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Everything posted by davey

  1. From what I have seen here, I would guess that I am still naive when it comes to WinXP and the forums. I have been advising some new users to be sure that they have UPHCLEAN installed and I figured it was old news anyway as far as the forum goes. IE6, Windows Defender and likewise Windows Live One Care were the biggest culprits in clogging up my User Profile Hive. It was this search for CLEANERS that lead me here to CCleaner and the forums from Wikipedia of all places. Dennis bringing up the UPHCLEAN program made me think about all those slow processing hours with Live One Care being installed and running right along with Windows Defender. One day Windows Defender was up to around 340 MB and climbing when I finally had the guts to "End Process" on it. Anyhow Jim, I think you were right-on about maybe a log file or something needed to be created. One of the biggest culprits in my book next to IE6 is Windows Defender. I suggest that you turn off the option to clean Windows Defender and see how that affects the shutdown process. If you did an upgrade from XP to Vista, I also suggest that you make sure UPHCLEAN v1.6 has been uninstalled and that you haven't installed UPHCLEAN v2.0 BETA. Good Luck, davey
  2. Yeah I agree, the Mods look like what I remember in High School. Now, I gotta find out more about the Rockers. I thought "Icedrake" said the "mods" not the "Mods". What you wearing on the forum, Andavari ? Dennis won't tell us. davey
  3. Hi BlazingPig, Reboot is the term applied to "restarting" your PC. This causes everything to be reloaded into the PC including new programs in place of old and many other things occur to guarantee that their is no conflict between old settings and new. See this link for details. Look at "soft reboot". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting For more learning advice for new PC users see this link. Bookmark it and "save to Favorites". You will need it for awhile and it will be work but worth the effort. Take your time. You are in control. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96299 You don't have to do this right away, but it sure is the way to learn and at your own speed. Besides you know where we live now. Good luck, davey P.S. You are going to be one busy "little piggy" but the Big Bad Wolf won't get you either. P.S.S. The most important thing I almost forgot. Tell me about this "slowdown" of your PC. Did it happen all in one day or has it been getting slower and slower gradually ? Do you have Windows XP or Vista Operating System (OS) ?
  4. What I thought was that the speed was hiding something that I normally see all the time. No, I don't think it is random event. I mean CCleaner's closing being relatively closer to shutdown is causing an event to occur that does not occur when not so close to shutdown. I don't think CCleaner itself is doing anything to cause the problem. I did not realize that it was actually stopping the shutdown. Just remembered that you are Vista also so there are definite differences in shutdown processes as well. I like Jamin4u suggestion also. Of course, you are not doing any "secure deletion" are you ? davey
  5. davey

    64 bit

    Hi mat77, Thank you for the update. The "BUG FIXERS" will put that information to good use. Where are you downloading from and what build(s) have you tried?. Have you tried the Portable version from here? http://www.CCleaner.com/download/builds davey
  6. Hey Pengman, You are correct on both counts. Only problem is I don't know where elsewhere is or I would be there tomorrow to pick up my money. When you are ready to get back some more space come back to this thread and we will pick up from there. Once you get "your" files defragmented, I have a surprise for you. We are then and only then going to defragment those System Restore files that I told you to leave alone.The only difference being that this time I want you to concentrate on the ones with the most (MANY) fragments, Not necessarily the biggest but the ones with the most (MANY) fragments. Don't bother with any files that are large but with relatively few fragments. That is a waste of time and wear and tear also. (By now you know what is many and what is a few fragments. You are becoming a "defrag" expert.) Maximize the screen and have fun watching those blocks change colors and shift around. Nothing wrong with letting the PC cool down a bit either.Don't turn off your PC right away after defragging. Let it run awhile to cool down with the fans. Watch a good show or event while you defrag and you will be surprised how much you can get done without putting a strain on your PC or you. Also this is not an endurance contest either. When it is not fun any more, stop and do something else. I am serious about that. Go out and have some fun. Do whatever brings you some joy !!! Have a good week-end. davey P.S. For emphasis. Don't turn off your PC right away after defragging. Let it run awhile to cool down with the fans.
  7. davey


