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Everything posted by davey

  1. Hi Filbert, Did you notice in the Pop-up Window about "updates",did it say "Debug info" ? It did this on mine. WinXP pro SP3 . After your test you will find the log in your Defraggler folder. Good luck, davey
  2. Thanks for the report,Tommy. It has been reported several times today. False positive hits on many versions of CCleaner and Defraggler as well. CA is working on it. Best wishes, davey
  3. Hello CactusRuss, You old varmint! Welcome to the forums. You will find thousands of empty keys in the Registry. Some person or program has to put them there. They are needed at different times for various purposes. Any key can indicate sometning or it is just empty. No problems. A missing key is usually an indicator or precursor to a "problem". Windows and other software "register" these keys. The fact that they are empty at the time you look at them does not mean that tonight, tomorrow, next month-end that the key won't be used. Yes, it would be nice if software companies removed these keys when you uninstall their products but they don't. Many other pieces of software may be looking for that key such as "add-on" software. Basically it comes down to this. Empty keys equal no problem. Missing keys equal good chance of problems. How many old keys you got around your place? You won't need them 'til you throw them out or lose them. Best wishes, davey P.S. There are a lot of old critters and critter lovers 'round here. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  4. Hi me20000, Sounds like you are describing the RegCure icon itself. Some users set up their icons themselves. Just make sure that she gets the "real" CCleaner from Piriform and nowhere else. That program may be set up to clean your friends accounts and credit cards as well. Good luck, davey
  5. Hello jmorrey, I think you are going to have to restore that movie to a NTFS volume. 4 GB is the limit for FAT32 files. Must be some movie !!! Good luck, davey
  6. davey

    error message

    Hi aku, Are you still having the problem using this new version ? Defraggler v1.02.085 Final http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17276 Best wishes, davey
  7. Hello again libanjon, This thread serves as the Bug Report. However I don't see a "bug" here. I did all the testing and it works fine for me. Remember, CCleaner is designed to safe. I just used the Include option as listed here and everything works fine. Just remember that once you get your list built then make a copy of (cc)leaner. ini file and keep it somewhere safe so you don't have to re-enter all those Include entries if somehow you lose your (cc)leaner.ini file from your CCleaner folder. Hope you track down that program that keeps creating those files. Good luck, davey
  8. Hello violentend, Welcome to the forums. Welcome to your sister also. This is a nice place for her too !!! You may be a "newbie" but you are a smart "newbie" to ask for help first. In this situation you might try CCleaner Tools > Uninstall . Be very careful using this Tool. You don't want to accidentally Uninstall or Delete the wrong thing. You know what I mean ??? Just take your time and always make sure that you are selecting the correct program and function "button". In the list that is displayed find the name of the game that you are talking about and click on it to "highlight" that program. Now on the right hand side you will see the "Uninstall" button. Try that first just for kicks. It may not do anything at all since you say the program has already been Uninstalled. Next try the "Delete" button and see if that works to get rid of that program entry. Now try to reinstall that GAME and see what happens !!! Don't use the "Cleaner" function until you do a few other things first. I have provided you with some links at bottom of this Post . Read and follow these before you do any "Cleaning". OK Pal, good luck with that game. If any problems just come back and we will try something else !!! davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  9. davey

