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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hello Donn Edwards, This is my own personal bump. Wish I could help you with this Vista Problem. I am surprised that no Vista users have spoken up yet.Especially with your explanation of UAC(User Annoyance Control). As I am an XP user,I have always wondered what UAC really meant.Now I understand the Vista users frustration. I just wanted to say that I and many other members follow your GREAT DEFRAG SHOOTOUT articles with interest and anticipation. http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/ Many members may also want to read one of your latest articles also. Saturday, May 17, 2008 XP Service Pack 3 can free up disk space I hope we can help you as much as you have helped us. Best Wishes, davey P.S. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date and aware of what is going on in South Africa.
  2. Kelly's and Doug Knox's fix doesn't require rebooting. Yeah ,it is surprising how long that list can get.Especially when you have been installing and uninstalling a lot of things like you have been doing lately. davey
  3. Hi Joe, You can do it with CCleaner Advanced option in the cleaner but this also clears and resets many settings that you probably want to keep. Instead use Kellys Korner http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp.htm Bookmark and Save to Favorites. you will use it often. You can then use Google search to search the website for things that need fixing etc. This is the main web page.Click on Tweaks in the Left selection column.Scroll to Line 53 click on the left hand option 53. Remove Past Items From Notification Area .I save this in a folder in My Documents and use it when I need it. The option on the right I use also.It's nice to be able to change things back and forth. davey P.S. As you can see we are not exactly sure what you are trying to do with the icons. Some icons can just be hidden when they are not being used. Remember you can just right click on the Task Bar and select Properties and click on Hide Inactive Icons and use the Customize button to customize how you want certain icons to be handled.
  4. davey


    I am glad you asked.I figured you would find some media related item. Just wait and see if we get some more knowledgeable advice. It may have been software that came installed or something installed as part of software that was tried and incompletely Uninstalled.It never showed up until you cleaned out some "temp" file somewhere. Things like this should be resolved. I have seen people that had to put new engines in their car because a warning light stayed on for months or years.So of course they ignored it when it was really trying to warn them when a serious situation was occurring. davey
  5. YoKenny,Thanks for bringing that up because in many cases this helps get rid of many recurring Registry issues. Unfortunately,it can not resolve all recurring items. Many of these are caused by timing and incomplete closing processes when logging off,turning off the PC or Restarting. Some others are caused by erroneous software and "bugs" that have never been resolved. There are even things within regedit.exe itself that will not allow certain things to be performed. In this case,I find if I properly exit Add/Remove Programs this does not occur as often. I can't claim to always exit every window properly. Like others sometimes I forget. davey
  6. Yeah they will do that for a long,long time unless MS changes It's mind about WinXP and it's future. davey
  7. Hi freeroot, I do not understand the reason for you to install Windows on drive "d". It would be much better for you to have it on the C DRIVE. davey
  8. davey


    Hi Julia, I don't know how you got that software originally.Many guesses but who cares. If you know how to use Device Manager look there and see if there any "hidden" devices. I had one on one of our PC's and of course nobody had any idea how it got there. If you find one just "uninstall" it.Mine was causing random Blue Screens Of Death. We will eliminate it somehow. Good luck, davey
  9. Hello Bob, Hazelnut's advice is very good. You are also advised to untick all other Advanced options in the Cleaner list on the Windows tab. The are only needed on few occasions by Advanced users. Good Luck, davey
  10. Hello mastavic, Welcome to the forum!!! You are a good friend and valuable member. Have your friend use this link and use it first hand.They will learn a valuable lesson from you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...arch=&go=Go Bookmark and save to Favorites. Tell them to search for "defragmentation". Advise them not to do this too often.Otherwise they will not benefit from the disk optimization strategies built into Windows. Also they may see a slow down initially for a short while but this will go away. Most users see improved performance right away. Good luck, davey
  11. Hello Thom, Welcome to the forum!!! CCleaner does not affect the Windows Update or Windows Update Automatic Updates. However using the Register cleaning function can cause problems, due to many timing issues involved with many other software processes that may be going on at the same time. Windows Update (WU) and Windows Update Automatic Update (WUAU) suffers from many of these situations. I have found that using Dial-a-Fix resolves many of these problems.I used it last month as a matter of fact.You don't have to be a "techie" to use it. It uses all MS fixes and such related to the problems you may be having. It is a very handy utility to have. I recommend that you download it and have it on hand for many problems. Many forum members use it. I recommend that you select The section to repair WU/WUAU and press the Go button to fix your problem. Come back here and let us know how things went for you. http://wiki.djlizard.net/Dial-a-fix Dial-a-fix to fix many XP problems Bookmark and save to Favorites. Good luck, davey
  12. davey

    SP3 question.

