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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi QTIP, If you used CCleaner Tools > Startup like I think you did then those entries are gone as far as I know. You have not deleted any programs just the entries to start them at start-up. You may be able to just do a system restore and get your Registry back to where it was. Let us know. davey
  2. Hi Tom, Take your time !!! If it ain't fun,why do it? K.I.S.S. Good luck, davey
  3. And you told me you weren't a "techie",Techie !!! A very appropos posting Dennis. I am not surprised. Best wishes, davey P.S. Like every other user out there, "I want my PC like it was before - I - something screwed it up".
  4. From what I found on Google,I imagined running those programs may reset some info for MS. Maybe they pick it up next Auto update or "Patch Tuesday"? oobe/msoobe Kinda reminds of one of my all time favorite singers !!! ROY ORBISON davey
  5. Hi ko220, Welcome Lots of good advice for you from the members !!! You should be able to get it back one way or the other. If you are a Vista user then hazelnut's suggestion of System Restore should do the trick. When you say CCleaner deleted this program,do you mean that the icon is missing or does this program still show in Add/Remove programs or CCleaner TOOLS > Uninstall programs list ? The only programs that I have ever heard of CCleaner deleting were programs stored in Temp files somewhere. It does happen but not that often. Worse comes to worst, you should be able to re-install that program from your install disc or probably online. What is the name of this program ? Good luck, davey
  6. Hi mazzy, As you can see from the other replies Registry "defrag" OR "optimization" is a very special task. I use ERUNT to backup the Registry before doing anything to the Registry.THIS IS CRITICAL. Like many other members I use NTREGOPT to optimize the Registry. However,only run this when all other programs are stopped running. As soon as you run it then reply YES to reboot immediately.THIS IS CRITICAL. This program made a significant change to my Registry size with a proportional increase in speed. (17 %). Good luck, davey New Users and all users P.S. Follow this link and get both ERUNT and NTREGOPT at the same time. Maybe something else also. UPDATED JULY 19,2008 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905
  7. Hi DiFini, Just a little more detail for the more "finicky" user, another refinement by the program developers. This does not imply that it is more important to have more solid colors.Some people think this makes a big deal of difference but only for a very, very few specific IT applications.Most users see no difference at all. What is a few seconds a day for most users ? Especially if it takes minutes or hours of defragging to arrive at the difference. Best wishes, davey P.S. Most users are better off leaving their PC a little idle time to let Windows optimize itself. Their PC will perform better for their purposes that way.Leave "Prefetch" areas alone and Windows will take care of the rest.
  8. Got to add my comments for the "newbies" out there. Writeaway is not kidding when he suggests that you have a very good backup program when it comes to Registry Boosting and such other misleading names. Boosting implies like your are going to get some amazing increase in system performance. BELIEVE ME YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANY BOOST !!! . The only boost will be to the "snake oil" salesman's bank account. The "mild" Registry cleaning effects of CCleaner are more than enough for any Registry. Most users Registries don't even need "cleaning" if that is what you want to call it. The best performance booster's are junk file cleaning like CCleaner every now and then and Disk defragmentation even less often. How simple can it get? Constant "cleaning" and "defragmenting" is a waste of time and effort for most users and the consistent performance of their PC. Best wishes, davey P.S. Now get a warm moist(not damp) cloth and gently "clean" your keyboard, mouse and surrounding area. Gently clean your screen with proper cleaning papers. Now the dust, snack and drinks stains are gone. GO HAVE SOME FUN !!!
  9. Hi Tom, Just a refresher from one of your posts. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=108633 However, I would never want to delete all my system restores at one time. P.S. I find 5% on WinXP very sufficient for at least the last 30 days,even if you create 3 or 4 manual restore points a day. davey
  10. Adding 256 DDR MB to my 256 DDR RAM PC, I would consider a major hardware change. Especially if the module monitoring such events was written maybe 6 - 8 yrs. ago 256 MB increase would be a "BIG" change. I wonder if it is a 16 bit program. Humpty, this "young" guy I know may drop by with his P4 2.8 ghz 256 DDR RAM and have a few things cleaned up. You're a good guy, Charlie Brown. davey P.S. If I reactivate my XP will my PC phone home to MS soon.
  11. Hi iarp, Like Augeas says that option must be on in order for Include entries to work. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ davey
  12. Hi Sunny, Come on Sunny!!! No software developer wants to touch MS System Restore Points. The next thing you are going to want is CCleaner to reset the PC clock. Anybody messes with my Clock or my Recycle Bin is in deep trouble. Windows releases System Restore data store as needed. I also find 5% on the slider is more than enough for me as fas as System Restore Point space on WinXP. davey
  13. Hello MrT, I figured I would include a snapshot of my list also. I have had these since day 1 of using CCleaner 2.02 something in Nov.2007 . Just thought it had something to do with my "bent" and "twisted" Registry but who knows it may help. Coincidentally I had an extra one today that I told CCleaner to also delete. It was extension .tmp . Can you believe that? It deleted and as usual the others always stay. Regards, davey That's a catchy user name you have, MrT.
  14. davey

