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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hello fengceng, Welcome to the forum!!! If you have things to discuss about CCleaner then you can do so here. If you you have suggestions about CCleaner then you can enter them in the CCleaner Suggestions forum. These forums are how we communicate with our members about all topics. Do you have some specific questions, suggestions or comments you want to make? Good luck, davey
  2. Hi Stan, Glad you responded Also a very sensible response too. The statement above is not true though. The OP's first post told people to uninstall and not use CCleaner right off the bat. Then he went to another thread and posted a reply to the same effect only minutes later. The first reply he got was from hazelnut, a very respected member and Global Moderator of this forum. Her reply was very reasonable and not uncaring.She had already done her checking and knew what she was talking about.She has a very gentle way of suggesting that you may be confused,not have your facts straight or be absolutely wrong. He did not accept her reply and went right on with his unreasonable attacks. Again thanks for your reply and your valued membership, davey
  3. Apparently, they didn't put it in Win98SE . YET? davey
  4. Hello Relztrah, Yes,that is the normal way."Overtop". Don't forget to reboot.Sometimes "first timers" need to do this because new MS software has been installed. Good luck, P.S. Use the default options as they come with the program for awhile.Use the Cleaner and Options only until you do a little more reading of the forum.You might want to uncheck "cookies" until you set your "cookies to keep" in Options > Cookies. Save this link and use it often. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ davey
  5. I have always found your information very useful.Never a pain in the neck. My default home page is Yahoo! Yes, we need the funding from Yahoo! Pardon my humor. davey
  6. Hi Slim, There are problems with the current release.Thanks for the log. Untick the System Volume files on Vista or at least one on other OS.Defrag Drive seems to be causing the most problems. davey
  7. Why are you thinking about re-installing Windows again?Especially if that is all that is showing up is those 21 issues. If it really bothers you then take a manual System Restore point and run Erunt to back up your Registry. Run the Registry function of CCleaner and click on Fix Issues. I avoid re-installing Widows except as a very last resort!!! Oops!!! Just realized that is the reason you started this thread. Best advice I can give you is if your system is running OK, great.If not clean it up and optimize your registry with NTREGOPT. Ignore the Registry programs .Do what is listed in this link and you will be fine. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 davey P.S. The SP3 update works fine I have installed it a number of times with no problems.Remember to back up,turn off security programs and screen saver.It only takes 1/2 hr to 1 hour.Turn things back on and reboot. Is there some other concern you have that I have missed or don't know about?
  8. davey

    Automatic Logout

    Hi bazic and masterlock,, Make sure that the option to clean Autocomplete Form History is unchecked at Cleaner > Internet Explorer listing on the Windows tab. This is where most sites store your Auto Log-in passwords. You may also find that some sites save information in the Adobe Flash files.Places like Yahoo do this.If that is your case, then uncheck Adobe Flash Player in the list under Multimedia on the Applications tab. Good luck, davey
  9. Hello wise old Owlman, Make sure that the option to Close program after cleaning is not ticked at Options > Advanced . Good luck, davey
  10. Hello again totallyskint1, Sorry about your issues problem but you will find that some of them go away over time.Some of them don't. Remember CCleaner is not telling you to delete anything.What it is telling you is that there are some integrity issues in your Registry. It tells you what it will do if you you tell it to fix the issues.It in no way "guarantees" to fix anything. I have 26 issues that comeback no matter what Registry program I try.They all have to do with Unused File Extensions.They don't bother the operation of my PC one bit.Some users refuse to believe that their Registry was messed up in the first place.All it takes is an errant program or a little over zealous application of Registry modifications,Windows itself etc. New Users Advice Registry Advice You will find that the most experienced users don't even bother with using Registry cleaners.Have a read of this thread.Then decide for yourself.Pay particular attention to the interview of Mark Russinovich (Author of the "Bible", Windows Internals, co-founder of Winternals and Sysinternals, and since both companies were bought by Microsoft, now a senior Microsoft employee). http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28099 AUMHA Discussion: Should I Use a Registry Cleaner? Good luck, davey
  11. I am sure some wires got crossed somewhere. STUFF HAPPENS!!! Wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity to accidentally get the Yahoo! Tool Bar installed. Thanks for the heads up, davey
  12. Hello lover, If you are using the latest version 2.08,then some changes have been made. If you are using WinXP like I am,you will notice the check box next to each item.Checked should Enable it and Unchecked should Disable it. For a test I did have one item no longer needed.I highlighted it selected the Delete Entry button and it worked.(I don't make it a habit of Deleting these entries.) I am not sure if it needs to be Disabled or Enabled on your PC to be Deleted.Mine was Enabled and it still Deleted. Why not just Disable the entry? Provide more info if still does not work. The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes"if you do and please explain its contents or provde a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  13. Hi Tcar, I think you missed Hazel's point.By adding anything after .reg then the file will not be recognized as a Registration Entries file. That is why when you looked into Properties it was an Unknown file type. I would suggest leaving the registry alone unless you have a known problem calling for a specific solution. If you do want to restore that file Right click on it and Rename it (take off the added verbiage from the end of the name).IT must end in .reg . Now right click on that file and if it still does not give you the Merge option,then answer Hazelnut's original question. "Are you xp or vista? Your reg file associations may need restoring." Then reply back here and hazelnut will give you a solution. Best wishes, davey
