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Everything posted by davey

  1. Well Joe the newest version of CCleaner 2.08 has the option to Enable or Disable Start-up items. Great timing!!! Thanks MrG!!! davey
  2. Hi Charles, With some of these methods everything returns to normal after log off or Reboot. If not come back. davey
  3. Hello stanmarsh14, You sound like you are in better condition to reasonably discuss this situation than the original poster. The original poster was obviously out of control.I offered to discuss this with him as I am with you. I agree with the fact that A/V programs can report the "apparent" presence of a malware. Do you agree with his actions.He went around this forum telling people to remove CCleaner etc. He did this without reasonably discussing his situation.He obviously has a problem with his systems and that is what he needed to resolve.He had already had these reports with other software. Now, to your situation. You had reports from one A/V or several also? What was the name of the package,program etc. that was identified? Did you have any problems removing the suspected software? Did you experience all the other associated problems that come with the actual presence of a virus? What method do you use to download? What method is used to install the software? Do you possibly know the exact date the software was downloaded? Best wishes, davey
  4. Hello jiangyanjia, The old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is still true. Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software! Download the latest SpywareBlaster version and you'll be secured by the most powerful anti-spyware protection solution anywhere! It is not a program that uses up your CPU.It is a program that loads data to help prevent spyware from ever getting to your PC. It prevents you from getting to dangerous websites and blocks adware "cookies" from your PC. http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/sbdownload.html This and other spyware programs are on rridgely list. AVG 7.5 is still available from here. http://filehippo.com/download_avg_antivirus/4029/ AVG Free Edition 7.5.524 Many users love this product.I do. This is the simplest way to have passive spyware protection and active anti-virus protection.Use both programs. Good luck, davey
  5. Hey! Hey! Hey! We are all glad you got it sorted. I just want to advise you that if you got your copy from other than the official website that might explain the file name difference. If this is true that program could be doing things that are malicious. Just a warning. Good luck, davey
  6. Hi again Joe, Msconfig is more for temporary purposes.I know there are those that say they have been using it for years and it is fine by them. Msconfig does things most people don't know about.It can get you into a lot of trouble. For more convincing reasons check out Black Viper. http://www.blackviper.com/Admin/searchsite...;sa=Search#1158 Well most users never get into "disabling" anything.When they do they are much better off using a program specifically designed for specific tasks. When it comes to Start-up items the safest method is using a Start-up manager product.Also they may have many more features built in.They have been designed to "keep you out of trouble". The product recommended by YoKenny seems to be relatively simple and small.I would try it. The product that I use is larger but it helps in many more areas such as Processes,Services and more. It is called What's Running.Many members are using this utility program. It makes it very simple to Enable or Disable start-up items. Just start the program and click on "Startup" then make your changes. You can get this program at this link. http://www.whatsrunning.net/whatsrunning/main.aspx Try them both.Make sure to re-enable all items in one program to be able to disable and test with the other. Good luck, davey
  7. davey

    Windows 7

    Come on now !!! Stop moaning !!! They have been doing it that way for a couple hundred years on the Starships "Enterprise" and "Voyager". It must be OK or they would have scrubbed it. davey P.S. A machine/mind meld is currently in development.Of course nobody thinks it will last. The machine is bound to take over sometime.
  8. davey

