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Everything posted by davey

  1. I did all that you mentioned before coming to the forum. What a fun project??? I will especially remember downloading a couple hundred MB from HP on my little dial-up 56 KB in order to get a driver or something like that and having it refuse to install at the last minute because I "only had 254 MB RAM" and they insisted I must have 256 MB RAM.Really gave me the "warm fuzzies" for HP.No, I didn't take it out on my little HP printer.I could care less what my ink level is.Always have a "back up" on hand. davey P.S. I forgot about all the other models software and such.I must be losing my "warm fuzzy" feelings.Sure doesn't take much to bring 'em back.
  2. Hello vecchio, Did you follow the software manufacturers exact instructions to uninstall the product? Exactly what did you uninstall? Did you Reboot as Vic instructed? davey
  3. Hi Dan, Forgot to add that it is always best to clean and free up as much space as possible before doing a Defrag. Also why waste time defragging something that is of no value anyhow.? davey
  4. Hello daydotz, Remember that CCleaner only overwrites what it deletes.If those pictures were deleted by Opera itself then CCleaner doesn't even know that they existed. Even using the Include feature CCleaner has know way of deleting and overwriting what is already deleted. Check your Opera options and see if you have set an option to delete these files on exit or something to that effect. The same thing happens in IE.I am not sure if maybe Opera looks at that option or not.(See snap-shot) This option must be uncheked or CCleaner will never know those files or pictures existed. If CCleaner is missing this file then,turn on the option at Cleaner > Advanced options list Custom Files and Folders on the Windows tab.This will put your Include entries into effect. The only way to now "overwrite" those old deleted files and pics is with Recuva. Good luck, davey P.S. REMEMBER CCleaner,Defraggler and Recuva are serious tasks.No other tasks should be running when you use them.Browsers must be CLOSED.
  5. Hello Eric, Make sure the switch to only clean Windows files older than 48 hrs is unticked. Use the Users Guide often for awhile. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Good luck, davey
  6. Hello Huggy Bare, Untick the switch at Options > Settings to Automatcally check for updates.Also do not specify this option next time you install a new version.You must uncheck it just like you must uncheck install the Yahoo Tool Bar if you don;t need it. Good luck, davey
  7. davey

    Automatic Logout

    After further thought and investigation you may be having troubles with your Adobe Flash files. You should consider going to Adobe for help if you have many entries in those files that you want to keep if possible. Or just reinstall Adobe Flash Player here. http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=ShockwaveFlash I also advise to only use CCleaner when no other programs are running.Running with open browsers can cause problems. davey
  8. Hello Dan, Welcome to the forum!!! Finally!!! Sounds like you have been watching the forum awhile now. You must have quite a set up with that much space.I wouldn't know what to do with that much space,especially on 1 HD. This thread could just as well turn into a discussion on disk partitioning.But there are many other members of this forum who can surely add to this discussion.Music fans,Video fans,gammers and such.Each in their own way probably has a special approach to laying out a hard drive of that magnitude. Believe me I am no expert myself.Just another member like you learning and advising as I go.So far I enjoy taking an active role in this forum. Regarding "defragmentation", it is a wide open area even now with the constant technical advancements.It is awful hard to keep up with or in my case catch up. I guess the first thing to keep in mind is "the less there is that absolutely requires defragmenting the better". This is where the partitioning comes into the picture.What types of files and data should be put where?I am hoping those experienced members will add their thoughts to this topic.Probably provide some good links also.Personally I am just at this point in my PC learning also. Right now I have left it up to the designers etc. of Windows to put my data where it is probably the best for my system and my level of understanding.Of course there is always a more efficient layout for each PC user once he knows what he is doing. Currently I use the Windows Disk Defragmenter and Windows in-built optimization strategies.I use Defraggler to defragment certain data files and such.I don't defrag free space.I have lots of unused space so far.Many IT professionals are using Defraggler because of its speed.They already have their disks laid out to their best advantage. Having everything in one partition is to our disadvantage in that there are many files defragmented and many can just as well be ignored.Defraggler is maturing and I wouldn't doubt that the developers build in ways to get these types of files out of the way or just ignore them altogether. I presume that with a Hard Drive that large that you are also using Vista.I don't have any Vista experience.I would assume that it too has it's own in-built strategies to benefit more and more users of PCs for their entertainment. Hope this leads to a very interesting thread. Best wishes, davey
  9. Hello Longshanks, I am not familiar with Directory Snoop. CCleaner does not search for areas to clean.It only cleans commonly used files and specific areas requested by the user. It does not "secure delete" any files other than those it cleans itself. Piriform does have another product that is used to recover deleted files and also can be used to "overwrite" deleted files. That product is called Recuva and found here. http://www.recuva.com Good luck, davey
  10. davey

    CCleaner v2.08

    Hello Ashley, We can help you better if you would copy your post and enter it as a New Topic in the CCleaner Discussion forum http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=4 Thanks, davey
  11. Hi again, That is a matter you would have to take up with MrG. You can send him a Personal Message by clicking on New Messages at the top of the window. Good luck, davey
  12. davey

