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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hello Tom, The list would be too long to list here. Why not provide a "snapshot" of your Startup entries using CCleaner Tools > Startup and let members review it and give their advice ? Best Wishes, davey P.S. I like those links Jamin4u gave you while I was on the phone. I wish I had known about them awhile back. I have 12 entries in my list and only 3 are Enabled. http://www.malwarebytes.org/startuplite.php MalwareBytes StartUpLite said "No unnecessary startups found!". That is good enough validation for me. Wow, when I think of all the time I could have saved. Unbelievable! Now I am going to have Enable some of the junk entries so I can see what the program says then. I love MalwareBytes.org software. They are on my donations list. Plus I am a registered member. MalwareBytes.org gives this thread as a list. http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1248
  2. If Icedrake fell off a building, would Icedrake want 1 safety net below or 2 safety nets below? davey P.S. I have needed ERUNT. http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/index.htm Print off the ERUNT "Read Me" text and read it. Label it with big bold leters "Emergency Recovery" then file it with your Install and Boot recovery disks. They all have their purposes and need to be ready when needed. Believe me ! I have been there and done that. As soon as the ERUNT "EMERGENCY RECOVERY" listing was in my nervous shaking hands, the panic drained away and my brain started to function in "normal" mode versus "panic" mode. You do not want to be in "panic" mode for too long or else you will do some stupid things. System Restore is part of the process also. I have at times gotten by with System Restore. I haven't needed Boot discs or System Recovery or re-install yet. Yes, I have needed and had other "Back Up" files also. That is why I tell users about Karen's free Replicator program. It is simple to use and reliable. Karen's Replicator http://www.karenware.com/powertools/ptreplicator.asp Bookmark it and save to Favorites.
  3. davey

    ADD on for IE

    Not Microsoft and free and the only add-on I have on my PC. It makes things simple as can be. You may not like it but try it out and see. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=110947 davey
  4. davey

    ADD on for IE

    Hi CRoz, I would reboot and see what happens. If no no joy than reinstall IE7Pro. I have WinXP Pro SP3. I haven't had any problems with IE7Pro since installing about 4-5 months ago. I just re-installed a couple of minutes ago. No problem except you must download and then close IE of course. Good luck, davey
  5. Hi Jokke, Yeah, there are many pieces of malware that will keep CCleaner and anti-malware programs from installing. Just like discussed here. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17121 As far as AVG the version "YOU" need is this one AVG Free Edition 7.5.524 . It is still available and supported until who knows when but it it is very,very good and easy on RAM. The AVG 8.0 will eat up your CPU. This is the one Keith recommended and it still is great for older PCs or PCs with less RAM. http://www.filehippo.com/download_avg_antivirus/4029/ I use MalwareBytes as an on demand scanner. I have have not tried it as a real-time scanner. If you used Rogue Remover then you know how good MalwareBytes software can be. It is getting very good reviews from the anti-malware community. It's on-demand scanner is very fast compared to any other I have used. You may also want to try out the "real-time" scanning. It may be all you need. Install both AVG 7.5 and MBAM . Only use one as the "real-time" scanner. You also need SpywareBlaster to keep you away from those "sucker" sites. They will tell you anything to get you to "click" and and give them access to your computer. SpywareBlaster protects you from dangerous sites,spyware and adware.It is a program that loads protective data into your PC.It does not affect your processing time at all and very quick to update whenever you want. The simplest solutions are often the most effective. WARNING: DO NOT USE the Flash Killer tool. It may prevent proper access to some of your "most popular sites". http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html Good luck, davey P.S. As far as how many files CCleaner installs,you will end up with CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe in the CCleaner folder if it the standard build English version.
  6. davey