    Critical Error

    Hello NotMe, Very few users including you have reported this type of problem in the last couple of updates. I would take q231's suggestion and update to the latest version CCleaner 2.07 If the problem persists I would suggest using either of the following links to update or refresh your C++ libraries. These include fixes,reduced memory requirements and performance increases. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP REBOOT your after the update and visit the Microsoft Update site for related updates.Yes,REBOOT again. Whatever happens, let us know. Best wishes, davey
  9. Wow!!! I would at least use Dial-a-fix and worse come to worst select the the "Green check mark" and "Go" for it. http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix It saved me more than once.Sometimes just a fix here and there does it also. Bet in your anxiety that you forgot about that. davey P.S. Oops!!! Almost forgot that a little trip to Microsoft Update before and after Dial-a-fix is recommended also. http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdat...t.aspx?ln=en-us Did you try this link? http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,14693935
  10. Hi Joe, The Startup Control Panel recommended by YoKenny looks pretty neat to me.I think I will give it a try myself. Many of the items listed in your Start-up entries can be disabled.They will normally start-up when needed. Most of them are put there by software vendors who want their products to appear faster than their competitors products. With the tool that was recommended you can disable/enable as you wish. Don't disable important items like security programs from starting immediately.You may want to disable one to enable another but most times you want at least one running. Don't disable things you want to automatically start-up like ERUNT or some message programs. Same goes for maybe a modem or such. As you can see most things can be left to start-up when they are needed. Hope your Start-up time decreases dramatically for you as it did for me.(Especially stopping all the E.T. phone home programs) My Start-up enabled entries list is 4 items.I don't auto-start any maintenance programs other than ERUNT. Good luck, davey P.S. Many icons will no longer show up in your tray once you disable their Start-up entry.So you can have your cake and eat it too!!! No uninstalling things that you may surprisingly need later.
  11. Hi alien, Unless there is some sort of "bug",someone or something is watching out for you.It could be the "administrator" of your PC,Windows itself,or the "spirits" themselves. You may already know this but others will not. See this corresponding link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=103547 As you can see there is more to the Tools feature than you may first assume. If you try to "uninstall" something that is protected by administrative policy or Windows itself you will most likely get the message that you did. Using the Delete button in the Tools feature is only to be used in "rare" circumstances. If you actually want to uninstall something you need to follow what is advised in the previous link. Do not use the Tools feature unless you absolutely know what you are doing and the procedures that you should perform before doing so. Use this link to advise you on what to do for Start-up entry items.It will help you greatly. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104022 Best wishes, davey Maybe the Piriform "spirits" are watching out for you. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/
  12. davey