    Hey mouse, Almost forgot to tell you to install Recuva now !!! That way you will already have it and don't have to use the internet or download or anything that might overwrite what you want to "recover". When the time comes and it will,you will be ready. davey
  8. Whoa!!! What a great question !!! Best one I have seen all week. davey
  9. Hi Jim. Very Interesting . You have sharp observation skills. Maybe your CPU is just too fast to notice in most cases but on mine that is standard procedure no matter what I just closed down. You may be slipping into the old "newbie" syndrome also. CCleaner is the last thing I did so it must be doing it. I think in this case it just might be attenuating the shutdown process just enough for you to notice what is standard for us with slower PCs less Ram what have you. In this case I don't think CCleaner is doing anything as much as adding to the things going on right at shutdown. Under other circumstances the virtual storage and cache whatever is released to some other process and you never even notice it. I would have never known it, if you hadn't brought it up. Sharp observation helps to identify many problems and therefore their solutions. I get a nice clear view of my wallpaper at start-up as well as shutdown. Never thought of it as strange. Relativity!!! Thanks Jim, davey WinXP Pro SP3 Dell Dimension 2400 Pent 4 2.8Ghz 256 MB DDR RAM 333Mhz. Just enough to get by comfortably.
  10. Auto-updates sssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppppppppprrrr rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee Error downloading . Would you like torestarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttttewrhgvatai[098b8v3w5 ..........................................zzzztt ....... Who is going to pay for all these millions of updates ? davey
  11. Even the pigeon club wants you to catch that Racing Pigeon? You mean the one with the gold band encrusted with diamonds. It needs food and water for a couple of days then it will have had a rest,gained some strenth, and get on home. Shame. It would have looked so good on the EVENING NEWS. Pigeon club rescues billionaires "favorite" pigeon. Awards and rewards to be announced later. It's outside your window because it knows you are a "Helper" and won't let it down. davey
  12. Hey Yo, We can't forget those with vision problems. Besides I find it fun to watch all the blocks change locations and colors and such. IE6 still causes many problems for users. As far as I am concerned IE7 is immaculate compared to what I suffered with IE6. If I recall IE7 takes less space and I know IE7 runs faster and safer. Especially with IE7Pro add-on, it runs quicker plus all the other benefits of IE7Pro with which I have had no problems either. BLACK ADDER !!! BLACK ADDER !!!! DUM DEE DEE DUM !!! davey
  13. I can't remember right now but I was telling another member to right-click on the "blue "a" ball". I didn't until someone told me how to turn off the "voice of authority" notifying my files have been updated. I must have played with that "little spinning blue "a" ball" quite a lot since then. So many options that they have tab scrolling. If it ain't fun, why do it! davey
  14. Hello again, From The CCleaner Guide. Window Size/Location Cache Windows Explorer stores the view formatting and ordering settings for each folder on your system. After some time, this can contain a large amount of redundant data and may even slow down browsing for files on your system. Selecting this option will clear this data and reset the Windows Explorer display settings to their default option. Some users don't like all their settings reset to the defaults. Like any Advanced option I would never leave the option on. Just use it once and decide if you will ever use it again. I won't. Good luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
  15. There sure is. I'll be right back. Where you been ? I have been waiting for you. I am back. Navigate to C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe Right-click on the CCleaner icon and select Send to then select Desktop. You now have a shortcut on your Desktop. You can right-click on the Desktop icon and Rename it what you like. With use of the Desktop shortcut you will end up with a Start-up list icon real soon if not immediately. Next reinstall you can uncheck all those other install options but the shortcuts. That is what I do. Welcome to the forum You can come to my B.B.Q. anytime. Beginners advice Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time. davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites P.S. There can be many reasons for your PC to slow down. First reboot and then follow those links I gave you. Do what they advise and then run CCleaner and reboot and see how things are. Please fill us in.
  16. Sorry Chrissy, Recuva finds and gives what it can. The proof is in the trying to use what is recovered. In this case it was gone. Did you get to "recover" anything ? Any of the data files ? At least now you have Recuva already installed and ready to use.Just in case. davey
  17. We are all sober here correct. Calendars cover the holes in the wall. Calenders are good for wringing out clothes and making pastries and such. Not necessarily in that order or for that purpose but you get the idea. Colanders make good helmets especially if you like comedy. Oh yeah, then there's that lawyer in the Britt sitcoms. Whoops. Now we're getting into consonants. Might end up somewhere in Iowa if I don't watch out. What's a few vowels between friends anyway. Or a few consonants for that matter. divoy
  18. davey


