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Everything posted by davey

  1. davey

    CCleaner v2.09

    Hello, Glad to hear of so many languages being used on one copy of CCleaner. Look into your CCleaner folder then save your .INI files if there are any. If you can, "search" and find a copy of CCleaner uninst.exe program then run that. This should reset your Registry for you and delete old files and icons.Make sure your CCleaner folder is empty of all files and folders. Reboot your PC. Then download and save the Portable version from here and put it into your CCleaner folder. http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds This will have all new language .dlls and new copies of the other files that you need. Then Reboot your PC. Now try Running CCleaner from your CCleaner folder. If it works OK then copy your saved .ini files back in and try again. If it works, right-click on the CCleaner.exe icon and save to your desktop. If nothing works then answer the following. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can. Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Did you reboot after Un-installing CCleaner before trying to Re-install it? Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls? Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Best wishes, davey The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark & save to Favorites
  2. Why pay Download & Buy Recovery Software (Starting at $69) when Recuva gets the job done for FREE davey This is a Freeware forum not a SPAM site!
  3. davey


    That is right Fred. I am still learning about Java and updates and versions and downloaders and .I know what you mean.This is a tremendous help to all users.For the longest time it was just something else in the Control Panel I didn't understand. Are you saying that right now we need to be using the alternative method in JavaRa? Has Java fixed the problem and will it be in the next release of JAVA.? YoKenny thanks for providing the old fashioned method. Now ,how the heck did I get the latest Version of Java.I must have used the alternative site. And I don't ever remember putting in any user names and passwords at Java.com but I probably never updated it either until JavaRa came out. Thanks for JavaRa.Now I have eliminated all kinds of versions and downloaders and things I still don't know what they were but they were clogging up my software files. davey
  4. Hi 1984, So where do you stand as far as WinXP Home? Pro? SP1? SP2? SP3? I am a "newbie" to all this sound card stuff and such.I learn by trying doing research related to specific problems like yours. It has been interesting.Talldog is right about you need the MS UAA .This is either the KB835221 (for SP1) or the newer KB888111 (for SP1 or SP2). To install the Microsoft UAA driver before the audio driver. Uninstall your current audio driver, then install the UAA driver, then install the audio driver. The new driver may be the Conexant one listed at Talldog's link. SP3 I am still looking into. P.S. Latest I found so far. Once XP SP3 is released, the HD audio hotfix (KB888111) would be installable on XP SP3. Strange solution but seems to work for Toshiba conexant as well.He says not a UAA problem but codecs. http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPo...5&SiteID=17 davey
  5. I keep my own little list of contributions and I.O.U. s and Javacool is definitely on that list. Imagine the money,time and stress SpywareBlaster has saved users.Especially new PC users and parents. Just like Piriform products. davey It's a long list but perfectly justified.
  6. Hello Fire, I have no experience with XP Repair Pro. I have seen many members who have used many different utilities for cleaning and Registry "issues" fixing. They always come back to CCleaner. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Good luck, davey
  7. davey

    Duplicate Files

    I have seen members reporting that they used "such and such" cleaner or washer and the old Windows CD install disc having to be found. If you do ,do your backups first. I have done it one at a time but not with automatic type software. I haven't seen much discussion about this topic but it would be beneficial. I am glad you asked such a good question. davey P.S. It also depends on the type of files we are talking about. I have never just straight out deleted a "duplicate" without first making a copy with a different name of course and then renaming the so called "duplicate".It turned out in some cases the file I thought should be deleted, was the copy that needed to be kept. The job is tedious and can be just as dangerous as having to do too much Registry "fixing". Sometimes best to leave well enough alone.
  8. HI Craig, Javacool is SpywareBlaster. Try again.I did and they have updates. davey
  9. davey

    Forum down

    Hey,who's driving this thing anyhow? My message said "IPS Driver error". At least we know our words of wisdom are being backed up for posterity. davey
  10. davey