    Mazda RX8

    That would be tit-for-tat justice. Do unto others as they have done unto to you.Or something like that? davey
  13. OK!!! We can also use some more entries for Vista to be submitted by Vista users!!! This will help clean out more Vista users "specialized" Applications. TwistedMetal is the person to contact. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110 Good luck, davey
  14. Hi Coffee, Yes, I enjoy the others in your handle also but enjoying Coffee is my favorite pastime. I reviewed the other product and I am sure his cleaning is aimed at a slightly different market. The situation is similar to MS approach to software development.Provide the most and safest products to the widest market.Let the specialists take care of the specialists needs. I am sure that you must be using some "feeds" etc that most users don't even bother with.These probably account for many of the extra MB's that are removed for you. CCleaner's base market is the average user who is non-technical and needs a cleaner to get their PC back into shape for normal daily use.The extra MB"s removed by the other product is most likely removed by normal daily use and there are probably options available to handle this in the offers from those "feeds" suppliers.These MB"s have nothing to do with unclogging the junk that prevents most users from having a safely cleaned and well performing PC. There are things that the other product cleans that have been requested of CCleaner.The more options the more specialized the users must become. Piriform's main efforts in the past year have been in completely revamping CCleaner to handle the advances in software and hardware improvements.It is a small staff that has performed an admirable job.I am sure that some of these other cleaning areas will be considered in the future. You membership and posting is appreciated. davey New Users CCleaner Advice P.S. CCleaner can clean those "specialized" ares for you now.However,you will need to set-up Include options or use a winapp2.ini file to clean them. I suggest using the CCleaner Guide and the following link to do so. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com P.S.S. This further clarification of the use of the winapp2.ini file is also offered to you and other users. The winapp2.ini file consists of many entries tested and provided by members of the forum.They clean up many "specialized" applications.The use of this file is at the users discretion. I use it and many other members also use it.If you find that it does not have entries for applications that you would like to see added or you develop them and offer them for use, this can be accommodated. It can be reviewed and copied to your CCleaner folder and become a normal part of your cleaning tasks. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110 Add A Program To Winapp2.ini, Add additional programs to CCleaner.
  15. Hello Kyle, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have restored my faith in mankind. I am a member just like you are.I try to get as much information from you as I can get. This helps the "BUG FIXERS" track down problems easier. I thought I was never going to get anyone to answer these simple questions to help track down and fix this problem.It does seem to be a pretty simple problem but even then the information that members do provide sometimes results in an instant resolution or workaround. Are you experiencing the same problems as reported in Post #16 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=103633 If you are then you may have to revert to version 2.05 or 2.04 to get things working the way you are used to with MS Word. http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/3827/ CCleaner v 2.05 http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/3708/ CCleaner v 2.04 If it is just a matter of Recent Documents not being cleaned then you will have to do it manually until the "BUG FIXERS" get the problem resolved. Since you are also using Vista Home Premium SP1 32bit are you getting satisfactory results with CCleaner other than this problem? Again thanks for your report, davey New Users CCleaner Advice P.S. Here is a little tip for you. After you have selected all your normal settings for options and cookies and such in CCleaner. Now TOGGLE every option there is in CCleaner. OFF,ON,OFF. OR ON,OFF,ON.This includes Registry cleaning options and all options in the Options feature. Now EXIT CCleaner. Now look in the CCleaner.ini file(C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder) and you should find a nice sorted list of all your settings including Cookies to keep,Include data, and Exclude data. Copy this CCleaner.ini file to My Documents.You can create "special cleaning" CCleaner.ini files and also save them in My Documents. All you have to do is copy the saved .ini file into the CCleaner folder to run any cleaning job. If you get the Registry messed up or uninstall CCleaner for some reason,you will still have all your settings saved in My Documents to be used later. You can even come back to your post and edit it and delete the prior list and put in the new one.This way we can also see what Applications settings you are using.You can XXXX out any personal data.
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! MAY BABY!!! Now take the rest of the day off davey
  17. Hello MuertoKo, Some users have this problem and if they specify option at Options > Advanced Check options to Show detailed log then it seems to work.I have also seen in some cases where just the opposite works.This is just a workaround not a required setting. Hope it works for you, Let us know what happens.Your detailed feed back will help to get this "bug" fixed. davey
  18. Build it and they will come!!! Hi DJ, Just a little note. Your signature link wants updating. http://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/PC_Maintenance Good luck, davey
  19. You might try Options > Advanced and make sure the option for Windows temp files over 48 hours is off. Or turn it back on if it is already off. I am just trying to figure a work around. In the CCleaner "Analyze" listing does this file show up? That may be the "fix" Use the Options > Exclude feature and drag and drop that file.YOU MUST ALSO have the option checked for Custom files and folders at Cleaner > Advanced list on the Windows tab.(all the way at bottom) See your favorite Guide http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ "Options" topic Good luck, davey
  20. Hello RR, pcpins2a.exe Is that the program name for that game or screensaver? You said you ignore it or do you keep "fixing" it. davey
  21. davey


    Hi cbrafter, I promised to keep you updated. The best news comes from our own member, juliab.She also wishes you Good Luck. Return to the thread and see how she did it. This may also help you with your situation. davey
  22. davey