    Made my day

    WHATEVER! That's the key in this situation. 5 days is amazing !!! Unless the young lady was restricted from using the PC for 4-5 days. If so, then next time you will have to bring out the big guns of "permissions" to limit her meanderings for a little longer time period. By the time she figures a way around your restrictions, she will have leaned enough to "disinfect" the PC herself. Good Work and Good Luck Dr. YoKenny, davey
  10. Thanks for that also. I forgot to download it. Sure looks like a nice, friendly site. Do I hear hoof-beats !!! That was during my free ISP Internet-free vacation. I did get back in time to see your SMPlayer post. Thanks for that also. davey
  11. Hello libanjon, What is happening in my view is that you may have a misunderstanding of what CCleaner "cleans". Unlike many other "cleaners" CCleaner does it's best to prevent users from doing unsafe practices unless they actually put requests for cleaning using the Include feature as Disk4mat has suggested. Many "cleaner" programs make it too easy for users to perform these procedures. As a result they get a bad reputation as "dangerous" to use. CCleaner does not want to get such a reputation. The ares for cleaning can be found in the .INI files that are embedded in the program itself. These will show you exactly what is to be cleaned. You can get a copy of these .ini files at this link. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=110667 This is a friendly forum. Please read and follow the rules. Links to the rules can be found at the top of most forums. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?act=an...p;f=4&id=15 Best wishes, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
  12. Hello Keith, That is why they are calling them "embedded". Your old folders are overriding what is embedded. Remove them or you will have to install new ones each release. Good luck, davey
  13. Yeah, Thanks Andavari !!! I just knew that if I kept following this thread that I would find something. Something, that at the time, I didn't even know I needed. This is going to be a "GREAT" week !!! Something like this has the same effect as taking a PAIN pill. Maybe more so. Winapp2.ini did say something was a pain somewhere. Thanks for sharing, davey
  14. THANKS DUDE !!! Very entertaining. davey
  15. The old marketing adage is "If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em." davey
  16. Thanks for the update. I perfectly agree with MajorGeeks slogan. davey
  17. Hello Disk4mat, Wow !!! Where you been hiding that list or is it the fact that you are still working on it? I have no personal experience using any of these products. I have been waiting for someone like you to come along and give us all some help. From reading some of the other threads in the last few weeks I did notice that you seem to have some good insight to these. Do you think this list is at the point that you can submit it to TwistedMetal for addition to the winapp2.ini file ? Man, that will be great news for many users !!! I hope that you have enough knowledge about some of the older Office Products to give them a review also. Tremendous thanks, davey P.S. Also many of your Vista developments would be great also.
  18. On par with having only "Black and white" TV. Rarely desirable. davey I will by-pass this offer. Fads come and go. Just like head-aches. Turn off the lights when not needed. Average Thermostat down a notch in Winter and up a notch in Summer.
  19. Hello Denver, Welcome to the forums. Good question and frequently asked. See this link as it applies to MOST users. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=111690 Defraggler is a very speedy "defragmenter" but I would recommend it's use to those who need to 'Defrag" specific files and those that don't mind the program maintenance required. That is how I use it. I hardly ever need to do "whole drive" defragmenting anymore. I use the Windows Disk Defragmenter to check or 'Analyze" and do "whole Drive" defragmentation only when advised by the WDD program. Most users get by fine with WDD. No worries, no money and no maintenance. Can't beat that for simplicity, which is what MOST users need and want. If you are an average user, daily defragmenting is not beneficial at all. Good luck, davey
  20. I love that T-Shirt. It sure is handsome. I would also like to have that smiley icon added to our forum repertoire. Thanks YoKenny, I find you first provided link more useful and important than the others. davey
  21. Hi TOM CAT, Keep it simple ! Stop creating some sort of inviting corporate/home network that every drive-by PC user may intentionally or not get into your monolithic structure and wreak havoc. Take the steps to set up a nice little work group called "EvilEmpire" or something similar. Do this at the same time on each PC. Then get rid of "WORKGROUP" and "MSHOME" which every evil doer will be looking for to gain entrance to some poor Newbie's network and tickle their files and folders. This will also help you to avoid testing out every MS subroutine involved in networking and allow use of the more mundane and proven programs. Establish security codes/keys as required along the way. Let the Wizard programs do all the dirty work. The "EvilEmpire" workgroup name may be threatening enough to keep accidental passers-by to do some perusing or taking a "home tour". Why not take the reverse approach to sharing your elaborate "EvilEmpire" files and folders and add the sharing as needed. YoKenny has given you a way out of your Blue Screen of Death cycling. A nice simple structure will avoid all the Googling , reading, forum assistance headaches that you are currently enjoying. Sorry about that !!! You are not far from that objective, now. You will be head "Honcho" of the "EvilEmpire". Good luck, davey P.S. Later, you can rename your workgroup something more appropriate like "CatHouse" or "CatsMeow". What ever you do, have FUN doing it !!!
  22. There you go. I am not in the market for burning software at this time. But, I advise all you new users out there that when Hazel recommends something with such high regard , then you better do something, anything, to get what she is recommending. Even if you don't currently need it. I put a little note in my download saying "recommended by Hazel". I just know it is going to be good. Get it while you can. davey
  23. Hello PG, You are doing great. You answered most of those questions. These answers are very important because sometimes one little fact or phrase can lead to a solution. Can you please provide a text listing of the CCleaner backup file or files that you created when you ran the Registry cleaning. That info can be very important as well. My first intro to the Wonderful World of Windows was a complete re-install of a DELL dual core WinXP Media Center about 1 year ago. I didn't even know what a Start Menu was. I really need that other data to do a better job and provide info to other "helpers" as well. If you need help to do something just come back here and ask. Good luck, davey P.S. What software do you use to create those DVD's. Can you still see the programs on TV that you want to record? Please be aware that I do a lot of EDITING to my posts. Yes, Most of the times.
  24. You ain't beat !!! You are just a little tired like me. It always pays off to have a sounding board, get a little rest and let all those little gray cells re-energize even though they never rest completely. The answer is there but we haven't found it, yet. Some strange things been going on recently. Thought you might peruse this link before you get back at it. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=111811 Your answers to those questions can be the key to finding the answer we haven't found yet. See you later, davey P.S. What about Adobe Flash Player ? My little gray cells won't quit sometimes. My external hard drive has an appointment with Windows Disk Defragmenter program.
  25. It may sound strange but do you think WD wants you to execute some of that software first before they let you get to it?. I downloaded the software first. Then I started Karen' Replicator and then stopped it since i found out I need to to Convert to NTFS. I ran the command and it converted what had already been put onto the drive and it reported that Convert was successful. I then restarted Karen's Replicator and it reported the original files as up to date and picked up where it was stopped by me earlier . Darn I can't remember if I also had to start a Service that was not running or not. When I plugged it in I put the power in first and then the USB cord and pushed the button on the WD 500 HD. Did you push the button ? I can't remember if I used the Search for new hardware icon or Device Manager or just rebooted. I must be tired since I know I am not getting old. I already am old. Given what I can. I hope it helps stir your thoughts a little. Good luck, davey Can't believe you plugged it in a year ago and haven't used it. Did you take the wrapper off? I couldn't get it off fast enough. If you did that a year ago, you may have turned off the WD service. Let me take a look. Be right back. Logical Disk Manager on Auto Logical Disk Manager Admin on Manual Memeo Auto Sync I disabled after an hour Mionet I disabled after an hour Plug and Play on Auto Removable Storage on Auto Then there is the WD Anywhere Backup program. If you used it then you might have some protected files. Run it and use the Help button for all the info. Of course UNLOCKER maybe quicker. All I know about it are that you need to understand what you are doing because it can break things. See you later. davey My brain wants resting or perchance to dream.
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