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Everything posted by davey

  1. davey


    Hello cbrafter, Someone has been searching the Web looking to resolve their problem.This is good! You are more than welcome to get the help you need. Welcome to the forum!!! and thanks for your information. We probably crossed paths searching for more information in this situation. Your input answers the question "Is this a CCleaner problem?" Now I don't think so. If you find more information please let me know and I promise to do the same for you. We are all learning here. Thanks again, davey P.S. It would be helpful if you could answer a few questions.Answer below or next to the question. When did the message start appearing on your PC? What OS,edition,version,64bit or 32 bit do you use? What were some of the latest updates etc. that you installed? Is your PC doing any other unusual things? Have you done some security scans for malware(viruses and such)?I would recommend this. Enough questions for now.Any more questions,come on back.
  2. Hi Facedown, Have you read all the new posts since we last talked? It looks like we have more information to help in this situation. If you would like to use an earlier version use this link.I only recommend this in your situation. Other users who are not having this problem will better off to use the latest version. http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/3708/ If you can provide some more input, please do. davey
  3. Hi JohnG, Yes it is possible to download prior versions of CCleaner at Filehippo.com http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/3708/ Click on the prior version on the right side then click on Download this version at the top of the list. Read the post right prior to this one. We need your help also. The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks and best wishes, davey
  4. Hi HJH, Thanks for replying to this thread. There are very,very few users experiencing this problem. I am not saying that there is no problem. What I am asking for is your help by answering the following questions. With so few reporting this ,we definitely need your valuable information. The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks for the information that going back to CCleaner version 2.04.543 cleared up this problem. Thanks, davey
  5. Hi Kelly, Follow Norton/Symantec recommended method. I don't know why you need to use Recuva to overwrite your deleted files but you can.I couldn't believe it but I used it to overwrite 1 time and it only took 30 mins for 50,000 files with nothing else running.. davey P.S. Don't forget to backup your Registry with ERUNT and create a System Restore Point before uninstalling.Then do a Reboot after uninstalling and using the Clean Tool.Don't skip anything that they recommend. Don't forget to activate and update your new A/V as soon as possible.
  6. Hi latitude, CCleaner will mark the index.dat file for deletion at next boot.Windows will then create a new one. CCleaner will also clean the Internet files you are talking about. Just be sure that these are check marked in the Internet options list on the Windows tab. Use this link to read the CCleaner Guide.Bookmark it and use it often. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Good luck, davey
  7. Hi able, I haven't seen any other posts similar to your problem. My system specs are the same as yours. First thing I would try is a Restart. davey
  8. Hi Jesse, Others also are experiencing the same thing as you are. I am using the latest version also but I am only defraging certain selected files and I have no problems. It also seems to run faster than before. Some people have had problems with System Volume files. Your information will be helpful to the "Bug Removers". Thanks, davey
  9. Hey can anybody join this new club ? No! No! No! I want my chance at Opera also. davey
  10. Hello marthara, Welcome to the forum!!! Full of questions aren't we.That's great. Mr. Zero has done a good job.Even though English is not his native language.I can tell that he is an experienced PC user. I think you have more experience than the average new user. When I use the term "new user" I am talking about those like you,who have yet to learn some of the basic things that they need to do before gaining more experience.I may be entirely wrong about you but these things are important and you will learn some new things. The Internet is the greatest source of information that has ever been.You also know by now that this information can be good or bad.On this forum we will always try our best to give you good information and advice. Since you are new to CCleaner the first link you need is to the CCleaner Guide. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Bookmark it.You will need it often for awhile. I have found Wikipedia to be the quickest and best way to learn about new terms. I use it even for just a refresher.Save this link to your Favorites. You can search for "system restore","reboot",".INI files","cookies" and such. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...arch=&go=Go Wikipedia Search To help you in your searches of the forums,try this fun link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 Then you can do a search on "new users advice" including the quotes.This is the important step for you. You are always welcome to the forums and ask whatever you like.We are all learning here. Use the Software forum for software questions and advice.Hardware etc. You can always find something interesting in the Lounge forum. Good Luck, davey P.S. Yes,turn on the option to Save settings to INI file.This will put a text file called (cc)leaner.ini into the CCleaner folder at C:\Program Files\CCleaner .Once you get all your normal settings set-up then copy that file to My Documents.If you ever have to uninstall CCleaner,then you will lose all your settings. With a backup copy you can put a copy back into CCleaner folder and all your settings will be restored.
  11. Hi airgirl, You are doing fine with Keith's help. You just keep in mind to always back-up. To boost your computer savvy quickly and safely.do the following. This will start you off on the right path before you get into problems. To help you in your searches of the forums,try this fun link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 Then you can do a search on "new users advice" including the quotes. Good Luck, davey
  12. Hi Dutch, Thanks for for your return message and your honesty. You are just the kind of member we value most. I am "just" a member of the forum like you are. It seems to me that you are taking advantage of reading the forums and speeding up your learning curve as a result.This is an excellent practice. You deserve help and advice and we are here to do that. Being a new user is always overwhelming at times.I was in your boots only months ago myself. If I knew more about "wireless" routers and Vista,I would definitely offer more specific advice. I will offer what advice and tips that I can. "System start-up","Boot","Restart",and "Reboot" are very similar terms.They all accomplish basically the same functions with minor differences.A "restart" or "reboot" infers that the PC was running and the user decided to stop the PC and reload the PC.This in effect is another "system start-up".This is always advisable when the the user has installed new software,uninstalled old software,or encountered a situation that they don't know how to control.This at least allows the system software to shut-down the PC in a controlled manner and avoid possible loss of data and such. For many reasons it is a good practice to do this at least once a day. "System Restore" is quite different and you can look that up.It is not a normal procedure to perform. Some inexperienced users are misled into believing that it is something they should do before seeking advice.It is not. There are many reasons why you can lose your Internet connection.CCleaner is not known for doing this.There is always a possibility for a "bug".We are currently trying to determine if this has happened in certain specific situations. You can re-establish connectivity to the Internet without performing a "restart".There are many ways to do this but I don't know Vista or your Start-menu items.The objective is to open Network Connections and right click on the connection Icon.You can then select Disable.Right click again and select Enable. This should re-establish your connection. I have found Wikipedia to be the quickest and best way to learn about new terms.I use it even for just a refresher.Save this link to your Favorites.You can search for "system restore","reboot","browsers" and such. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...arch=&go=Go Wikipedia Search To help you in your searches of the forums,try this fun link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=99958 Then you can do a search on "new users advice" including the quotes. You are always welcome to the forums and ask whatever you like.We are all learning here. Good Luck, davey
