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Everything posted by davey

  1. davey

    Thank you

    Hi Alan Deb, We are interested in your answers. davey
  2. Many have tried that product and did not get any money back when it wouldn't work. davey
  3. Thank you! They have been very busy at Piriform. The documentation in the CCleaner Beginner's Guide is probably due for an update soon. I hope this gets in there. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Best wishes, davey
  4. Hey me1, What's with the entering 2 New topics? Stop doing that!!! Reboot. davey
  5. As far as Flock is concerned maybe we can get some winapp2.ini or Include information to clean those files. What version of Flock are you using? Sandboxie users please take note also. davey
  6. Hi normishmael, I am not sure about other Browsers but IE just deletes the pointers to that data.If you turn that option off(windows default) then CCleaner will delete those files and also "secure delete" if you use that option. Using Recuva you can "secure delete" any or all deleted but not yet "securely deleted" files.I now do this maybe once a month. Most of that data gets overwritten with normal use.I don't bother with "secure delete" in CCleaner anymore. Just a waste of time and wear and tear on my HDD.My buddy "secure deletes" everything.He just had to get a new HDD. Different strokes for different folks!!! Good luck, davey
  7. Hi, Sounds like good news. How often do you run a defrag of the whole drive? 500 GB in 9 hours sounds good to me.Of course the most I ever defragged was approx. 85 Gb for about 7 hr using JkDefrag. I just don't have that kind of volume to require much defragging more than maybe once every month or two. How do use your HD.What kind of files? Are you using it for professional purposes? I would bet that auto powerdown is probably high on the list of suggestions. Good luck, davey
  8. Hi again andreasm, Almost lost track but I found the thread again. I think there is some confusion as to how to use the Tools > Startup list. Just remember that each entry has a box next to it.If the box is checked then the entry is ENABLED and will start at start-up. If the box is un-checked then the entry is DISABLED and will not start at start-up. To completely remove an entry the entry must be "HIGHLIGTED" and then you use the "Delete entry" button at the bottom.This will completely delete that item from the list.This must be done for each item to be completely deleted. Any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. Best wishes, davey
  9. Hi Tottel, This link and following post may help you get your 7 GB back sooner than normal. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=106234 Good luck, davey
  10. Hi Brian, I am not positive but I take it to be like the mixing of white and dark blue. Similar to the scarlet color you can see in Windows Disk Defragmenter a mix of blue and red sometimes almost purple. I appreciate the mix versus just a few fixed colors. Best wishes, davey
  11. davey

    Clean free space

    Hi Berny, If you like CCleaner then also try Recuva. See this link for some insight. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=106241 See this link to get it. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16221 Good luck, davey
  12. Hello plividus, Thanks for your information so far. How are you using the 1.02.077 version when this occurs. It may be the same as others have reported but it may be different. A new version is in the works but you can go back a version until then. http://filehippo.com/download_defraggler/4165/ Good luck, davey
  13. davey

    Thank you

    Wow!!! That is terrific. I didn't know you could do that. It is no wonder Hazel is asking questions. Thanks for the report and your support, davey
  14. Hey Yo, Great desktop!!! My Heroes !!! They don't make 'em like that anymore. davey
  15. Hi kathiste, Pretty name. Welcome to the forum. The options at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning options can cause some undesireable things to happen. You should turn them off as they are only needed for special Advanced user needs. They will not improve the performance of your system except in a few situations.Most users find the results to be very upsetting. The specific option that caused your problem is Windows Size/Location cache.It causes many things to be reset. I would turn off all Advanced cleaning options until you learn a little more. You can start by saving this link and using it often. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com You can read the topic Cleaner information in regards to your situation. Best wishes, davey
  16. Just wanted to thank you guys for being good members. Contrary to some peoples beliefs "the bug fixers" do read these forums.Your information is important. Thanks, davey Not a bug fixer.Just another member like you.
  17. In this case Humpty, they obviously wanted to communicate to all the "impaired" drivers out there. In Andavaris case ,I would have second thoughts about using that software. Like Dennis said davey P.S. I enjoy all you guy's humor.Keeps me coming back for more.
  18. Cleaning of files and folders and making disk space available for re-use is the basic function of CCleaner. This without the added requirments of space and complexity is what I would like to see continued. The dangers and complexities and greatly increased run times are for more specialized programs such as Recuva. Regards, davey
  19. davey