    hpHosts MIA

    Kenny I can get both from here in Maryland,USA davey
  11. Hi Pud, If you mean searching with Windows Explorer then you can run CCleaner and make sure Search Autocomplete option is checked at Cleaner > Windows tab > Windows Explorer list. If you mean Internet Explorer than you click on the Tools icon and select Delete Browsing History and click on Delete all.However this will delete everything related to your Internet Explorer browsing.You can use CCleaner to selectively clean that data. Good luck, davey P.S. If you are trying to hide things from MOM and DAD, pretty soon you are going to get caught.Follow the rules and make your own rules when you get older.Your parents rules are the best to follow. You seem to be pretty "stressed out".Take my "Word" for it as a kid, as a Dad and a Granddad.I am all three.
  12. Thanks Hazel. Woody said "Browser provided by Tiscali etc.".I thought it was something new. Horror stories about ISPs sound very interesting also. I imagine the info wouldn't do me much good on this side of the pond though. davey P.S. IE7 with IE7Pro works just fine for us to get rid of all the ads. Whoops,almost forgot about SpywareBlaster.Thanks SpywareBlaster!!!
  13. Hello lyth, Review That CCleaner Guide just as Andavari advised you to do. One thing in the Guide that you may miss, is the fact that both Windows tab and Applications tab MUST be considered as one long list of things to be checked and possibly cleaned. It does not work 1 tab at a time as some users think. Make sure that you do not have things in Temp files or Tmp files that you want to keep. These are temporary files and will most likely be cleaned by CCleaner.Some users don't realize that they have been running programs or storing things in temporary areas untl they do their first Analysis and Cleaning. This is not to scare you but to advise you.After all, cleaning and getting things better organized is what PC maintenance is all about. CCleaner is a PC maintenance program and must be run with all browsers and other programs closed. Do NOT use the Advanced cleaning options.These are for special purposes and should only be used under special situations. Most users are not happy with what they thought it was going to do.They do special cleaning jobs for advanced users who understand the consequences of using them.They do not do any cleaning that will improve the performance of your PC. Before doing any Cleaning go to Options > Cookies and save the important cookies to your favorite sites. Also there are other types of "cookies" to consider.See this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=107657 Best Wishes, davey
  14. I got a similar report and it said ClamAV just like yours.I am in a home. ClamAV is known to report a higher number of "false positives" than other AV scanners. davey
  15. Yes I reviewed your report 2 out of 32 of the most popular scanners. 1 A/V is Panda which always reports as Suspicious 1 A/V is ClamAV which reports more "false positives" than the average scanner. I did the same at Jotti and 1 hit out of 20.This was a copy which I just downloaded from Filehippo.com. Also ClamAV I would take this as a "false positive". My scanners find nothing either. davey P.S. I just ran CCleaner with it.No problems.
  16. Hello take that package to Jotti and report back to us.Most likely a "false positive" but to confirm go there. http://virusscan.jotti.org/ Thanks, davey
  17. Horror stories!!! We all want to read horror stories. Especially about Browsers we may be thinking about trying. I prefer to avoid horror situations by getting a little info from my friends. davey
  18. Thanks for the response. You got some great family. Happy Birthday Dabby Exactly like the first card they ever made for me.I will never forget it. davey Little things mean a lot!!!
  19. davey

    What now?

    Geometric combination of circumstances.Otherwise known as a rare "bug" possibly. Don't know if I will ever get around to the Japanese lingo.One of these days I will have to try that Google translator.One day it may work for me.There were Japanese links found by Google and about all I could make out was the word "Flex"and "Trend Micro".They must have been the ones. Thanks for clearing that up, davey The owner of this computer would pull the plug in a heart beat when anything hung in the past.
  20. Good for you. Depending on what you are doing and the software involved "issues" can return. It could have been like that for quite awhile and you never knew.That is what is nice about how non-aggressive CCleaner Registry cleaner is.Many users can go for years with "issues" that really don't affect the PC at all. Other cleaners could say you have hundreds of things but they are misleading. davey
  21. Hi doodler, Yes,that is it exactly.Newer versions are still the same and will probably stay that way.Gentle cleaning a layer at a time. Thanks for you reply.I am sure it helped. davey
  22. Hi abu aufa, You may have already seen these threads.I am not sure. It seems you need to cleanup 1.1 and the MS installer. This can be done with this MVPs work .It works for all .net versions . It is a real time saver. Keep a link to his site and look around. You will see this guy is a .net framework genius . I have used his tool and had no problems. http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/200.../30/611355.aspx DennisD did a lot of work investigating .Net framework and this thread is very similar to your exact problem. This is why I think once you clean up where your problem is then you can reinstall with no problems. We will be here also. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=91132 Man, did you just save hours/days of headaches.That's what this forum is all about. Good luck, davey So it seems clean-up and reinstall is what you need to do and leave the other versions alone. Sweet!!!
  23. davey


    I am not sure how Java themselves checks. Have you used JavaRa to delete all old versions first?'Old versions of JRE that is. P.S. Are you sure your icon isn't linked to an old version of JavaRa itself? Try clicking on the new JavaRa itself. It has happened to me a member I know. Try things like that first.If still no joy then supply more info about you system,OS, versions of Java on your machine etc. Good luck, davey P.S. What's all this username and password stuff as regards Java.Honestly,I have never seen it before. I must live a "charmed" PC life or the "Piriform fairy" watches out for me or something.
  24. I have seen only a few other parental control questions on the Piriform forums.I am sure there are some good answers out there. What comes to my mind is how to protect the viability of your PC. Do you "hide" all your maintenance,utility,etc icons.One or two clicks and many files are gone or Registry corrupted. I wonder what grandparents do when the grandkids come to visit.I am not sure. A "Sandbox" or what. Hope you get some of those ideas offered from the members as well.It will help many members. Best wishes, davey
  25. WOW!!! What a great idea. Post count 66.Sure shows some interest. They were all great. Some stood out more than others.Like Woody's with all the surrounding ladies and other stuff. Then Mr Brownstone's unbeatable Speed Test. But I had to disallow Woody's for breaking rule #2. And Mr B.s for breaking rule #1. Then I made my final choice. All I can say is, it captures the imagination.There must be a story behind it.And that great pair of large,voluptuous, "Red Rings". davey
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