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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Jilly, Your "hubby" definitely meant well. I think you need to review your "cookies to keep" and do so. You may also need to go to AOL.com and re-establish your account. They will probably download some info to your "cookies" File or Macromedia/Adobe Flash Player files. You need to uncheck the cleaning of these on the Applications tab at Cleaner > Applications tab. I don't use AOL but you may need to turn off any cleaning listed for that also. See these links below. Also "hubby" needs to review them. It could be as simple as re-entering your password info and turning off Autocomplete Form History cleaning option under Cleaner > Internet Explorer list in CCleaner. Good luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  2. You know Tough Shoes or Trouble Shoot. davey
  3. You may have at sometime in the past. I put some in not knowing what it would do when I was learning. Of course I had to remove them as they were to MS. davey
  4. IF it is a real long list then I would say, yes. I can't say either way as regards Registry keys maybe set by other apps or methods. davey
  5. Have you used Tools > Internet options > Privacy > Remove all This may help, I have never uninstalled SB. Good luck, davey
  6. Shame on you. No, I haven't noticed any files building up anywhere. There is an entry in the winapp2.ini as regards IE7Pro and I have been using winapp2.ini complete as supplied for months now. I drop the new winapp2.inn in my CCleaner whenever it comes out. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110 It helped clean out data from old apps. that were once on this PC also. davey
  7. Hi hesyst, I like you have tried many tools and some playing around looking at History files,index.dat files and such. Somehow in the order of things I have managed to create some strange conditions or investigate them. I found as regards the History file for the current user (YOU) if you will take a few minutes and run CCleaner with the History option set to clean and also Index.dat files option and then Analyze. You should see the Path name name etc. for the History file as so. Marked for deletion: C:\Documents and Settings\XXXuser\LocalSettings\Temporary InternetFiles\Content.IE5\index.dat Marked for deletion: C:\Documents and Settings\XXXuser\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\desktop.ini Marked for deletion: C:\Documents and Settings\XXXuser\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat Note what it is and then run the Cleaner. Exit CCleaner and reboot. You might have to do this a couple of times but things are out of sync. Do not copy the other users History when you do this. I copied another users History in the past and things were similar to your problem. Let us know. davey
  8. Hey Darkknight, Below you will the find the link to CCleaner Guide. Look under the Options topic for further info. Start CCleanner. Then Options > Settings there you will see the options to set for overwriting. One overwrite is sufficient. Any more is a waste of time and wear and tear on your HDD. Most stuff is overwritten as you use your PC anyhow. I have only used overwrite for some banking info. Good luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  9. Hi verymuchso, If you have already run CCleaner without previously saving your "Cookies to keep" and turning off the option to clean Macromedia/Adobe Flash Player then that data has been deleted. If you have backups then it can be recovered from there. There are only two other ways that you could recover that data: 1. Perform a System Restore right prior to the time that you ran CCleaner for the first time. Be warned that a System Restore may also affect things that you have changed since that time. 2. A very slim chance that you could "recover" the files using Piriform's Recuva program. Slim chance because those files may have already been overwritten during the normal use of your PC since that time. Good luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  10. I was wrong to use the the term "reformat" I should have said "Convert". The timing of this thread is amazing. I just Converted several Gigs from Fat32 on my Western Digital 500GB. I had started Karen's Replicator and went off to read my W-D guide when I read that the drive is FAT32. I stopped Karen's Replicator went to MS and got the Convert command and used it and it took a very little while to convert what was already backed up as FAT32 to NTFS. I reran the backup and of course it read all the previous backed up files and started where I stopped before. I did no reformatting whatsoever. The backup ran a lot quicker after the Conversion. All I did was RUN this command CONVERT F: /fs:ntfs davey
  11. davey