    Hello lampz, I am presuming that you are referring to the option to delete HotFix Uninstallers or possibly Windows Update Logs. The option at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning list > HotFix Uninstallers will cause the deletion of the programs that were set up and provided by MS in case a HotFix did not work properly on your system.Once The HotFix has proven to be successful then the corresponding HotFix Uninstaller is no longer needed and can be removed.Once done then the update or "fix" can not removed. Windows Update logs are only needed for a very short while and can normally be deleted at the next clean-up. This information may not answer your specific question but is beneficial to other new users. Provide a little more detail if this is the case. Best wishes, davey P,S, More specific information can be found here.Save it and use it. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com
  20. I am from the same stable, WhizCat.Bet you had a few wires and boards in your hands also. This is a great forum to be around.Your wisdom and experience will be thoroughly appreciated. davey P.S. As you probably already know,older versions of CCleaner will run just fine on Win95.You can get them from http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ .
  21. Hello, This link helps fix many install problems for older OS. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=5739 Don't forget to Reboot(important) Also note that Win95 is not supported by CCleaner. Good luck, davey
  22. Hey Whiz, What happens if you try running from C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe . Are your programs being installed there? Uh! Oh! Just realized Win98SE Try this first. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=5739 Then Reboot.Then try CCleaner.Then try re-install if necessary. davey
  23. Hello CS, If it has any thing to do with CCleaner it is probably having to with using Advanced list of cleaning options on the Windows tab in the Cleaner function.Turn these off as the they are only used for special Advanced users purposes.If you are using the Include function then leave Custom files and folders on. davey
  24. Hi Stormy, Looks like you are about to come to a screeching BSOD. Since you cleaned up your PC,something has now started to eat up that space. You need to find out where that space is being filled up.Then we can help you to prevent it from happening again. First thing you need to do is stop running as many programs as possible.One of them is possibly the culprit.This does not include CCleaner. Start by taking a manual System Restore Point and running ERUNT if you have it.Now you have some backup.If you don't have enough space then do the next step first then this step. You need some space to work with so I suggest using Windows Disk Cleanup program > Advanced tab and deleting all but the most recent System Restore Point.Please note how much space you regain. If you are not currently using the winapp2.ini file in your CCleaner folder use this link and down at the bottom of the first post you can download it and put it in your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110 Then run CCleaner.This will clean more ares than you have been cleaning. Please note how much space you regain. Since you are using Firefox,you might make sure that you cleaning or releasing as much space as possible there.Please note how much space you regain. You say that you are backing things up to another drive.That is an excellent practice.Just be sure that in one of your back up jobs that you are not accidentally backing up to C drive.Please note how much space you regain. Some back up programs such as ERUNT,when run manually will create files that must be manually deleted.These can accumulate.Please note how much space you regain. Check Any other users and AllUsers and Default users "Documents and Settings" files.CCleaner only cleans out ares being used by the current user.Some users forget this.Please note how much space you regain. P.S. Check Windows temp files also.Turn off option at Options > Advanced as regards Windows temp files.Turn back on later if you like. Hope these steps help you out.Let us know how it works out. davey P.S. Almost forgot a very important thing. Scan for viruses etc. If you don't have any security then use this link and install some immediately before you have no room left. http://internetrotsyourbrain.com/rridgely/freesoftware.htm Read his other posts as well. Buttons on left.
  25. Hi ares, It sure seems like some sort of infection. Have you tried seeking help at ESET. http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ Our HiJackThis forum is not capable of helping right now. You can also try this link.Many HiJackThis experts are trained here. http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/forums.html Best of luck, davey
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