  13. This is rridgely advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=103518 davey
  14. Hello Pie, I just thought that thread would give some more insight into how various members are using different Defrag programs. The other users of Defraggler would benefit also. From reading that thread,you can see that I, like you, use the benefits of WDD,Defraggler and JkDefrag.The nice thing is that they are all free. I can't provide you with a list of the benefits and advantages of each.It would be a very long post. I will refer to the best source for gaining a better understanding and answering those questions.It does require a bit of reading. Mr, Donn Edwards is a popular blogger, author,and creator and power behind The Great Defrag Shootout. I will provide links to his reviews of these three Defrag programs. From there you can read about how he set up his testing procedures etc. http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/2007/1...fragmenter.html Monday, November 19, 2007 Benchmarks*: Windows XP Disk Defragmenter http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/search/label/Thumbs%20Up Sunday, April 27, 2008 Another Look at Defraggler http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/2007/1...defrag-328.html Monday, November 26, 2007 Benchmarks*: JkDefrag 3.28 My readings and use of each of these Defrag programs lead me to the following conclusions. I follow Donn Edwards advice for how often to Defrag. If it takes less than 10 minutes, you are defragging too often. If it takes more than an hour,you are not defragging often enough. Defragmenting too often is just as detrimental as not defragmenting often enough. Major updates,new program installs or old program uninstalls should be followed by use of CCleaner and then a defragmentation. Windows Disk Defragmenter WDD is the easiest and most useful defragmenter for the average user.It does a good job for their needs and requires no maintenance.They are advised to use the Analyze feature to see if they should defrag or not.If the analysis says to defrag then do so when they don't need to use the PC for awhile.If it says a defrag is not necessary then don't defrag. The average user depends on the "optimization" features built into Windows. Defraggler Defraggler's main advantage is it's speed and the ability to defrag individual files with no more effort than a couple of mouse clicks.It allows for free space defragmentation also.It currently does not have all the disk "optimization" features of other defrag products such as JkDefrag.These features would be a natural next stage of development.However the small size of the programming team at Piriform and their plans for other products must be kept in mind. Many IT professionals are switching to Defraggler because of it's speed.They already have their disks optimized to serve their specific needs. JkDefrag More advanced users use JkDefrag because of it's "optimization" features more than than it's defragmentation features. It has built-in optimization features and the Command line parameters to allow for various sorting methods.It allows users to manipulate file positioning on the disk.It also the option to be activated like a screensaver and do quick defragmentation and/or optimization. Many different GUIs have been developed to make it easier for less technically advanced users to use it. Some users are confused by the fact "optimization" results in some file defragmentation. All users should be aware of the fact that some file fragmentation is not necessarily bad.Too much fragmentation is the problem. The only drawback to using JkDefrag is that it requires maintenance to it and it's GUI.Some GUIs are automatically providing the latest version of JkDefrag when updating the GUI.This is not a problem for advanced users but it can be for less experienced users. Best wishes, davey Luckily, I don't have to depend on my typing abilities to make a living.
  15. Hello airgirl, Well if you have been around the forum that long,I assume you know enough to make sure the option at Options > Advanced is set to back up registry changes. I am not sure why these items showed up.At least you can restore them as long as you reply "yes" to back-up your changes. Why not use the latest version? Good luck, davey
  16. Hi Quang, Welcome to the forum!!! CCleaner Tools > Startup does not allow for disabling Start-up entries yet. I think they will incorporate this option in the future. For now I would recommend the "What's Running" program. Many members are using this utility program. It makes it very simple to Enable or Disable start-up items. Just start the program and click on "Startup" then make your changes. You can get this program at this link. http://www.whatsrunning.net/whatsrunning/main.aspx Good luck, davey
  17. Hi Dutch, Welcome to the forum!!! We have been waiting to hear from you.Two others that I know of have had similar problems. Right now we are trying to gather data related to this problem? Could you please provide more information about your Linksys wireless router and adapter. Did you pay attention to where the software was downloaded and then where it installed? Was the software on a CD? The more information that you can provide the better. The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Do you use a winapp2.ini file? Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? OS Vista HOME PREMIUM SP? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks for answering all these questions, davey
  18. Hi Pie Eater, Where have you been? Good to see you back. You must not speel to guud wen yuo do yer "searchis".I fownd lots of referees and lynx to Deefragmentacion. Try this one. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15283&st=0 davey
  19. Hello Techie, My system is similar to yours. It had a long start-up list of enabled programs. First,make sure you install the program "WhatsRunning" as recommended by DennisD in this thread. It makes it very simple to Enable or Disable start-up items. Just start the program and click on "Startup" then make your changes. If I was using your system,I would Enable the following items for my start-up. 1 Windows Defender....................Security Software 2 AGRSMMSG..............................Modem 3 MsnMsgr...................................optional 4 MySpaceIM...............................optional 5 ERUNT............................Automatic Registry Back-up only first start-up each day. YOU MUST GET THIS. To me all the others can be disabled.They will start when needed otherwise they slow down start-up too much. If you change your mind on some they can be easily changed with "WhatsRunning" then Reboot. You are going to see a big change in start-up time. You need some other software to protect you. They are all free,fast and important. SpywareBlaster protects you from dangerous sites,spyware and adware.It is not a program.It does not affect your processing time at all and very quick to update whenever you want.Simple and effective. http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html See this link as regards ERUNT,NTREGOPT and Replicator programs. THESE ARE IMPORTANT. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 Good luck, davey
  20. davey