    Here of course!!! excellent software.Everything you never wanted to know about your system. The good,the bad,and the ugly. http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html davey
  13. In the spirit of ancient processing, I thought I might contribute a little abandoned hardware. Warning: Made by Greek Geeks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism The first computer I made was made with matchboxes.(Not quite on par with the computer above) davey
  14. Hi Jeremy, I agree with your suggestion 100% . I also took everyone's advice and installed IE7Pro . The owner of this PC uses it everyday and doesn't even know it is there. davey
  15. Hi Icedrake, Take Anthony's advice and put AVG 7,5 back on your PC.It uses very little RAM and rates .5% higher than AVAST PRO for On-demand. What good is having realtime checking with 20MB and everything turned off.Avast rates better for realtime but if its turned off why have it at all. I just hope AVG wises up also and offers what it provides now with AVG 7.5. Good Luck, davey
  16. Hey Matt, These should help you take care of your page file and maybe get you back some free space. If you have a 2nd hard drive,you could speed things up also by putting the Page file on the outside of the 2nd drive. You will need these links in this order. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=88793 page file JDPower http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308417/ How to set performance options in Windows XP http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb897426.aspx PageDefrag v2.32 By Mark Russinovich Do this also,it may help get those large files defragged.But is it really necessary to defrag these files? Are they constantly used or just space hogs and don't need defragging any how? Are you wasting time and space defragging System volume files and backup files etc.That is a waste of time. Strange as it may seem it is sometimes beneficial to leave files fragmented. Leaving these type of files fragmented can make it possible to move other more important files closer to the outside of the disk.Plus when these files are deleted they leave more space to get a better rearrangement of files whether fragmented or not. Don't defrag for awhile and let Windows move some things around for you.It may look ugly but there is a method to this madness.If you keep an eye on your hard drive and run Windows Disk Defragmenter Analysis,you will wonder why it seems like the same files are constantly fragmented and others are not. Even when you haven't defragged for quite awhile. This is because WDD doesn't waste time moving around files that are constantly being deleted and replaced.But it does move things to better locations if given a chance to do so.Constant defragmenting doesn't allow for this to happen. If every morning you came to work, everything was moved around ,even the contents of drawers and cabinets,you could not work as efficiently as you would if things were put in better locations and not continuously moved around.(Yeah,blame it on the cleaning and maintenance crew.) When you do use Defraggler only defrag files that are important enough to do so.Don't use the easy option and just defrag everything.Then you are forcing files to fit only into larger and larger spaces. There are many small files that need a chance to be moved by Windows to the outside of the disk also.Larger less used files will prevent them from getting where they will do you the most good. Think of it this way. Its easier moving rocks and gravel around than massive boulders. Many applications are not improved by constant rearrangement of files.They just aren't that time critical. However they will perform better when the files and software that they need get moved by Windows to more permanent and more optimized locations. This information may benefit you some.You may already know these things.It will be new information for many.A slightly different prospective on some things. Ever notice how sometimes "common" sense tells you things work better a certain way and then come to realize that some things are quite the opposite. Good Luck, davey
  17. Hello hairbautt, I agree with YoKenny. What is being discussed here is suggestions for Defraggler development. We are not discussing changes to Windows. Best wishes, davey
  18. davey

