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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Andavari, Maybe I caught your sig. one day right after you cleaned it or something.You use to have more links.I noticed later it seemed like you had put some back. I read on some thread that they couldn't get your download for CCleaner at shutdown from Media fire.Looks OK from there now. davey
  2. Hi Patrick, Welcome to the forum!!! I deal with people who sound like they are "new" and can use some help to learn things easy and fast. Some times it is not so fast but I always try to keep it easy. So you were wondering!!! That is the first necessary step to learn easily. This link is to Wikipedia.Probably the quickest way to find out about anything. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...arch=&go=Go Save this in your Favorites so you can quickly find out about anything. Cut and paste phrases into the search location and off you go.So type or paste in Free space defrag and see what you get. Here is a fun little link to learn how to find info the fast and easy way on this forum. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 Good luck and have fun, davey
  3. You can reach MrG by clicking on New Messages at the top right hand of your forum window . Then Menu on the left under Messenger click on "Compose New Message". Then at Recipient's Name put MrG and enter your message. Good luck, davey
  4. Hello odysseus99, Don't know why that would happen but "Stuff Happens". Be sure your wife has Administrator permissions.Then try again. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Defraggler and double-click on the uninst Icon if it is there. Next thing I would try is Dial-a-fix.This is used by many forum members.Fixes everything using MS "fixes".No hunting for the fix. The first thing to try is check off Box #2 to fix MSI (Windows Installer) and hit the "Go" button. Dial-a-fix fixed my problems with Windows updates and many other problems. I use it all the time now.First thing I check when I suspect a problem.The Tools come in handy all the time(Hammer icon at the bottom). http://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/Dial-a-fix Good luck, davey ("Don't leave home without it.") This program is a real "keeper" for 32 Bit WinXP and prior users.
  5. Hello nguyenthanhphong, Thank you for your work. You need to contact #1 Member MrG (Administrator). He will be the person to accept your efforts. Good Fortune, davey
  6. For those who don't have Windows update Automatic update turned on. You might want to check Microsoft again for the second version released June 19,2008 davey
  7. I am no Recuva expert but did you try "deep scan".Seemed to work for another user recently. Also be aware that some files that are not marked as "excellent" can still be good. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14299 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=106365 Good luck, davey Memory card maybe not as far as 'deep scan'.
  8. davey

    Registry Clean

    Hi CRoz, CCleaner Registry cleaner is the mildest that I have found. Depending on the condition of your Registry it is safe to use.However,make sure that it asks you to backup the changes. ALWAYS reply "YES".To be even safer you should take a manual System Restore Point and back up your Registry with a Program called ERUNT. See this link and related links to get and learn about safe practices for your PC before you start to make changes to your Registry. This is the safest and wisest thing to do.You will not regret it. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 Yes,the Registry will still be there later and you don't need to mess it up now.It will not improve the performance of your PC. The Advanced cleaning options are for special situations and you will probably not like what they will do.Using them does not mean you will be doing a better cleaning job. Best Wishes, davey
  9. Hello KGB, Thanks for joining the forum!!! CCleaner seems to be stuck in the middle here but the real problem,I think, lies with the PcGuard software. The Registry issues feature just serves to clean out what CCleaner finds as "issues" or "inconsistencies".It reports to the user what it has found and what it will do to "fix" the issue.Making changes to the Registry can have unknown consequences. This "seems" to be "old timbo's" problem between PcGuard and CCleaner. KGB's problem seems to be with PcGuard software and Nokia PC Suite. PcGuard software is the common problem here.As a piece of security software it has many capabilities "allowed" to it.It has the abilitiy to restrict access or keep certain things from occurring.It apparently is not reporting what ever conflict is happening.This can be for the software's own protection.Whatever is going on is definitely under it's control. I think the only resolution to this problem lies with the PcGuard software company. Thank you very much for your input KGB. davey
  10. What are you breeding? Little "squirms" are gonna grow sooner or later.What you been feeding them? Maybe it's an environmental problem.Unplug your PC for a couple of days.Maybe they will die or pack their bags and go to Vegas. Best Wishes, davey
  11. Good for you. Please be careful where you go to get software.Many rogue applications are out there and sometimes they do more than fix your problem.These bad guys have many free software sites on the net. What is suggested from this forum is safe. Good luck, davey
  12. Hi mr.clean, What you are looking for can be downloaded from this link.winapp has the info you are looking for.Must still be something in Registry. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104990 Good luck, davey
  13. Don't forget the basic uninstall/install stuff like reboot. Brings in nice fresh copies of stuff. Never hurts especially with weird stuff happening. davey
  14. Hey Bug, You are looking in Options > Cookies correct? Also CCleaner is only showing the Cookies for the current user. McAfee is probably scanning every where even backups. Too many automatic things going on can just as well slow you down or remove stuff you wanted to use later. My practice is run CCleaner under my control after I have secured everything else and stopped them from running. Best wishes, davey
  15. When strange things start occurring,the first thing I do is run several security scans. davey 1 thing happens it is to be expected.2 things it is time to get serious. P.S. Did you uninstall the latest Java and then install it again.Then try it out. The Beta version may be causing problems itself. Did you also get JavaRa and clean out all the old Java stuff.