  14. Hello Raheem, CCleaner registry cleaner is "mildest" one out there. It works using your Registry as it is. The Registry issues come from Windows or other software or messing with the registry. I would leave registry cleaning alone. Read this whole thread.Make your decision. http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=28099 Best wishes, davey
  15. Hi deleage, You might start here. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...ils/backup.mspx http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/e...ty/default.mspx For further assistance make a new post in the Software forum. Best wishes, davey
  16. Hi Sal, I am presuming that this is the first time you have used CCleaner.Also this may be the first time that you have cleaned the Temporary Internet Files.In this case see this link and read my advice to another new user. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104329 Also save this link to the Users Guide.Use it often for awhile. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Good luck, davey
  17. Hi Rog, Yes,go ahead and "Stop" it. Try defragging all the smaller files first.Do not try defragging everything at once.There are some known bugs. Do not defrag any System Volume files.It will defragment a lot quicker this way. Do it this way.Start Defraggler then click on Analyze.When that completes Click the box on the left next to where it says "filename". This will check all the files. Now click on Size this will put all small files first in the list.Click on "Size" again this will put all the large files at the beginning of the list.Untick as many large files as possible.Untick all System Volume files. Of course you don't have anything else running like games or music to slow it down. Good luck, davey
  18. Hi again Saul, CCleaner is a "maintenance" type program.Such programs run quickest and perform their job best when no other programs are running. This is especially true having browsers still running while CCleaner is trying to cleanup Internet related data. I would suggest the workaround to be not having any other programs running and reset the option to clean those Firefox areas. It only takes a few minutes to run. As far as file erasure is concerned,it must be remembered that CCleaner only "erases" those files that it deletes.Not files deleted by other programs.I would suggest that you use another Piriform program called Recuva.It can recover deleted files and also be used to "erase" files. http://www.recuva.com/ Best wishes, davey
  19. I have to agree 100%. And I thought it was just a "local" problem!!! davey P.S. My chevron comes and goes and sometimes is replaced for awhile with a "blank" square spot if you know what I mean. After a day or two everything settles down until I play around with the tray area again for testing reasons. Once it is settled then I use the save settings VBS from Doug Knox. I think when I was using SP3 beta the tray icons were stacked 2-up.
  20. Hi Corie, I am glad to know that you have been able to save many photos. I just wanted to reassure you that there are many Recuva "experts" that should be helping you soon. Don't give up now. Try this first. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14299 How to use Recuva, Tips and hints This second. http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/recuvabeginnersguide/ Recuva Beginner's Guide Take this time to get up-to-date on security etc. See this link and the other buttons on the left in the link. http://internetrotsyourbrain.com/rridgely/...eprevention.htm Best wishes, davey P.S. Also see this post reply I made to another user.Apply what is listed there.Especially the section on creating easy backups. You put a lot of time and effort into those pictures and your other data.They deserve another layer of protection. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905
  21. Hello Saul, That is the way it is programmed.It works just like the bar at Microsoft Update.Just there to let you know it is working. It is not a Progress bar.You should should see what is being worked on in the listing box.If you are not seeing this,then there is a problem. The users guide should help you out. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Good luck, davey P.S. If you are using the "secure delete" feature I would set it for only 1 overwrite.I am using an early 2004 Dell Dimension 2400 with only 256 MB RAM.Without "secure delete" I average 1.5-2 secs per MB for Analysis and Run cleaner combined.
  22. What a turn around.My experience was just the opposite.When I took over this PC it was hooked up through a 56kb modem and hardly ever connected more than 15 mins a day for the user to read E-mail.We didn't even know how to reply. A month later I was trying to hook up to a network switch and have the modem available also. I don't want to remember that but I am trying to learn if I got it right without the modem. For the longest time I couldn't connect to the internet except with the modem. davey
  23. Hey Keith, Looks like they didn't put it in Win98 SE. Tough luck, davey
  24. Hi hotrod, I personally use what I wrote in post # 4 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=103828 I use both tools on line #53. Both work without rebooting.However a reboot is necessary to reactivate Hide inactive icons sometimes.The System Tray or Notification Area whatever you want to call it is finicky sometimes.This may be the same with what you used. davey
  25. Dennis, Hazel has always been the Opera Queen on this forum as fas I have seen. That is why I wanted to use it. Now close your eyes and go back 2 years and recall how you connected with Opera back then. davey
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