    Registry Issues

    Yes,you will be in a better position to get yourself out of a problem. No,some of the things that you choose to do now, may come back to bite you later. That is why I constantly remind users that they are the one pushing the buttons. One of the simplest rules in computers."When in doubt,leave it alone". You are the only one that can answer that. "Search and you shall find".That is the secret. Here is a "fun" little link to improve your searching. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=100496 Happy Trails, davey P.S. If you find your way back here,this link is good path for advice for users also. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905
  19. It has only been 2 days and I have had a hard time keeping up with all the threads. Anyhow, I had this great thread right on the tip of my right brain and it just wouldn't come to me. After about maybe a hundred train loads passing by it finally came out. You have probably seen this thread before also.This ought to clear out some cobwebs.It did for me and the cobwebs were only 4 or 5 months old. When I first read this thread I didn't realize the value of the data presented.Now I know. Bookmark it. http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2006/01/12/512232.aspx Enjoy your refresher course.I did. davey P.S. Yes,even though it was 2 years ago,still the same "winers" about too many clicks. I remeber when a "click" meant the difference between someone living or dying. Hopefully,not you or your buddie.
  20. Cheers Augeas, Almost lost this thread but I was reminded when downloading CCleaner for the Umpteenth testing time for various reasons. Some times this helps in solving a members problem or resolution.However,I can lose track of what version is what build etc. My only difference is that I was looking at a copy of the portable build at the time.The grayed out key was the tip-off. All depends on which build. davey
  21. Hello ItsMe, Exactly where was this test done!!! Eveything else in your post was about other things and over months old. You come in here in a panic and start making foolish accusations instead of asking for the help you need. There is an alternative download site.I downloaded from there a little while ago. 07:16 pm and successfully installed.I am running AVG 7.5 with updates from moments prior to the download. No problems were found. I successfully downloaded and installed from http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ I ran another scan using AVG 7.5 and no problems were found. Now,you need to get yourself calm and collected and together we can help you in your time of crisis. Best wishes, davey P.S. I have some current thoughts about your problem.I won't go there right now. I am currently testing and downloading on another computer without any AVG updates since yesterday May 16,2008. P.S. Forgot to return but testing on another machine Without Avg updates since May !6,2008 still resulted in no problems fouund. This is either a "hoax" or the problem is not being caused in any way by CCleaner.
  22. I should have been a little more specific."You may just have to uncheck Obsolete software in the Registry function (until you find out what is going on.)"At least this way we can find out if the Registry cleaning is actually deleting that key. I can understand AT&T not wanting to be found too easily by malware.This would also explain why it does not show up in the Applications tab. However,it could possibly be malware deleting that key.Malware has also been known to prevent CCleaner from either installing or executing. Run ERUNT and also a manual System Restore point.Better safe than sorry. Run some complete scans. Also anti-root kit programs. Andavari has a great way to Exclude that key if the Exclude feature doesn't work. Normally the Include/Exclude feature will not work unless the Advanced option Custom files and folders is also checked on the Windows tab.Some people forget to do this. Good luck, davey
  23. Hi again scriptdaemon, Your handle says it all. This statement is what made me think you wanted CCleaner to automatically delete the keys. " but I think CCleaner should do that for me, or at least detect when the program is no longer installed (preferably remove the keys too though)." Just a mis-communication that is all. The average PC user only needs the Cleaner function of CCleaner. The Registry integrity cleaner function and the Tools function are not needed by most PC users. These functions require more advanced knowledge than the average user has.They are advised and warned not use them.It is more than just asking is it OK to delete this or that.If you have to ask you are definitely advised DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.You computer has served you well so far. You will find that the CCleaner Registry integrity function differs from other "deep scan" Registry cleaners.This accounts for many differences in "invalid" entry counts between CCleaner and other "heavy" cleaners".Please remember it is mainly designed for user safety concerns first. After the initial fixing of selected issues,another scan for issues is necessary and so forth until no further issues remain. Personally I have never needed more than 2 scans and fixes.And my Registry was in pretty bad shape overall when I first started using the Registry cleaner.Luckily I had not run into the "wrong" software along the way.The problems were due to lack of knowledge during PC hangs and such and the user would just pull the plug on many occasions. Honestly,it was not me.I have more respect for computer circuitry,hard drives,data bases,the Registry and such. CCleaner is a compromise weighted in favor of the "less experienced" user than it is for the "highly advanced" user. Regarding the Tools > Uninstall function,this is not a "special uninstall" function.The listing just shows more detail than MS Add/Remove Programs function.If you select the Uninstall button in CCleaner,it does nothing special but uses the Uninstaller program that came with the Application Program.The Uninstall program from the software manufacturer is responsible for Deleting corresponding files and proper resetting of Registry keys. Unfortunately some manufacturers will do a poor job of keeping the Uninstall program updated with the development and evolution of their software. I always recommend to any user to check with the software manufacturer first before uninstalling any product.Many have developed special uninstall software and clean-up tools for certain products. It never seems sufficient to run the original "uninstall" program now-a-days. I hope you realize that this information is meant more for other new members than for you personally. We are all learning here. Best wishes, davey
  24. Hi Eli, I can only say that I haven't seen rridgely give any bad advice yet. Especially when it comes to PC security. Of course I may be influenced by the fact that he is a Global Moderator and tends to put a lot of effort into the Spyware Hell - HijackThis Log Analysis forum . davey
  25. Did you do it with administrative privileges? Did you turn off 48 hr option for Temp files? You may have to do that Include option.We have so few reports from WinME users. I am curious to know what files are in the CCleaner folder. davey
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