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Everything posted by davey

  1. Some people have been waiting for this one. Good luck, davey
  2. Hi Paddy, Welcome to the forum!!! Some problems keep coming back because of the software.Fact of life. Others don't. Try this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=8588 [solution] Registry Issues Keep Re-appearing In CCleaner DAF works on all pertinent 32-bit versions of Windows: 98, 98SE, Me, 2000, XP, and Server 2003. Dial-a-fix dynamically disables functions that are not applicable to your version of Windows. The version of Windows with the most support and functionality is currently Windows XP. I recommend to all XP users to keep a copy of Dial-a-fix on hand . It fixes loads of stuff using known MS fixes. No need to search around MS looking for the fix.You will already have it on your PC. Click,click and Go.Simple. Thanks to DJLizard. He can use your contributions. He is in process of doing the same for Vista. http://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/Dial-a-fix Good luck, davey
  3. Hello Traveller, When you use CCleaner,don't use the Advanced cleaning options.These are used in rare occasions such as you had with your "virus". Turn off these options for normal use at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced options list. Your Start Menu list of frequently used programs will start to fill back in. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Best wishes, davey P.S. You need some other software to protect you. They are all free,fast and important. SpywareBlaster protects you from dangerous sites,spyware and adware. It is a program that loads protective data into your PC. It does not affect your processing time at all and very quick to update whenever you want. The simplest solutions are often the most effective. WARNING: DO NOT USE the Flash Killer tool. It may prevent proper access to some of your "most popular sites". http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html See this link as regards ERUNT,NTREGOPT and Replicator programs. THESE ARE IMPORTANT. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905
  4. Hi again Gary, Good to hear that you CCleaned your teenagers "closets". Now we need your help and information. Bug fixers info-CCleaner 2.08" I thought that you may run into the Administrator vs Std users inconsistency. For a few versions now I have been trying to gather more data for the "bug fixers" as regards this situation. Thank you for being so observant and reporting this. The info as regards Vista edition,version, and format is critical.Also the facts regarding admin vs std user functions. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  5. davey

    WoW issues?

    Hello duchess, [q]The only reference to WoW was in the cookies section and it was for www.worldofwarcraft.com.[/q] The only info I could find was relates to the same subject.I was to busy to reply yesterday. I can only agree with hazelnut.This is the most likely spot. You can find Adobe's/Macromedia Flash Player option at Cleaner > Applications tab > Multimedia list. Ask your friend to find out where his preferences and add-ons are stored. CCleaner also cleans out Windows temporary and some users temporary files. That is why it is necessary to find out exactly where the data is stored. Good luck, davey
  6. Some older versions are missing cleaning some items.The newer versions don't. Mine takes approximately 1.5 sec per MB to analyze and up to .5 per MB to clean after analyze.(no pre defrag of TIF) Pent 4 2.8 256 MB RAM
  7. Hi CeeCee, Was it you that did a beta test on Windows Defender ? davey
  8. Hi Scott, See post above. You may have to reboot but list will come back as you use the programs. This was caused by turning on User Assist History in Advanced cleaning options. These are needed rarely. Recent Documents is in Windows Explorer list and I use it when needed. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide davey P.S. See this link at the bottom. It tells you how to save your settings. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...amp;entry104255
  9. Hello sorriso, Turn off all Advanced cleaning options.Your list will start to fill back in. Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced list at bottom. Use the Guide . http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ P.S. See the following post also. davey
  10. Filehippo.com http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/4083/ What is in Startup folder ? Where does icon point to ? I suspect program was accidentally installed to Startup folder somehow. davey
  11. Thanks for your update. What happens if you turn off all those Advanced user options ? You really know how to go looking for problems don't you? Are you sure the program was installed to Vista equivalent of C:\Program Files\CCleaner davey
  12. davey

