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Everything posted by davey

  1. Thanks for reporting back and verifying "smilingralph's" link. Sometimes it's a coin toss between Discussion,Bug Reporting,and Software forum.No apologies necessary. At least here, other CCleaner users will see it for sure. davey
  2. Humidifier? You are quite welcome to come down to this humidity trap between the Appalachian Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay in Summer. Oops.Just remembered you are up in Moose country for the Winter.Bet you need that humidifier before you blow-out your PC with a static build-up. davey Maybe soak 'em overnight in the coffee pot? Nah! Who wants to go all night without a good cup o' Joe. Of course, a back up pot!!!
  3. Thanks for retesting.You are a good member to have reporting and following up on such problems. This will be valuable to the "bug removers". davey
  4. Hey that is good news !!! Maybe that copy of XP that you have will load again for you.
  5. Hi Novice, Sounds like you are a long time CCleaner user. What you say in the main paragraph above, can all be true. You may be the only one with your combination of circumstances or you may be the only one reporting it. Obviously it is not common now. It was months ago and the "bugs " have been cleared up dramatically. You have seen how only a few are experiencing "this" situation or "that "situation. You also know that the next thing you are going to get from me is the list of questions. These are the only way to narrow down some of "these" situations.The more you can elaborate the better.Sometimes one little statement is the clue to finding the problem and finally resolving it.Yes many of the old workarounds don't help anymore . Most of those "bugs" have been squashed. Now let's see what can be done about your situation. We don't want our members losing their hair!!! Uh Oh!!! It's davey. Here comes the questions. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Does the difference between the Analyzed amount versus the amount reported as Cleaned seem to be a consistent amount? Or Is the difference gradually getting larger? Thanks, davey The CCleaner Beginners Guide is your first source of information. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thank you for taking your time to make a report.
  6. Also are you using any other programs that auto start at system boot. If you are auto starting CCleaner at system boot ,try turning that option off and only run CCleaner manually.See if this makes a change. Did you at any time try to change the allocated size for System Restore? I am not suggesting that you do this.But did you ever try to do it? THIS IS IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT THE BEST SOLUTIONS POSSIBLE. These answers help to evaluate the situation. Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions. Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.) Are you using a winapp2.ini file? Answer "Yes"if you do and please explain its contents or provde a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No". Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Thanks, davey The CCleaner Beginners Guide is your best source of answers. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites. Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  7. This is another install but I find it handier than the On-line Version but one is available. I don't keep it in the background.Just run it when I feel like it. Shows you all the old stuff and what isn't up-to-date.Auto links you to updates and such. Makes the job a lot easier. https://psi.secunia.com/ Personal Edition (PSI) - Free I just run it every now and then.It is simple and effective. http://secunia.com/software_inspector/ Secunia: Online Software Inspector davey
  8. davey


    Hello killburg, I am not sure about your bookmarks but you definitely need to to disable CCleaner at start-up.If you have XP and the latest version of CCleaner 2.08 then you can disable it at TOOLS > Startup untick CCleaner entry in the startup list. This will disable it. If not latest version you can at least rename CCleaner.exe to something else.You want to do this before anything else.You also don't want any other maintenance programs to auto-start and ruin your chances of recovery. I would also turn off the option to Empty the Recycle bin.I recommend that users do this under their direct control. Depending on what created these bookmarks,it is possible to get them back. The first place to start is here.(I did some research).Best to do what they recommend first.You best chances are here. http://bookmarksync.com/help/faq.php#deleted The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? THIS IS IMPORTANT. Are you running with Administrator privileges. OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Need more info about what bookmarks etc. Book mark program name and software company name and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? When did you last backup your Registry with ERUNT And/OR create a System Restore point? Do a backup of your Registry with ERUNT AND/OR create a System Restore point NOW.Preferably use both.This way you have a backup of how you stand at this moment. If you have other back up utilities use them also. I hope all these bookmarks are worth all this effort.You are now at a stable position to do something about recovering those bookmarks. Some users panic and don't do these basic things first. It is important to answer those questions above and post back here on this thread. As soon as you can.this way someone can assist you better. In the meantime you can refresh up on System Restore.This way you won't do something that you shouldn't. System Restore http://bertk.mvps.org/index.html Restore a Windows XP system to a previous State using System Restore http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore Welcome to the forum. Welcome to the College of Hard Knocks. davey
  9. Revo http://www.revouninstaller.com/ Good luck, davey P.S. Windows xp installer clean up tool http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301/en-us Or search MS for installer clean up
  10. Yeah,I forgot you don't have all the advantages of WinXP SP3 and IE7. 50 forums = ??? (a lot of Cookies to keep).You must have a large COOKIE JAR.
  11. Well Keith,congratulations!!! You must be following rridgley instructions to the letter. Very few people do.However this does require a person to enter all form data as needed and the re-entry of passwords and complete web addresses.At least nobody can find this data on your computer. I think you have an alternative method that you are not sharing with us for security reasons.That is OK. I remember you saying you are a member on many forums.So either you keep a private list somewhere or you use your own security encrypting and maintenance software. I do remember some members say they use "Roboform"and similar programs. Most people break rridgley's rule because they like the ease of auto log-in and Auto form filling. davey P.S. People with laptops and notebooks should adhere to "rridgley's" advice.
  12. Hi Tom Cat, Good to here from you. Untick Adobe Flash Player on the Applications tab under the Multimedia list. davey P.S. I am presuming that you are turning it off to keep it from being cleaned by CCleaner.
  13. Hi again Doc, I know Doctors records are very important. Some people have had problems in the past because they or their employees were not using Office products properly. Until you know for sure that you are not keeping records in "temporary" places,I would uncheck those types of Applications. Remember Analyze first and if you are concerned about what you see then leave it alone.That is to say uncheck those items on the Tabs and Analyze again. When in doubt,leave it be. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Use the Guide often in the beginning davey
  14. No,They were false positives.Maybe over extended to the level of a "hoax". I have been using CCleaner for 7 months.I have never had any problems. I also use WinXP Pro SP2 until installed SP3 in early May,2008. Stick to the defaults as far as the Windows tab is concerned. The Applications tab you may want to turn off and try one at a time if you are concerned. Initially backup everything you can as regards Applications you are concerned about or do it in pieces. CCleaner does not backup data that is going to be deleted. Millions of users use CCleaner and have no problems at all. The reports you read on the forums are the few exceptions. I am using the latest version CCleaner. Leave the Registry cleaning to the "techies".Same goes for The Tools feature. I clean the Recycle bin myself. Use Options > Cookies and "keep your favorite sites cookies". Turn off Adobe Flash Player if you want to avoid losing passwords and preferences for more "popular" sites like Yahoo, YouTube, GoogleEarth etc. Keep Autocomplete Forms History turned off for the same reason. Good luck Doc, davey P.S. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ Use the Guide often in the beginning
  15. davey