    Well Julia congratulations.You just did the smartest thing you can do for your PC. I am glad that I gave you that list of questions.I normally give it to people the first time that I reply. In you situation at first it didn't seem to apply.I figured you had a simple solution but it went beyond that. Sometimes that list of questions seems to chase some users away.Either it is because they are too afraid to admit that they don't know what it is about or they don't understand how important the answers are in arriving with a proper solution to their problems. This is a shame because this forum is one that helps users to fix their problems and also advises or teaches how to avoid them in the future.We never try to make any member feel less important than any other person.The list also motivates people to take an active role in resolving their problem. I am glad that you took YoKenny's advice. You were very smart to take the actions that you did.Getting your software up-to-date is always important.Cleaning out old versions of software is beneficial when it comes to Applications like Java. It and certain other programs had some security vulnerabilities that needed to be fixed.Java always comes out with completely new releases and the old versions remain on users computers.You can never be certain which version is going to be activated. There is a product that many of our members use to keep Java up-to-date and it also cleans out out old versions automatically with your permission of course. It is called JavaRa. Just click on JavaRa at the bottom of the Software page. http://prm753.bchea.org/software.html Another valuable tool that members also use is available to make it simple to keep your software up-to-date.It was recommended to me by YoKenny also.It reviews all your software and verifies that it is up-to-date.It is called PSI (Personal Software Inspector) https://psi.secunia.com/ Personal Edition (PSI) - Free I just run it every now and then.It is simple and effective. To keep it even simpler you can use the Online version of the Inspector and you don't even have to install any software. The Secunia: Online Software Inspector is best to use as an on-demand scanner: http://secunia.com/software_inspector Recommended by YoKenny It sure is going to be hard to figure out what cured your problem.I think it was a combination of things related to proper software updating and security procedures.Malware will always sneak in. No matter how careful we are,we must protect ourselves in the best way possible. Sometimes users are not aware of how easy and simple it is to do the things that are necessary to keep their PC use pleasurable instead of a nightmare. Most people will do this if they find it to be very simple to do. I invite you and other users to use this link and follow it.Especially where it says "this is important for you".All the other parts of the post apply to you and all users as well. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104255 Best wishes and thanks for your informative reply, davey
  23. Hi latitude, YoKenny has provided you with the answers to your questions in the previous post. If you turn your computer off each day that is sufficient. Some users leave them on 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week.In that case it is advisable to do a Soft reboot once a day. Good luck, davey
  24. Hi Druhall, Welcome to the forum!!! Thank you for taking the time to report this problem and for your consideration of others. Your information is important.The "Bug Fixers" may need your help.Please do so. Would you consider doing one more "run" using the debug procedure described here? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=11523 Recuva debug mode It sure is surprising how many deleted files there are on a PC.I found deleted files on mine from when the first install was done 4 years ago.It only took Recuva 30 mins, to "secure delete" 1 overwrite to erase approx. 50,000 files.It is very comforting to know that old deleted faxes,memos,E-mails and such are erased. The previous users of some PCs are very thankful that they used Recuva to recover some pictures that they thought were gone forever. All users are advised "Don' t "secure delete" all files until you have taken such matters into consideration". The embarrassing picture that you save may be your own !!! Thanks again, davey
  25. davey


    Hi JoJo, The version you are using is a very early version after CCleaner was converted to C++. It was the first version that I used.It did have many "bugs" in it. Try using the latest version 2.07. I use Win XP Pro SP3 also and I have not encountered any problems at all. davey Thank you for bringing up a very important subject for most "new users" . P.S. New Users Advice I must say that it does help to keep your Internet index.dat file for awhile until you decide which "Cookies to keep" in CCleaner.It is not a CCleaner problem as much as it is a learning process when a user starts to do regular cleaning of the Temporary Internet Files etc.. Turn off the option to clean the index.dat file under Internet Explorer on the Windows tab in the Cleaner function. Turn off the option to delete "cookies" also.I think this will help you until you learn which "cookies to keep". However, you do want to clean the index.dat file and "cookies" file on a regular basis once you have decided which "cookies to keep".If these files gets too big,it will slow down your browsing. Refer to the CCleaner Guide to get more information about "cookies". http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginners Guide In your particular situation I would recommend the "Cleaner Information" and "Options" topics. To start I would "keep" the cookies to my favorite and most used websites. My "cookies to keep" list is less than 1 window long.I find that sufficient. You may also find that some sites save information in the Adobe Flash files.Places like Yahoo do this. If that is your case, then uncheck Adobe Flash Player in the list under Multimedia on the Applications tab.
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