    ADD on for IE

    Ho CRoz, I really like IE7Pro very much. It has many features that take sometime to learn. I still don't know them all but it sure is a great add-on for IE6 and IE7. Right click the IE7Pro icon in the IE Status Bar or select IE7Pro Preferences in Tools in IE7 Menu Bar . Click on Ad Blocker in left pane and then click on Reset Defaults in right pane. This should reset your ad blocker for you. The settings as I have shown block the ads and banners etc. but allow you to still use Adobe Flash Player which you will need for many "popular" Web Sites. Good luck, davey
  7. Hello nodnolse2, See this thread and my suggestion to another Open Office user. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=108776 The winapp2.ini file will add more cleaning in CCleaner for other applications also. Good luck, davey
  8. Hi nodnolse2, Welcome to the forums. We appreciate your information very, very much. Your input provides us with real life reports from people that repair PC systems for others. CCleaner and many anti-virus programs are the enemies of malware program authors. They will do their best to prevent these programs from being installed or executed. Sometimes it is still possible to install or execute these programs if you "Rename" them by adding a letter or two to the program name. We advise our members to install anti-malware programs to their PCs before they get infected. This makes it easier to find and remove the "Bad Guy" programs. CCleaner is used by many Anti-malware specialists to flush away the junk and in some cases to overwrite the spyware/malware junk. You are correct. CCleaner is not a malware removal tool itself. Again, thank you for the useful information. This helps many new PC users. davey
  9. Hi Jeta, I never use the option on any software to check for newer versions. Normally this presumes that you will either automatically update or go back later after you have done some investigating or at a more advantageous time. Since I also use multiple application update checkers, I find this option not needed. I do allow automatic updates to my security programs as regards file updates not program updates. YoKenny has provided a link to a popular software version "Update Checker". FileHippo.com Update Checker http://www.filehippo.com/updatechecker I also refer you to another "Update Checker" that concentrates on "software patches"or "software updates" made to the most popular software for PC usage especially as regards "security" type fixes. Secunia: Online Software Inspector http://secunia.com/software_inspector/ I use the Personal free version. Just my preference over the Online version. This product not only tells you what is outdated, but also allows for rapid update and suggests many other things as regards your major software applications. Makes it fast and simple. Good luck, davey
  10. Hi Eli, Thanks for the link. Nothing like a good refresher to stay up-to-date. If they were old wives tales then I would definitely put a lot of trust in them. Since they are myths, then I can be assured they are founded on old outdated data or just plain incorrect data or misinterpreted data . davey
  11. Hello michelle, EDIT P.S. According to this link you need to tick Temporary Internet Files and Cookies under Internet Explorer list, and Search Autocomplete under Windows Explorer list in the Cleaner Windows tab. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...10181139AAN0Na9 Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
  12. Hi TomCat, Don't you have irprops.cpl Wireless Link Control Panel Applet in your Control Panel. Make sure you didn't hide it with TweakUI. Good Luck, davey
  13. Hello a_lex, Defrag free space has to do with moving things about on the disk so you end up with all the smaller free spaces joined up to form one large freespace. It is harder and takes a lot more time to defrag all free space than it is to allow some fragmentation to occur while you are doing this. I go with free space with fragmentation however I rarely have need to do it. Having some fragmentation is quicker and after all as soon as you start using your PC fragmentation starts to occur in the day to day usage. Most users can get by with defragging maybe once a month. davey
  14. Hello Nuts4Mutts, Welcome to the forum Yes, we were all meant to meet here !!! Here are some links for you. The first one is the most important. Piriform Forums Search Engine http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ode=adv&f=0 The other 2 are for your review concerning Mutts and Nuts. You figure it out. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...&entry95346 http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=107326 Best wishes, davey
  15. Hello Lloyd, Looks like you have been given some great advice. I thought this thread might interest you as an Network Admin. Running CCleaner over a domain to clean profiles, For Network Administrators and Domain controllers http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=98819 Let us know if it comes in handy. Good luck, davey
  16. davey

    Registry cleaning

    Hello cholis, Welcome Your English is good. You are a new user of CCleaner ? I think that you are a new user. When you restore the backups from "fix selected issiues" ,you need to do them in reverse order. You made cc_20080805_0300.reg the first "fix selected issues" run. You made cc_20080805_0315.reg the second "fix selected issues" run. To restore the Registry MERGE cc_20080805_0315. reg to the registry first. Then MERGE cc_20080805_0300 to the registry second. This will Restore the registry as it was before you ran "fix selected issues". This does not restore any files. Many new users do not know that CCleaner must be run without other programs running at the same time. All browsers and other programs should not be running. This does not include your Anti-virus or Firewall programs. You will find that after you "RESTART" your PC it will be running faster. Read these instructions to a new user before you run CCleaner again. This will help you to setup your CCleaner options. Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time. Good luck. davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
  17. You don't have to completely defrag the System Volume Files. I just thought it would be a quick way of creating some large chunky files cause we are going to delete them or at least half of them(the oldest ones). This will give you a large chunk of "REAL ESTATE" BACK ON YOUR HARD DRIVE. This will only work if you have not reduced the allocated space for System Restore files. You can also just wait and every day some will get deleted when you reboot.I never like telling users to delete anything but have you seen how much space The "Encarta Encyclopedia" takes. Its about 400 MB if I remember correctly. Take your time. Back to you later. davey
  18. davey

