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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Mike, Don't panic!!! There is loads of help here. The first thing to do now is edit out your E-mail address. Second thing is a reboot if you haven't done so since you installed. Answer these questions if you still have problems. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? P.S. Skip these first two items for now. 1. Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) 2.Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? P.S. Did you do any Registry "fixes" ? P.S. Did you use the Tools feature ? P.S. Were you experiencing any problems or unusual system behavior prior to installing? Best wishes, davey The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark & save to Favorites Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  2. davey

    Restore XP

    There may be other things wrong. The best thing for you to do is get help at the HiJackThis forum.This way you can restore your PC. Follow these instructions. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=11000 Good luck, davey
  3. I know what you mean.I only use it every now and then.I don't run it "real" time in the background. Need all the RAM I can keep freed up for normal stuff. davey
  4. Hi Tim, I understand your position but have you done some security scans with other products.? How often do you get updates from PCGuard? Do you use any Auto Start-up programs that maybe adding to this conflict?This is the first I ever heard of CCleaner causing any security programs to hang.Normally it's the other way round. How did your updates go from MS on "Patch Tuesday"? How often do you get Registry issues in CCleaner? Some programs cause the Registry to be "switched" at boot like NTREGOPT.Do you use any Registry compacting or "defrag" programs? P.S. NTREGOPT is an excellent program that I also use.However,after running it an immediate reboot should be done.Any Registry changes made after running it will not be reflected in the "new" compacted Registry.This could result in problems occurring at reboot later after such additional Registry changes may have been made.This could cause "hangs" at reboot. Looks like no Registry fiddling for now.I don't think CCleaner has anything to do with it as much as some other program or update. Good luck for now, davey
  5. Hello Smilee, Run Analyze and check list for Java files. Second turn off option at Cleaner > Applications tab > Internet list > Sun Java. Now do Analyze and check list again for Java files. If Java found first time and not the second then you should be OK. Fill us in on the result. davey P.S. I am not sure if I completely understand the problem.Can you elaborate on what you mean that you can not "start" FSI.? At least these steps can be done to see if it works for you. Are you expecting certain files to be "removed" or "cleaned"? The Exclude function is to prevent cleaning. Is the website that you are trying to connect too expecting you to have certain "cookies" or special files available for it to identify you? I have done a little research into FSI.But nothing technical.
  6. Sometimes we can be misled into thinking things are deleted when they have just gone "missing". Were you signed onto to your normal account or possibly a different one ? Look in Favorites for other users also. Some folders get accidentally "dragged and dropped" or in my experience "slipped".I don't think this is the case but you never know. I just did a Windows "search" on "favorites".I found 28 and there are only 2 "real" users.The Administrator and me. Good "Searching", davey "Search" and you shall find. P.S. Don't be surprised to find your own Post. One other crazy thought I have.I am not familiar with MSN Explorer but who knows? Make sure you have the correct date in your PC.
  7. Hi cali, As you can see,lots of help 'round here. CCleaning is an important and serious task.Some users don't realize this. All of us are so used to the procedure that we forget to tell "newbies".Cleaning,defragmenting,Registry cleaning are all maintenance programs. When you do your "cleaning" it is important to have no other tasks running.This also includes browsers like Internet Explorer,Firefox,etc. The program runs faster and cleans more since there is no conflict with other programs running. Save this link also.You need it now. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Follow what I suggested for this member. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Good luck, davey Come back when you need any help.
  8. Hello Tim, Can you provide a listing of the Registry issues that CCleaner is reporting? Registry cleaning is a risky thing to do.You must be telling it to delete an item that should not be deleted or something else is occuring to cause PCGuard to hang.Remember to run Scan for issues until no more are found. Have you sought information from them? Best wishes, davey
  9. Who would want to pay $30 for something they can get for free from many recommended sites from this forum? Taken out of context your question makes sense.In context it doesn't. "You can remove several to increase (the speed up of) boot time while not losing any real functionality." davey
  10. Yes,you will start to see them fill back in again but only as you use them again.Some programs you may have to use All Programs to execute them in order to get them back on your Most Frequently Used programs list on the Start Menu.Others will fill in as you execute them from your Desktop. Follow what I suggested for this member. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Many more things to be learned on this forum.Good advice also. Come back often.You are a valuable member now. davey
  11. Thanks again, Gary.Here is a little reward for you.It's a link to something that will teach your about taking snap-shots and such. It was a gift to me from DennisD. Pass it on!!! Read the whole thread and links. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=13668 davey
  12. Hi legend, Welcome to forum!!! Like all the others have said,your C drive is too full.It is no wonder you are suffering from BSODs. First thing you need to do is delete some of the junk from your PC. Download CCleaner http://www.CCleaner.com/ and follow what I suggested for this member. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Start > My Documents each one of you.My Music and My Videos and right click on the junk and select Delete. Other than that you need an external hard drive to copy what you want to keep and then delete from the C drive. Create a new screen shot and come back here after you and the other users have deleted at least 15 gigs. Best wishes, davey
  13. I had similar problems right before the release of SP3. Just like YoKenny says. Dial-a-fix fixed my problems with Windows updates and many other problems. I use it all the time now.First thing I check when I suspect a problem.The Tools come in handy all the time(Hammer icon at the bottom). http://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/Dial-a-fix Good luck, davey
  14. Hey that is great!!! Thanks to TwistedMetal and DJLizard. Don't know about that icon but I bet others will. Same thing with the PayPal situation. Trust the sites that serve you well.That is all you can do.Or we all go nuts. Unfortunately,there are many "free-download.scam" sites out there.The rule is "only trust the authors site or his official mirror sites". No, ifs, ands ,or buts about it.That is where the contributions should go also.The author's site only. davey
  15. I was thinking the same thing myself. But let's face it. What is 450,000 fragments between friends anyway? Man that is a lot of hits!!! davey
  16. ....My Secunia "PSI Personal" is a downloaded application that can run off-line and can be updated on-line. davey
  17. An honest man,an honest man!!! Now, I know where to go to find one. I appreciate that. davey
  18. Sure they're not the same thing in two different skins? davey
  19. I'll skip all the skin talk for now. Dennis, Your two penneth grabbed my attention in the above statement. I think that is what I have been waiting to "see" or "hear" or whatever. June 25,2008 is getting to close for us AVG 7.5 die hards. I can't use AVG 8.0 it eats up my RAM and bogs my PC. I think Avast will be my next adventure. davey
  20. davey