    Help needed

    Hello Scotland, Welcome to the forums. You have got to have brass to hold onto that handle. Recuva is simple and fast to find Pics. It all depends how old or where those pics were on your Hard Drive. If way off in a dusty corner, if you can find one on a Hard Drive, they may still be there. I recovered some for a friend that he says he "accidentally" deleted a couple of years ago on this very PC that I am using now. Lucky for him that I did not do any fancy partitioning or fancy optimization during all that time. Of course all I was allowed to do was Click on some application icons, fill in some data, and the most amusing thing was click on the Start button so I could click on "Turn off computer". If they are still there you should find them in less than 15 mins. Good luck, davey
  12. Hello hesyst, From reading this thread, I can tell that you are a very conscientious PC user and quite knowledgeable. Congratulations on that. I am aware that Norton offers many options related to privacy as well as security. Check to be sure that no option is set there regarding your History. Just a thought. You will discover that resetting your Msconfig start-up to "normal" will reset some of your startup settings in CCleaner Tools > Startup. Resetting Msconfig to normal will offer you the chance to be sure nothing is changing any of your Startup process. You can reset the CCleaner Startup settings once you are satisfied that this is not happening. Good luck, davey P.S. There is a chance someone is "borrowing" your PC to do a little surfing of their own and then deleting the History to cover their tracks.
  13. Hello Boxer, You don't have to worry about defragging unless you suffer any slow downs and such. Pics create a lot fragments because each one is so large. You can defrag those that you have if it makes you feel better. Some people go off the deep end on defragging too often and all they do is move stuff around and save no time in their day to day use of the PC. If Windows Disk Defragger says it needs it when you analyze then do so if not don't. Or just use Defraggler to defrag your pics. Good luck, davey
  14. Corona, Your problem is that Fat32 files on your hard drive and WDD will only use the old defrag routines and treats everything like Fat32. you need to get those old files dumped or reformatted as NTFS. That is your only solution. That is why every defrag you try does the same thing. Maybe start a new topic and we all can learn from it as you do what needs doing. Beleive me I am no expert on this but maybe we all can help you get it done. Good luck, davey P.S. I think it would be worth the effort but I don't know the value of those FAT32 files that you have.
  15. "THE FORUM" Yes, even Hazel with all her ribbons for unprecedented speed. davey
  16. Hello Darkknight, I think you are little confused by the terms "deleted" and "secure deleted". "Deletion" has to do with the removal of file pointers to the data. The disk space where deleted data exists is made available for other data to be recorded. It can be used quickly or never used again. The original data will still be there until overwritten. "Secure deletion" has to with the physical overwriting of the data. This way the original data can not be recovered by other means. CCleaner will only overwrite what it deletes. You must select the option to overwrite the data. One overwrite is sufficient to make the data unusable. Good luck, davey
  17. I have been letting CCleaner clean it since day 1. No problems here. WinXP Pro Sp2 and SP3. AVG 7.5 davey P.S. Also been CCleaning Avast 4 anti-virus with it also. To get it to clean AVG 7.5 and AVG 8.0 and Avast 4 you need to get the winapp2. ini file and unzip it in your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder . Get the winapp2.ini from here at the bottom of the first post. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1110
  18. So what did you think of it ? Ancient history ? Valuable ? I think maybe both. davey
  19. davey


    See we do read your posts. The first post on Finished Sentences is quite "juvenile". Will it improve ? P.S. Of course it will ! Maybe you could have a little "tutorial" session with Rob. davey P.S. Almost forgot the most important thing. Congrats on your venture !!! Visionaries make our future !!!
  20. Hello Chessman, We like "spooky". Keep us informed. Please answer our questions. Did you have the option for Desktop Shortcuts in Cleaner > Windows tab > System turned on or off as YoKenny asked ? P.S. Also have you been using different Startup entry utility programs ? How many Users on your PC ? davey
  21. Hello asur, Welcome to the forums. I really appreciate members who use the "search" engines to find topics and posts. However, you did reply to a topic that is a little old. Sounds like you need some help finding a good "defrag" program for W9X-ME. Can any of our members help "asur" in his situation ? Best wishes, davey
  22. Hi Andavari, I have started using the new Windows Search 4.0. It allows for selective indexing and you can still use old "Rover or ToTo" if you like. So now you have 2 indexers you can play with. The Windows Search Indexer also has an Indexer "Snooze" button. Best wishes, davey New toys for girls and boys. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/940157/en-us
  23. Hello pktalbott, Welcome to the forums. What you are referring to is a tracking cookie that you delete when you run CCleaner.However since you are not protected these cookies are put back into your PC as you surf the Web and are used to keep track of what you do while surfing especially shopping but other things also. You need a little more software to help protect you. Especially from the "Cookie Monsters". You need some other software to protect you. They are all free,fast and important. SpywareBlaster protects you from dangerous sites,spyware and adware.It is a program that loads protective data into your PC.It does not affect your processing time at all and very quick to update whenever you want. The simplest solutions are often the most effective. WARNING: DO NOT USE the Flash Killer tool. It may prevent proper access to some of your "most popular sites". http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html See this link as regards ERUNT,NTREGOPT and Replicator programs. THESE ARE IMPORTANT. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=102905 Good luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208
  24. Hi Xion, The above statement is what makes me very wary. Why the constant updating ? NTREGOPT copies the old registry to a new file. That is simplicity itself. No need for constant updating. Upon Reboot the new file will be the new Registry. No chance of conflicts with "bad" software in the system. davey P.S. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=109057 When someone with the reputation and credibility in the PC industry as Tony Klein says NTREGOPT is a "good choice", I know he is not just whistling in the wind.
  25. Thank you Andavari. I forgot but there was a little note floating around in my little gray cells that I want to delete something from my Desktop context menu. I have seen the discussion before but at the time didn't appreciate the fact that I could make use of these tools myself in the future. davey
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