  16. Hi EricG, Welcome to the forum!!! System Restore on WinXP has not always been as good as most users expect it to be. CCleaner has no effect on System Restore data. System Restore is excellently covered at this website. System Restore http://bertk.mvps.org/index.html Restore a Windows XP system to a previous State using System Restore http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore What you need is some other reliable back up procedures as well as System Restore. See this link and related links to help you recover from problems. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 Good luck, davey
  17. Hello Shybill, Welcome to the forum!!! The wise person always asks first. I have been using this PC for about 4 years now.3 1/2 years of that was just using.Not cleaning,not updating,etc. So when I came to this forum I would consider myself a "new" PC user.I did not know any safe practices other than to back up my daily work and master files.I knew nothing about what good safe software,websites or the safest things to do as a "newbie". I know you may be a long time user but maybe a "newbie" to the other things I have mentioned. I have written many replies to wise "new" users like you. You are absolutely correct in your statement "If I can do it anyone can " You can do it very easily.A little work but fun and easy.That's the way it should always be. See this link and other links in it and you will be set on your XP machine and your new Vista PC. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 You can always get help and learn here. Best wishes, davey
  18. Hi Stephen, A similar situation occurred about 4 weeks ago. See this thread and I think you will keep a lot of possible problems from occurring besides solving your current problem. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104341 Good luck, davey
  19. Thanks for the info.Also for putting your shutdown for CCleaner back in your signature. davey Meow? Meow?
  20. Hazel The Great !!! With her secret Sorcerer's source of secret sources search engines. davey We never had a chance.
  21. I have been using Avast Home Edition on a 2004 DELL Dimension Pent 4 2.8GHz with 256 MB RAM 333MHz and I am surprised that it barely slows down my PC with 6 of the 7 provider shields running.Only change I made was to turn off the sound for updating messages. It has been running fine.It is slower than using AVG 7.5 but faster than AVG 8.0 . I did download Malwarebytes today. Took about 5 min from the time I hit majorgeeks to download,install and update files and start quick scan with all defaults and find my first infection.AVG 7.5 and SAS never found it.It was a Browser Helper Object that I had disabled months back as I didn't know what it was and how to get rid of it. The quick scan was QUICK.About 11.5 mins and that was that.Reviewed the log and removed the item to quarantine.Can restore it if needed.Did not have to set any settings at all.Pretty good for download to finish in about 15 mins. I am impressed so far.Now to go over and register at their forum.This will be only my second forum. Saw a lot of familiar names over there. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php Oh yeah. WinPatrol is pretty neat also, and small, and helpful, and cute. Woof! Woof! http://www.winpatrol.com/ Download WinPatrol 2008 V15.0.2008.0 Thanks, YoKenny. davey
  22. Wow Hazel, That means a possibility of 2 million stolen passwords. I am not a gamer.Does this mean that 2 million gamers can't play any more or what? davey
  23. Hi me1, I presumed when you said that you "Deleted History" that you used the Tools button on the IE7 tool bar. Apparently,I think, we have a "timing" situation here. If you set the proper check marks in CCleaner and then "ran" it at start-up then the History files won't be deleted and replaced until next Reboot. I don't run any maintenance programs at Start-up except ERUNT.If you have to reboot for some reason then all your maintenance programs will start-up like CCleaner and clean out things you didn't want cleaned yet.Of course it also slows down boot time quite a bit. Good luck, davey I knew you didn't double click.You actually made 2 New Topic entries.All is forgiven. P.S. The first time I posted on the forum I couldn't figure out how to get out of there.
  24. I wanted to emphasize getting a good clean System Restore Point before deleting the old ones. Not so much for Dennis as the new users reading this thread. davey
  25. Hi Dennis, Naughty! Naughty! Telling tales on Hazel like that. Your supposed to change it to say HONORED MEMBER or RESPECTED MEMBER or ACTIVE MEMBER or MEMBER not just Member. Now,don't forget when you get things the way you want them then take a manual System Restore Point and then use Disk Cleanup > Advanced tab and delete all but the latest System Restore Points.That's how they flush all possibly infected System Restore Points after cleaning out malware and such. Manually taken System Restore Points are your Friends So are ERUNT backups. http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/index.htm My advice to new users.Get this program and others just as important.They will save you at your worst moments. Read this link and associated link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 davey
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