    Sorry Craig, Been busy. Anyhow my setting is Automatic.I think that is Default.I don't want to reset all settings on the Advanced tab to find out."Never" seems like it would save time but there may be some things in the other paths that aren't in that programming path.Most of my settings are MS defaults anyway. Are you still having the "Log Out" problem? davey
  21. You don't have to be "filthy". I'd put my money into the McLaren Mercedes SLR.I'll bet it's a "real" car.Not a "race" car with sheet metal attached. davey
  22. Of course your thought had to turn into a reality. This link is to an SP3 thread that started out as a question posed by AnthonyA. I don't think he ever got an answer but the thread has grown into the SP3 install thread in the Software forum. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15680 davey
  23. davey

    SP3 question.

    ATTENTION HP COMPUTER USERS and other non-Intel processor users. If you are waiting to install SP3 until something official happens then this link will interest you. http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/arti...ises_patch.html Of course some have already successfully installed after reading this thread.Especially custom built non-Intel processor users. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r20443304-MCE-XP-SP3-Issues Good Luck. davey
  24. I thought I saw a post from you before.Of course we will look it up again. Are you having icon problems in the Tool > Uninstall listing ? Have these problems always been there ? Thanks for mentioning Vista Home Edition.I forgot to ask. There have been some strange Vista 64bit problems relating to Administrative privileges seeming to work in reverse (Administrator not getting privileges and User getting them). davey Thanks for the web addresses.
  25. That article was brief but the last sentence is important for all do-it-yourself TV viewers. davey
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