    Mazda RX8

    After all that has been said in this thread,Woody your wife certainly deserves the car she wants. We have been way off topic but this is the Lounge.Please forgive our ramblings. Best wishes, davey
  21. Hi travellor, I hope others also respond to your Post. Sounds pretty drastic at first. Now, I have to go and figure Skype to see what you are talking about.I can just imagine. This will be another first experience for me. Thanks for your supportive input. Maybe they will just remove the Cat and let him survive. davey P.S. Maybe someone knows of this on "YouTube" ?
  22. Well!!! Well!!! Well!!! I think this dead horse has definitely been beaten to death. davey
  23. Hi Cardy, I was a "newbie" 8 months ago and still try to think like a "newbie". I agree with your point. No,you didn't do anything different than what any other new user would do. There should be a change to the online help link that appears on the CCleaner window.It would be nice if it linked directly to the Beginners Guide. Yes,the Guide is your best source. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Welcome to the forum!!! Thanks for your input. davey
  24. A change from a Desktop "classic" to I am not sure what "category". Hello,is Dennis there? Would the "real" Dennis please respond? It's a change!!! But which direction? Nothing is going to beat "The Red Ring". http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105018 davey
  25. Hello Bellx, Substitute the word "listing" for the word "log" in your question. The "log" or "listing" appears in the right hand pane of the Cleaner window. The list can be quite long but it shows every item in a sorted order for Cleaning when you "Analyze" and a similar list will be shown after Cleaning. Save this link.It will come in handy. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Good luck, davey
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