    Hi Chrissy, Do you have Windows Defender deactivated ? If not then you should not have TeaTimer also running. I have no personal Vista experience but I have heard that there can be conflicts with Spybot and CCleaner. Perhaps some Vista users will give us more advice. In CCleaner Tools > Startup is there an entry for TeaTimer? It has been awhile since I tried Spybot but I think I recall turning off TeaTimer and just using Spybots scanner. I have only 256 MB RAM. davey
  19. Hi Music Lover, Welcome First thing you should do is read this link to set up your "cookies to keep" and you may also want to turn off Adobe Flash Player to keep your Adobe/Macromedia "flash Cookies". Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 P.S. Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510 Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time. As concerns the Start Menu Shortcuts and Desktop Shortcuts options all that they do is look for invalid Shortcuts and remove them when you "Run cleaner". Most users use these infrequently because they take too much time for everyday cleaning. Good luck, davey http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
  20. Sorry, I was thinking more about was it safe to click on those Icons rather than where they were located. With the other member help you will get it sorted now. And don't forget SpywareBlaster. Also come here for advice before you click on any other "free software". These members will tell you what is good and what is safe and where to get it. Good luck, davey
  21. Hi cTn, Welcome to the forum I am glad that you pointed that out. I have been running Defraggler with the screen size as installed. When I maximized the screen and closed with it maximized.I realized that I could not Resize down when I run it again. You can get it Resized down by minimizing right click and select Restore in the task bar.Bugs like this crop up every now and then !!! I think I recall the same thing occurred with CCleaner awhile back. The "BUG FIXERS" may already know about this but I am sure they do now. I am running WinXP Pro SP3. Thanks for your report !!! davey P.S. I find "Defraggler" very handy to "defrag" a few large {many fragments) files. This restores some large unfragmented areas to my HDD when such files are deleted. I find that I hardly ever never need a full drive defrag anymore. Windows keeps my drive pretty well "optimized" for my purposes. This PC runs faster than the day it was set-up with pre-installed software. Early 2004.
  22. Hi Shaba1, Welcome Have you rebooted since you installed CCleaner ? If not do so and then retry IE6. P.S. Please see added notes at the bottom. davey If this doesn't help, then answers the following, please. The following info will help others to come up with a solution. These answers help to evaluate the problem.Provide as much information and detail as you can. Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions? Did you reboot after installing CCleaner before trying to run it? Did you do any Registry issues fixing? Do you continue to scan for issues until no more are found? Did you do any software or hardware changes installs or uninstalls? Are you running with Administrator privileges. CCleaner version ? What Language did you request at install,if any? OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? Browsers and ver.? Security software and ver? Other data you think might be relevant? What did you do and then what happened? Best wishes, davey The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark & save to Favorites Thanks for taking your time to make a report. P.S. Also now that you are back on the net do the following especially as regards "COOKIES" and Adobe Flash Player. Start here with this link and follow its advice. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=105208 P.S. Also see this link about the Registry and newbies. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=96510
  23. Hello Gasmitty, Welcome to the forum We are always willing to do what it takes to help you. I am confused as to which program is which that you are talking about. Can you calm down yourself a little and then add some detail like names of programs when you are talking about them. This way we can understand what may be the best way to resolve your problem. Best wishes, davey
  24. Wow, that sounds interesting. Something like this ? That would be sufficient, I would think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z829cL9spho davey
  25. Did you use MBAM to remove it and also to scan for anything else? If you scanned, then yes delete it like any other shortcut. davey P.S. Don't forget to install SpywareBlaster like YoKenny recommended.
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