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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi James, I must have been in a fog this morning. I told you to do things of course you couldn't do. Mainly because I broke my own rule and didn't cover the basics first. What is happening is what CCleaner does when the user doesn't have Administrator privileges. Are you trying to run CCleaner as the Administrator or a user? I really feel foolish as that is twice today I missed the basics. James, Right click on that CCleaner icon and then select Run as and take it from there. First thing to do is Options > Advanced and tick Save to INI file. Leave that Registry alone for now unless you are an advanced user.Same goes for Tools function. You are a good new member to offer going back and testing as you were willing to do. Please stick with this forum we need more just like you. Again ,Welcome to the forum !!! I have only been up for 30 hours.Better get some Wheaties and Cheerios and sleep. Well maybe a cup of coffee first. davey
  2. Hi Thom, Are you in a hurry to do anything right now with your PC besides maybe RE-install everything? Go back to System Restore tab and see if the option to Turn off System Restore is ticked. If it is, then I would get more members input before doing anything else. Do you have any Registry backup and restore programs? It seems like you haven't used this computer much.Is this correct? Is there a previous owner that knows what programs are installed and maybe run at start up? Take your time and give it some thought. davey
  3. Hi six..pack, Are you going to continue to give us the story in dribs and drabs. Or do we get an informative post? Facts are needed not opinions. Defraggler ver. OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Which partition on which physical drive? Partition sizes? Cluster sizes? What options were being used ? Other tasks running? Could you run again using debug mode? davey
  4. Bob must also have Administator priviledges.At least that's the way it's supposed to work. Yes, it does look at the current users files except when talking about system files. For brain cell exercise and renewal is my experience. I am not sure what is going on there.I am puzzled.May be a "bug". Regards, davey
  5. Check out MemInfo also. It can load at startup which I do.It sits there in the tray showing usage then you can expand it with your tooltip open Taskmanager from it and watch Defragging as it happens 10-15 seconds.Options for font,colors,changes colors or ballon on high usage and others I haven't even used yet.You can exit.Start from Desktop,startup menue or all programs.Measure page file and/or physical memory or free memory,actual or percentages etc. http://www.carthagosoft.net/meminfo.htm MemInfo Microsoft Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista compatible with Windows XP/Vista 64 bits edition Some features are not available on Windows NT and Windows 2000 davey
  6. You might run over to your post on Yahoo and tell the others how you did it. PLEASE don't just say go to Piriform and they will tell you how. Tell them exactly how you did it.Then all those other Yahoo/CCleaner users will get their answer right from the Yahoo "toolbar" website. Now do you have to recreate other buttons again or do they get saved by Yahoo somehow? I noticed that Yahoo has the settings on file for previous users and they say they will transfer these settings to the New Tool bar. You did succeed in getting the CCleaner icon to your custom buttons or popular buttons.Correct ? Where is the button stored? I am just making an estimated guess. Did you reboot each time to be on the safe side to clear caches etc.?
  7. NourinE,You have my apologies . I should have told you to do this first. Use this link and uninstall Yahoo toolbar for Internet Explorer. http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/toolbar/t...toolbar-08.html Follow their instructions precisely.Don't forget to restart Internet Explorer. A REBOOT MAY BE NEEDED ALSO. The toolbar should now be gone if IE7 is your only browser. If you have other browsers you may also have to follow that Yahoo procedure also. After accomplishing this, reinstall CCleaner with Yahoo tool bar if that is what you want. A REBOOT MAY BE NEEDED ALSO. Best wishes, davey
  8. Hi Petrosa, One of my prior posts may have the answer to your problem.Good thing you mentioned Mozilla. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99853 CCleaner Analysis and Files Deleted Discrepency Read the whole thread.Then you can give us a report also. Thanks, davey
  9. Hey Bud, Where are you?What happened? Been waiting to hear back from you. I had one other thought about your problem.Had to go back and dig up your post again. Anyhow,UNTICK the Automatically check for updates to CCleaner option at Options > Settings. Sometimes this causes problems if there are Internet connect problems,browser bugs etc. Let us know what is happening. Good Luck, davey
  10. Well it looks like I'll be updating AVG 7.5 manually.I think it is a good product. I have seen users and hopeful developers come to this forum and suggest that all these fine products should be merged and have automatic this and automatic that and unbelievable amounts of bells and whistles and thing's that go bump in the night. What you end up with is a product nobody wants because it's too big,too slow and too complicated. That is what the new owners of AVG 8.0 Free have done.They have successfully created a useless product,for me at any rate.You can't even give-a-way the product to many users because of this. When I want to scan for viruses,that's what I want to do.Quick,easy and simple.No load on my system or schedule. When I want to Clean my PC,that's what I want to do.Quick,easy and simple.No load on my system or schedule. When I want to scan for spyware,that's what I want to do.Quick,easy and simple.No load on my system or schedule. When I want to Defragment/Optimize,that's what I want to do.Quick,easy and simple.No load on my system or schedule. The greatest number of PC users are the ones that want just that.Quick,easy and simple.No load on them, their system or schedule How many "tool bars" are on the market now.That game is over as far as most users are concerned. You forgot to include the "dancing pigs","cute kitties" ,and 3-D "fishies" !!! davey THANK YOU, ANDAVARI for giving us such a thorough and thought provoking report.You took of your precious sleep time to do it as soon as possible so we would benefit. THANK YOU ANDAVARI
  11. RIGHT !!! We never have problems uninstalling anything around here !!! Just a few problems cleaning up the mess afterwards,that's all. davey
  12. Hello James, Sincerely, Welcome to the forum !!! First thing I would do is untick Automatically check for updates to CCleaner at Options > Settings. Some users have had problems there. I don't have Vista or with 64 bits but others do and some with no problems,some with problems. If that doesn't help provide the following. The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced and close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  13. ALL NEW PC USERS ARE WARNED !!! Yes,stay away from any software not available from the authors website.Check out the site and check with the forum.You will save yourself a lot of time because the forum members know what is good and what isn't. The following site has MemInfo plus other handy free products.Even for finding Favorites. I have been using MemInfo for 5 months.Very handy for my 256 MB RAM PC. http://www.carthagosoft.net Authors website Best Wishes, davey
  14. davey