    Driver Updates

    Hello coffee, Best luck I had was going to the PC manufacturers site. In my case Dell. They gave me original specs and all driver updates I needed. It took around 1/2 hr for this newbie to find his way around but I was up to date altogether in less than 1 hr. I have been back and got more since. Start > right click My Computer > Properties > Support info Get your asset id and service code and you are ready.They even pull it off the PC if you can't find it.Quicker if you have it. davey P.S. Of course,if you go back to the driver site they tell you that you are still not up to date.Latest drivers are not necessarily needed for your set-up and can cause problems as it did to me. Murphy's law was in effect that day as the driver I needed was for the modem I was connected with to Dell. Well,maybe Murphy had the day off.
  13. Sorry Gary, I was hoping for a Vista user to come along and give you some Vista experienced advice. What you suggest sounds OK to me.Of course you are going to be there to enter the password anyhow. Let us know how it goes. Good luck, davey
  14. Hey Keith, Don't know what to say other than what has been said before. Here is how it works for me. I use WinXP Pro SP3 IE7 AVG 7.5 is checked(Enabled) and starts first. I have unchecked(Disabled) some entries and they do not start-up at boot.They remain in the list of Start-up entries and are unchecked(Disabled). The others are checked (Enabled) and they do start-up at boot.They remain in list of Startup entries and are checked(Enabled). I have highlighted an Enabled entry and used the Delete button and the item was removed from the list of entries and does not start at boot.It no longer shows in the list of startup entries. I only Deleted one item as a test for another member.Until this version I was using WhatsRunning to maintain my startup entries.Normally I don't Delete any Startup entries.I either Enable OR Disable them. Some members may be having problems if they are using more than 1 program to maintain the Startup entries.I Enabled all entries in WhatsRunning before starting to use CCleaner to maintain my Startup entries. davey
  15. It seems to be a 'bug" for some users. You information will be valuable to the "bug fixers". Any more info will really help. I use WinXP Pro SP3 IE7 AVG 7.5 Enabled and starts first. I have unchecked(Disabled) some entries and they do not start-up at boot. The others are checked (Enabled) and they do start-up at boot. I have highlighted an Enabled entry and used the Delete button and the item was removed from the list of entries and does not start at boot. Thanks, davey
  16. Only that Kessels had to do it or remain on the "blacklist". Now it is apparently up tp Emiel to pack it differently and get off the "list" also. davey
  17. I figured I would reply now.Don't be surprised to hear from some other Dual core Vista users. There are others that have been waiting a long time for this to be fixed.Start-up items that is. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks for your report, davey
  18. davey

    .lnk files

    Hi again VLM, .lnk files are "shortcuts". I would suggest that you use the Default settings in CCleaner for awhile until you have time to learn these new terms as related to Windows knowledge and CCleaner use. Do not use the Registry issues feature or the Tools feature until you learn more. You do need to use Options > Cookies and learn to "keep the "cookies" for your favorite websites". CCleaner is sometimes so easy to use that users forget that "cleaning" is a "serious task" not like sending an E-mail. You might find this link helpful to start off. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Best wishes, davey
  19. Hello VLM, Kingdom come ? Heard that somewhere before. Start CCleaner and make sure that Options > Advanced option Show prompt to backup Registry Issues is always checked.THIS IS IMPORTANT IF YOU PLAN TO DO REGISTRY CHANGES. This way you can come back from "kingdom come" if your Registry does not like what has happened to it. It is also a good idea to back up your Registry with ERUNT everyday. Good luck, davey
  20. This means that CCleaner is not finding Adobe Flash Player as an Application and no cleaning will be done. If this problem just started with this version of CCleaner there maybe a "bug" in the new version. Try the prior version first and let us know what happens. If the prior version of CCleaner does not show Adobe Flash Player then the Adobe Flash Player has been broken somehow. You may need to re-install Adobe Flash Player and then see if CCleaner recognizes it and shows it on the Application list. Good luck, davey P.S. There may be one other complication if you use SpywareBlaster. SpywareBlaster has a Tools feature that allows users to "kill" Macromedia Flash.Macromedia Flash and Adobe Flash Player are the same product now owned by Adobe. If you use Macromedia Flash/Adobe Flash Player you must not use the option in SpywareBlaster to "kill" Macromedia Flash. Do you use SpywareBlaster ?
  21. Hello, Adobe Flash "cookies" will not be deleted unless the Adobe Flash Player is checked and shows on the Application tab in the Cleaner list of options. If checked it will be cleaned,if not checked,it will not be cleaned. If it still does not work properly,report back here to this thread. davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.
  22. Dennis, You really know how to get a persons heart rate up. We are all called to do different things at different times in life. Somebody has to be home and keep the home fires burning. Your daughter is young and needs her chance to enjoy herself at such an event. Don't just sit there,get somebody to watch the "fire" and get your self over to the Isle Of Man and enjoy yourself too. NO EXCUSES!!! You can do it!!! MOVE!!! MOVE !!! MOVE!!! davey
  23. Hi Andavari, I am afraid some members have done as you suggest and now they can't get to their favorite sites. I was going to suggest that they make sure that they did not do this by accident,not realizing what it will do. Of course the remedy is to turn off that option. Regards, davey
  24. Wow. What a journey.I was wondering where you went. Yokenny,posted this for member "ident" but it sounds similar to what you were talking about.Maybe it will help?Note it relates to permissions to delete but you may use it as a guide for other permissions. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105194 I would get in contact with YoKenny as he seems experienced in using this tool for many things. Welcome back, davey
  25. Hi vecchio, I would not doubt that Vic comes up with something. I found Defender to be easier to get rid of on XP.It wouldn't surprise me that it pretty well embedded in Vista as Symantec can be in XP. What'sRunning program showed me that some of Symantec is still present on my computer after 10 months. The best security programs do a good job of hiding in the system so malware can't defeat them. Good luck, davey
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