    Automatic Logout

    Yes,masterlock.Your problem is different since you can't even log-in to "YouTube".More and more sites are using "Flash cookies" as does "YouTube".The simplest solution is to reinstall Adobe Flash Player.Then try "YouTube" again. This doesn't preclude the problem that other sites still use the normal "cookie" method and you may also need to recreate those "cookies" put them in your "cookies to keep". You should also do as Dennis recommends to guarantee that your Adobe Flash files are always Excluded from cleaning. I also keep Adobe Flash Player cleaning option turned off under Multimedia on the Applications tab. Good luck, davey
  16. Hi Sawyer, You may also find that some sites save information in the Adobe Flash files.Places like Yahoo do this.If that is your case, then uncheck Adobe Flash Player in the list under Multimedia on the Applications tab. Or see this informative post, http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105098 Good luck, davey
  17. I was laughing at myself being in that same predicament.I am sure the same thoughts came to the OP. Sometimes after a really long day those "annoying" messages come in handy. davey
  18. So what you are saying is that c/docs an setting/userdata/application data / opera profile /cache4 is being deleted by CCleaner but not completely overwritten.Most are being overwritten,Correct? You will find that some files can not be overwritten while in the MFT. We will have to leave it to the programming team to determine if there is an actual "bug". Thanks for your report, davey
  19. Hi Fred, Thanks for the reminder about Decrapifier.I did not know about anything like that after HP gave me the "warm fuzzies". Too bad!!! Thanks for JavaRa.Sure simplifies maintaining Java. Now if it would just clean my coffee pot. davey
  20. Hi ident, There are some "bugs' as regards XP 64 bit..Try the newer version or set for detail log at Options > Advanced.I would go with the latest version. 2.08 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=15982 Download,install,reboot and try it. Good luck, davey
  21. Hello SiberLynx, Maybe this thread will help.Read the whole thread."smilingralph" says his link works for him. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=97432 Seems to be a Firefox thing not a CCleaner problem. Good luck, davey
  22. davey

    Mazda RX8

    Of course we are all just joking around here. Anthony's post is very informative. Remember Anthony if the supply increases the price comes down also. I still remember the lines in 1973 and knowing whose privates were in whose hands.No, not the oil companies, the guy at the oil well and they have been squeezing ever since.Saddam and his Iranian counterparts. Lets face it the demand is not going down for a long while. I can't wait for the alternative energy geniuses to come up with a viable alternative but it's going to have to come from some unknown method and tremendous technological advances as came from the US vs. Russian space race. Yes,racing gets the old competitive juices flowing.Last one to Mars is a "rotten egg"!!! I would invest in oil transport if I could but all us old farts are suffering from lopsided cash flow situations at the moment. davey
  23. Just a follow up. Try this website.It looks like a good site for Vista users.Hazelnut recommends it often. He also is excellent for XP System Restore problems .Just look around the site. http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore Good luck, davey
  24. Seemed like a good idea to check it off myself when I first tried CCleaner.Though I couldn't imagine why it would be needed. I mean, wouldn't you expect a program to close when it finished?Why would you need a switch? davey
  25. Hey y'all come back real soon. Yer a good candidate for regular forum member.We got s few of them "serial downloaders" 'round here too. Online poker eh? Been hangin' 'round them casinos? Don't cha go bringin' any of them viruses 'round here!!! Them guys and gals will teach ya all about "sandboxes" 'n such. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104010 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=104519 Lots more too on the forums. davey
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