    Temp Files

    Maybe this? Or are you signed on as Administrator when you are trying to actually clean USER #1 ? Got to be something basic like that. davey
  15. Hi Deanz, If you had the number of days as "0" that may have been the problem. Make sure that you complete the process by using the "OK" button. It may not be necessary to reboot but I recommend it because I never know what most users have been installing or uninstalling at the same time and it is best to do this way.In your case you can just as well go ahead and run CCleaner after Closing your browser and other programs. As late as it is now you may have already done so. So what happens? P.S. I don't understand why users want to run CCleaner at start-up. All this does is increase the amount of your boot time and maybe cause conflicts with other programs trying to start at reboot also. Why not run CCleaner at the end of your day or wait until you really need to run it which could be a couple of days ? I don't want CCleaner to clean out my temp internet files,my work files etc. if I need to reboot because of a power outage or some other reason. When it comes to computers, "automatic" does not mean better or more sophisticated. To me it means more "automatic" problems, complications , and conflicts. davey
  16. davey

    Error 1606

    As far as CCleaner Registry issues is concerned , be sure to keep scanning for issues until no more are found. CCleaner is not a Registry "fixer". It identifies certain inconsistencies and tells the user what they are and what it will do to "fix" the inconsistency. I think Hazel's link to that workaround is probably your best chance to get AutoCAD 2008 installed. It is not the fact that the AutoCad 2008 is 32 bit or 64 bit. The problem is with the install program from Autodesk itself. Apparently it is trying to use the 64 bit installer instead of the 32 bit one that is needed. You need some tech help from Autodesk itself to get this resolved. With a price tag like that there should be plenty of help. davey P.S. Make sure that you are downloading from the Autodesk official site and not some unauthorized site.Many unofficial sites exist and can not be relied upon to the be latest and "clean" version. You don't want to be designing something with "spyware" as part of the package do you? The official version may already have the install problem fixed.
  17. Try turning Norton off if such a thing exists.It's been awhile since I have had it long before CCleaner. Many security programs look at CCleaner with a lot of suspicion. I leave my security on AVG or Avast with no problems. I have 256 MB pent 4 2.8 Gh davey
  18. davey

    Temp Files

    CCleaner always deletes mine. What's up? davey
  19. The Chinese knock-off version will probably be on the market tomorrow if not sooner. davey
  20. davey

    Video Card

    You got me confused too!!! I'll bet our teenage friend "CTskifreak" knows. davey
  21. Hi fogster, Your time is more normal and your mom's PC is very abnormal. Check task manager on her machine to see what CPU usage and such is going on when running CCleaner on her machine . Are you both using the same security software and the same settings? She doesn't need to defrag that often anyhow. It certainly seems that something else is running when she is running CCleaner. It could be conflicts of scheduled tasks. When exactly in her processing day is she running CCleaner.I hope it is not at start-up with other things also running at start-up. Let us know these answers plus OS etc. I figure somewhere between 1-2 seconds per MB to "analyze" and less to clean(No "secure delete"). Best wishes, davey
  22. Hi Coffee, I think you are being confused because you have gone beyond the best general advice you can get here. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=11000 Follow the advice listed here and the related links and you can't go wrong. This is all most people need until you get into another level of malware detection and removal. This next level is getting very technical and specialized.This is the level that is confusing you. This level is where people like our own advisor and Spyware Hell and Help moderators like Tony Klein and the others are the Masters and Experts. Don't worry about this as much as increasing your knowledge and use of back-up software and hardware. Best wishes, davey
  23. Your Grandma and my Grandma would have been good friends. Birds of a feather. davey
  24. Did I say goats? What was I thinking? English sheep of course. Those Polish lads will probably work any others right into the ground. They are hard workers !!! Right,are stab jackets anything like "bullet proof vests" or do stab jackets require a little more metal in their make-up? Number of deleted files up to 9,473 . Good night morning ToTo time for bed, davey
  25. davey

    Error 1606

    Check out this link related to your install problem. http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/it...;linkID=9242018 http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/it...;linkID=9240617 CCleaner didn't find any issues ? davey
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