    Keyboard Probs

    Humpty,my friend. We are not mind readers.Just experienced,sometimes wise,old farts like you. Been rolling them for years.No machine, just my fingers.Tobacco only. davey P.S. YoKenny says his ashtray is missing.
  15. Hi Li, You are pulling our leg aren't you !!! Too much work? CCleaner cleans so much that used to take hours manually when you consider all those Applications. At least CCleaner allows you to save what cookies you want.Once saved you don't have to keep saving them. However, you do want to save all your settings and cookies and Include/Exclude data. To do this, you need to tick the option at Options > Advanced > Save settings to INI file. After you do this,a file named (two small cc) CCleaner.ini will be created in the C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder. I recommend, once you get all that squared away,that you make a copy of the CCleaner.ini file and save it .That way if you ever uninstall CCleaner and re-install all you will have to do is copy your saved .ini file back into your new C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and all your preferences and settings will be restored to CCleaner. Good Luck, davey
  16. Hi Bob, Yes,there are some known shortcomings with Vista 64bit and they are working on them. However,you may be hearing from other users like you soon.I am sure they can give some pointers. The whole rewrite of CCleaner was to help cover users like you. Thanks for the report and Welcome to the forum !!! davey
  17. davey

    Keyboard Probs

    Sure, here let me roll you one. davey
  18. Hi Speeder, No,Don't want no sticks in the eye. Did you use Nero's uninstall tool? I was hoping that would reset the Registry settings for you. Yes, Dial-a-Fix is a great source to reset things.I owe DJLizard a lot of donations. That little "hammer" icon at the bottom sure comes in handy.I have reset Windows Fiewall and System Restore and a few other things with Dial-a-Fix TechWiki. http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix. Not to mention getting Windows Update and Windows Automatic Update fixed. His site and he is a good friend to the members of this forum. I have learned a lot using his links. I would recommend everybody get the latest version and at least save it in My Documents to avoid the big rush when everybody tries installing and using WinXP SP3. http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix. davey
  19. Hi Craig, Do you want Security Center giving you a balloon pop-up all the time.Or do you have that turned off? I wouldn't turn off either unless absolutely necessary. davey
  20. Tom Cat, Sorry, I missed your reply until today. Have you been dabbling with Vista somewhere? Cheers, davey
  21. Hello NourinE, Welcome to the forum !!! I don't use the tool bar but you may have to re-install CCleaner and respond yes to install yahoo toolbar again.I don't know what effect this has on your current tool bar settings. As regards CCleaner you can just install over the current copy. Good luck, davey
  22. Didn't think it would but stranger things have happened. Sorry I got you confused with the previous Poster.(Brazilian) Good wishes to you as well, davey
  23. THANK YOU, Hazel !!! You always look out for us. Gonna be a busy week-end this week-end for a lot of users. davey
  24. I never had to keep track of it before but I think I will. Are the test results stored in my PC like HDTune or only by Speedtest. As far as truth in advetising,they are always going to publish longer numbers or bigger values. Like you, I just want to How many BYTES per second am I going to get into my PC. Thousands of kilo bits don't mean a thing to the average user but the long numbers are sure impressive!!! They no one thing, it looks like they are going to get a lot more of something. Advetisers will always use the longest numbers they can. 650 cc sells better than .65 liters or heaven forbid 6.5 deciliters. davey
  25. Sounds like a great idea to me. davey
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