a few folds of toilet paper or napkins in the pocket too. A small water bottle and some candy bars. A wind up cell phone.Do they make them? I've got to get a fanny pack,no question about it. Now I know why women have those big shoulder bags. Never know what your going to run into in these glass,steel and concrete jungles !!! davey Now to find some double overtime pay occupation.Child care??? Naaaah!!!
  9. Very well put. Same here,Shorty. Somehow I have always been tall enough for my motorcycle. Slightly taller heels on the boots help a lot. Let the genes fall where they may. davey
  10. Well maybe money speaks louder than prestige sometimes. Plus, I think he wanted to prove he could do it. Maybe a trip in Soyuz next?Fast 'cept there's no steering wheel!!! davey P.S. Local dirt tracks are the most fun. Especially the figure 8 bus races and Demolition Derbys.
  11. Hello xxx's, Looks good to me but I don't pay the bill. I am not sure what we are supposed to be getting. Last time I tested I got 3800 download ,this latest time like 2800.It may also have a lot to with time of day etc. .Wait til you get more tests. Different time,day of the week,etc. Would be nice to know what people are paying for different hookups and performance. When I download programs, I get 300 - 350 KBs.I am soooooo.............. happy with that compared to 3 - 25 kbs before on my dial-up 56 kbs modem. davey
  12. davey


    Hello jangus, I would recommend first that you uncheck any Application options that may be related to his work. Unfortunately,that data is probably gone.Your only hope is that your husband has back ups of that data. You can also try Recuva and possibly get those pictures back from the hard drive.They may not have been overwritten with other data yet. Download now from http://www.recuva.com/ . You should let your husband try to recover those pictures since he is more familiar with the file names. See this related Post on how to recover files and what you should do. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14299 And this link to the RECUVA USERS GUIDE. http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/recuvabeginnersguide/ Too many PC users don't even realize that they are not using an Application properly and have the bad habit of leaving important work in temporary files. You had very good intentions.You might leave the Application cleaning to him. You can do the Windows files cleaning or leave it all up to him. I hope you are a good cook.Nobody can stay mad for long when they are hungry. davey READ AND USE THE CCleaner GUIDE. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.
  13. davey

    Free Email.

    You are right on about those Yahoo E-mails. I get the priviledge of reviewing the E-mail and it is amusing to see these formal looking letters with garbage at the bottom.Does the sender see these ads before they are sent? davey
  14. Of course they say that,to make it sound more important to get it now. I have seen them saying as little as 3 left. HEY SUCKER BUY YOUR FREE SOFTWARE NOW. GET'EM WHILE YOUR HOT. davey
  15. Hi 4087, Bad luck!!! You have a lot of reading to do but you can do it a little at a time. Don't do any more Registry "cleaning" until you do. First thing to do is Get and install ERUNT and NTREGOPT as explained here.Do this now!!!Run ERUNT now!!! ERUNT gives a better chance of successful recovery than System Restore. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99057 You may have merged the CCleaner .reg files incorrectly.Make sure that you merge them in the reverse order that they were created.They are created with a date and time stamp in the name. Merge the latest .reg file first.Then the prior .reg file.Then the one prior to that etc. Read the thread that Hazelnut recommended above. Make sure that System Restore is on and that Windows Firewall is working and also Security Center. I had a bad piece of software that kept turning these off.When System Restore is turned off then all your Restore points will be deleted.When you turn it back on you need to reboot so Restoe points will start again. Also one of Hazelnut's links for System Restore problems. http://bertk.mvps.org/html/srfail.html Good luck, davey
  16. Why the "bang" way over on the right. I forgot all about that thread.IT was "excellent". Dennis thanks for all the work you did on that thread.It cleared up a lot of confusion for me. BANG davey
  17. I am still not sure if Zack is using the Include option to "clean" the E: drive recycle bin. However, he does state that the E drive is causing other Apps to hang also. I still don't know if CCleaner cleans Recycle Bins othe than C drive. davey
  18. Hi Barttolo, I leave this unchecked until I feel I don't need any of these logs.Especially when next "Patch Tuesday" comes around.Never had any need for these logs in the past. Any Windows logs can come in handy if you have problems but there is no need to keep them more than a couple of weeks. davey
  19. Hey Mike, Congrats on joining the forum. If you use Vista you will have to use a later version of Eraser if that is what you end up using. See this thread as to Why we only recommend 5.7 for now. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=97526 In this thread you will also see a link to another product REVO that many other members are using. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=97489 You can also improve your "searching" on the forums by following this fun link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 Good luck, davey
  20. Hello mam204, I am sure your suggestion will be reviewed. Annoying pop ups are for a purpose.More are being planned. Many items in the Advanced cleaning options and Registry cleaning can not be explained in a few sentences.They require that the user be more knowledgeable than the casual user. As regards the cleaning features most users should use the "default" settings as provided. Most users should not use the Registry "cleaning" function until they gain enough knowledge or just don't do it. The TOOLS function should not be used by casual users either.Some users have even thought that this section recommended that all the Programs listed should be Uninstalled. CCleaner came out of the need to clean more areas than covered by Windows Disk Cleanup utility. In CCleaner USE THE "DEFAULT" Windows options and review the Application cleaning options.The Application options are set to be safe for "most" users not all users. Basically it comes down to the fact that cleaning your PC of junk is not a task to be performed by the uninformed.The uninformed should use Windows Disk Cleanup utility. Remember YOU are the one that clicks on the "Run cleaner" button. READ AND USE THE GUIDE. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to offer your suggestions. davey
  21. Hi Bulwark, You will find that fragmenting is a normal outcome of "defragging freespace". No need going into details but all "optimizing" defraggers do it. davey
  22. Thank you for the warning.It takes a lot of nagging to make me feel nagged any way. If I feel like I am being nagged too much I just leave the area. I am sure I will do the same with software. As far as AVG goes I have only had 2 pop-ups in several months.Both AVG ads.No sweat!!! davey
  23. Hey YoKenny, It has probably been too long since you used Disk Cleanup. Remember that other tab "More Options".About the only time I use Disk Cleanup anymore is to get rid of System Restore data.It comes in handy when you want to reduce the size of reserved disk space for System Restore Points. You must not read the HiJackThis forum too much either.One of the last steps they do is create a "new" clean Restore point and delete all the others as they may have malware saved in them. Healthy people soon forget what the doctor's office looks like !!! davey
  24. Hi again Icedrake, More than anything you need to make a visit to MS Microsoft Update and use the "Custom" button. It will show you everything that your system needs. http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdat...t.aspx?ln=en-us All system software is best left installed unless specifically instructed to do so by MS. If you need a lot ,you can do it a little at a time but I normally don't. Good luck, davey
  25. Hi Showstopper, Yes, some others have had this problem. Unfortunately,it sometimes is caused by some malware that has penetrated your defenses. See this link and the following posts in it. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=97095 Please let us know the results.Also provide the following info if it persists. The following info will help give others maybe come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
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