    Registry cleaning

    Hi JD, Sorry for the slow response.I am suffering from ISP(Intolerably Slow Providers)for definite DSL modem problems on my system. Takes multiple calls and tests to convince them. They are nice enough to mail me a new modem when I am only 2 miles from Wash.,D.C. Enough biashing. how best to create a manual restore point? Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore . Select Create System Restore Point . when I backup the registry changes I assume you can remerge these back into the registry in the event of errors Yes you can and you must merge in the reverse order that you created them.They are time stamped. I have seen on other messages on this forum that recommend ERUNT and NTREGOPT I downloaded these but have not ran them or enquired too much about them. Yes, get them and select /Autobackup option for ERUNT. Run ERUNT manually when you are ready to go for it. Also print off the read me text just in case you need it. When you say no other programs running what about your antivirus and firewall should these be running? I always leave mine on.Some A/V don't get along with CCleaner.Always leave firewalls on if possible. I do. All other stuff off especially browsers. PS as an aside would a clogged up registry cause your machine to be sluggish? Clogged up PC is more the case. But if you have a tremendously bloated Registry it helps to at least use NTREGOPT. "Cleaning" the registry is your choice. Yes, I have but not in months. The CCleaning did more for me plus a disk "defrag" GET RID OF AS MUCH JUNK AS POSSIBLE BEFORE DISK "DEFRAG". Search for thesetopics on the forums ERUNT NTREGOPT "PENGMAN" "Eternally Young" or someone will give you some links. I can't give you links because I am on a borrowed PC with limited time and promised to not leave tracks all over. davey Be back as soon as snail mail allows.
  19. davey

    Full Stop

    It is probably my terminology causing the confusion. My PC responds to F2 when I boot and I enter a Start up session where I can check and reset some of my BIOS information. Yours may be perfectly OK! However you can enable/disable a lot of different things and on some PCs this changes the BIOS settings in your PC. You should probably check you Tweak tools first to see if you have disabled that floppy. This can happen and then you reset some Registry setting manually or with software and it doesn't come back to "haunt" you until you use that tool again. I am talking about tools like TweahUI or similar things. Accidents do happen. Of course it was a learning experience for me when my first introduction to PC internals was trying to do a clean Re-install (if that term is correct) for a friend with WinXP Media Center Dual Core and RAID and all that good stuff. P.S. I must give credit to the very patient 20 year old college lady in Manilla who was my Dell assistant in this matter. Dell has always been very good to me. This "newbie" learned a lot from that experience. Dell is still OK with me. davey
  20. Chrissy, The feeling is mutual. We love all our true members. (The spammers and scammers are not true members.) You have provided good info for other members also. There are some easier ways to do some of the things that you have mentioned but you sure have learned much in a very short period. We always appreciate members feed back. You keep coming back !!! davey
  21. davey

    Full Stop

    Yeah, I guess you could put those in the "bad guy" category but they are manufacturer installed "viruses". You have given me some good thoughts. I wonder if in some of the A/V options I can mark those as "bad guys" and get rid of them that way. Wabbits are for loving One of my favorite house pets was a female wabbit. It had a wonderful time playing games with my other pets. It was a self trained guard wabbit. I believe it would have sacrificed itself to protect the family and other pets. Luckily the English pointer would take over as needed. Seldom though. An "attack wabbit" can be pretty threatening when you don't expect it. What are your BIOS settings as regards that floppy ? Andavari can give you some great info on recording and burning. Do some forum "searching" and you will find a "treasure trove" of info. davey
  22. davey

    CCleaner v2.10

    Hi narshorn, Suggestions like yours should be entered in the CCleaner Suggestions forum so all the CCleaners users will more likely see it. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=14 Thanks, davey
  23. davey

    Full Stop

    Sssshhhhhh (whisper) I know you may be recording or burning something. I will be as quiet as I can. Just remember those idiots can't do what you want or all the "bad guy" programs would be dressed up like "burning software" or "recording software". davey P.S. Thanks for the heads up. I have not done much "recording" or "burning". I didn't know that.
  24. Are you still having problems with the latest version ? What caused you to reformat your Hard Drive ? Have you installed any other new software ? If you are still having problems,please answer the following questions. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can. Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it? Did you do any Registry issues fixing? Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found? Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls recently ? Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Best wishes, davey The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark & save to Favorites Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
  25. Hi SleejR, As long as you have installed all the MS updates you should have what you need for C++ programs. CCleaner is written in C++. If you updated but did not Reboot, then the older versions of some MS programs could still be in memory and problems could result. davey
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