    Automatic Logout

    This is strange!!! And new to me.I apologize for misunderstanding but I thought this had something to do with the fact that you were new to using CCleaner. I take it then that you do understand the importance of those Autocomplete Form settings,If they are not set properly to prompt you for the data then it will not be stored and can cause problems. When I first started on this forum,I would close my IE browser and come back later and I would have to log back in again until I did what I recommended to you.That is why I thought it would help your problems. CCleaner 2.08 is a very new version.There may very well be a "bug" that is causing the Autocomplete Forms data to be cleaned always in both your cases. What happens if you use the prior version CCleaner v 2.07? You can download it from filehippo. http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/4083/ Please give that a try.It does seem that each of you are having similar and dissimilar problems? Not being able to log on to "YouTube" does sound familiar. Come back and let us know what happens. Also fill in the answer to the following. Thanks , davey The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes"if you do and please explain its contents or provde a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  13. Yeah, one nice little HP printer and several hundred MB of unnecessary software and start-up entries. HP!!! "Call home" with print statistics, "free daily software updates" several times a day,"advance notifications" always at the most inconvenient time and of course the all important "ink level monitoring" program. O Joy!!! davey
  14. davey

    CCleaner v2.08

    Hello Danaidh, Why not join the discussion about this topic on the CCleaner Discussions forum. A little teaser.... mine works .We'll discuss it there. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104874 Best wishes, davey
  15. Maybe when defragging or doing backups. When I updated to SP3 I backed up everything including the Restore points. Of course you could also end up with 29 copies of some malware in your System Restore points. Oh yes, it will also increase some security scan times. Well, always better too many than too few.You can never Restore what you don't have. davey
  16. You are off by only 1 decimal place. No wonder you can go back so far. You must not be rebooting very often. Your average Restore Point must be pretty large. I forgot about that website that Hazel suggested.It is the place to go for good System Restore info. XP or Vista. P.S. Or maybe you only fire up you PC every couple of days. Nothing wrong with that either. davey
  17. Hi Disk4mat, Good thing we have other clear headed guys like you out there. I never even thought about Auto Restart being turned on.Never even considered turning it on. That is what throws a lot of users into the Reboot loop.Just like what happened last month with SP3 non-Intel equipped machines. I hope that is all it is.It does sound like he just got his system up and running. Thanks, davey
  18. Howdy Eli, It just depends how far back you want to go with System Restore. I wasn't sure if you get space allocated for it on another Hard Drive or is that a partition. You are ahead of me there if it's either one. I have approx. 60 Restore Points going back to May 01,2008 taking approx 2.26 GB. Your mileage may vary. I have 5% of my 80 GB HD allocated. That's 3.7 GB. Looks like I can cut it back some more from the original 12%. Your Restore Points may be a lot larger than mine. How the allocation affects other things I don't know. I do know that Windows Disk Defragmenter ignores defraging those files.Some other defraggers do not. 18 GB of Restore points goes back how far? You see what I am getting at? Good luck, davey
  19. Hello again windtalker, I missed Vic's comments. If he is concerned,then I agree with him. Run some security scans and such.If you don't have any good security software yet use this link.Follow his advice. http://internetrotsyourbrain.com/rridgely/freesoftware.htm I failed to take note of your comment about having a hard time to post your questions. Whatever you do,don't run any "so called security programs" that you did not download from the authors sites.There are a lot of scam sites with free "security software" out there. Answer Vic's questions when you get a chance. davey
  20. I haven't seen them in quite awhile.May be beginning of May ? Got to the point I wouldn't even bother.Either it took a long time to download or I would get some "porn" windows right behind it. Well I guess you could call that "a load of rubbish". davey
  21. I have also been using Spyware Blaster for awhile.I guess he doesn't miss some of the ads.Beats me!!! Figured since I hadn't seen it anywhere else that I would put it in this thread. Download FreeIE7Pro 2.3 has been released on May 20,2008 http://www.ie7pro.com/ davey
  22. Hello windtalker, That is a strange thing related to the Autocomplete Form History.First time I have heard anything like that. Somebody must be watching out for you or on you. That data is normally kept to allow you to complete signing-in on some sites.It is also used to fill-in forms automatically on some sites. You must have some software that prevents it from being cleaned.It could be set-up that way somehow for a "good" reason. It could also be something "bad".A malware program may want to keep an eye on what you put in there. You need to look into this.I hope it is just some kind of security software protecting that info. As regards the "prefetch" files,leave them alone.They are there for a beneficial reason.Windows takes care of that file.Emptying it is not in your best interest.There are many myths about that file.Some old software is still available to clean out that file.Don't use that option. Turn off that option under the Advanced listing on the Windows tab. The Advanced options are there to assist Advanced users.Believe me they do nothing to improve performance. Good luck, davey P.S. Here is good link about XP myths. http://home.comcast.net/~SupportCD/XPMyths.html
  23. davey

    Automatic Logout

    The settings I recommended to CCleaner are to prevent this from happening again.They will not restore your data. P.S. Depending on your OS, System Restore " may" restore the files.The restore point must be complete and from before you used CCleaner. I would not count on getting the data back unless you have another back-up method. Otherwise you must do what is shown below. You will have to make sure all your settings are correct.Close out your browser and start-up browser again may be necessary. Then you have to reconnect and log-in and save your passwords again at your favorite sites. Try a couple and test again. Let me know what happens. Good luck, davey
  24. What better way to get free access to users PC's than plant yourself on a "trusted" website? davey P.S. Sad to say but my "trusted" website cupboard is bare !!!
  25. Best One!!! That is a great idea. davey Sorry no dramatic Desktop yet. Disneyworld ! Here I come !!! Should bring out some very slinky,kinky interesting Desktops.
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