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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. On an HDTV that's used strickly as a TV and not connected to a computer as a monitor there won't be a video card to play with settings.
  2. SF was bought though, then came the adware. The reason some of your installations didn't have is the refusal of those developers to use it, and/or SF hasn't got around to repackaging that setup file being that they have so many to go through. I can't remember what developer it was (some popular program) that left SF over the adware bundling, damn can't remember the name of it but it was on allot of tech related sites as "big news."
  3. What I've noticed is the screen quality looks excellent if watching actual HD content (HD Cable TV/Satellite TV, Blu-ray, HD games, etc). It however looks very bad if for instance watching SD content like an old VHS tape or playing an old non-HD video game system where the same content would still look acceptable and good on an old SD TV set. One of my favourite old video games is visually unpleasing on an HDTV, it looks like the lighting effects smear with a slight ghosting, washed out, and fuzzy. However that same exact game on an old CRT SD TV looks good. While they concentrated on making the HD capabilities look really good I feel they could have put in some microchip, etc., that could've enhanced old SD content to look as good on an HDTV as it used to on an SDTV instead of making it look horribly worse. Edit: Oh yeah, the Interlacing lines my HDTV shows from the DVD Recorder really suck, making it unwatchable. The speakers in every off-the-shelf HDTV (I'm not talking about the gigantic floor standing HDTV's which have the capacity/room for decent speakers inside the casing) I've heard sound horrible and absolutely need external speakers -- this is just a case of HDTV's that can sit on a tabletop, etc., not having a thick enough casing to house decent speakers, loud speakers need some room in the casing to sound good. There's a mini-jack plugin so even some inexpensive computer hardware speakers (I got mine for under $60 USD) will make a notiable improvement in the audio quality and a good thump can be had if buying a 2.1 system with a sub-woofer. My mother didn't believe I could make her TV shows sound better with external speakers, then she looked stunned at the huge difference in the sound those little computer speakers made.
  4. There was a topic about it before, lost in the multitude of posts after it though. SF including adware has been going on for sometime now. At least your antivirus warned you! An easy solution is to only download archived versions (7z, ZIP, RAR) of software from SF (found in the Files link on their pages) and completely avoid the installers (EXE, MSI).
  5. We used to have people come to our house to use mine/ours so they could type a job resume, they were too expensive for what little they did.
  6. Some malware will not allow CCleaner to be used, I don't know about other Piriform software. Just because Malwarebytes Anti-Malware found no infections doesn't mean you can rest there, look at #10 in this list and choose one of the malware removal sites to determine if your system is actually clean. Also something else not malware related is open Internet Explorer and visit the Microsoft Updates website, and download all of the Root Certificate updates it shows are available for your system -- that alone can cause some software installations to fail which have a digital certificate attached which all of the Piriform software has to insure authenticity.
  7. Especially if a software can't "restore self" from a missing directory and gives error dialogs.
  8. Clue: It's something you need allot of auto-correcting strips to use. Still have one on the indoor porch, can't complain as it taught me how to properly type before I had to take the mandatory typing class during my high school days. That one my mother bought for me way back then cost what an off-the-shelf computer costs nowadays.
  9. A newer version is available, CCleaner v4.16.4763: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner Perhaps try with the newest version.
  10. Are you saying just enabling "Custom Files and Folders" automatically inputs the setting "Include1=PATH|C:\|*.tmp|REMOVESELF" ? I've tried disabling it, restarting CCleaner, enabling it, exiting CCleaner and that entry doesn't appear in the ccleaner.ini file for me. I don't know if that's what you meant or not, if not please try to explain it differently so we understand exactly.
  11. I'm confused. You report this as a bug but it looks like you've put this in the ccleaner.ini file yourself, and if so it's a simple matter of removing it and not using it anymore. Like Nergal mentioned that can cause system issues, such as the very slow operation of CCleaner, or the removal of a .tmp file which is needed such as during a software install or update. But then again I don't know how effective it could actually be since it isn't using |RECURSE at the end of it.
  12. Disable the 24 Hour Rule in CCleaner by going into: Options > Settings > Advanced > And then disable/untick: "Only delete files in the Windows Temp folders older than 24 hours" Edit: You can also optionally make an Include in CCleaner, this will make it completely ignore the 24 Hour rule settings for deleting the contents of the Temp folder. To do that: 1. Go into: Options > Include > Add > Drive or Folder, browse to your WINNT\Temp folder, and click OK. 2. Click the Cleaner (brush icon), and then in the Windows (tab) scroll all the way to the bottom, and finally under Advanced enable/tick "Custom Files and Folders"
  13. Does the setup file come with any specific install instructions that are a bit out of the ordinary such as having to install through Device Manager. I only ask because that's how I had to recently install my NIC card as it didn't have any setup .exe files to run, they were all .inf files that had to be installed using: Device Manager -> Network Adapter -> Update Driver (may read as "Update Driver Software" in Win7 or newer) -> Browse (to the setup .inf file)
  14. I agree many people won't know they can disable the OpenCandy offering let alone that a portable version is available without any "extras" piggybacking in the installation -- unless they get curious and do a web search and perhaps come upon pages like this.
  15. Your screenshot in post 1 shows you are using an old version of CCleaner. Can you try the newest version of CCleaner v4.16.4763 and see if updating it will fix the problem. You can download CCleaner at: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
  16. Why the unhappy mad face, you don't want them to take it back do you?
  17. Here's the correct privacy page: https://www.piriform.com/about/privacy-policy Here's the correct Terms of Use page: https://www.piriform.com/about/terms-of-use ------------------------------ Edit: I've left a notification to the site admin about the pages opening the wrong site.
  18. From the screenshot it shows you have about 2GB and over 34 thousand in files in the Temp folder, that would be a good guess for at least one reason to why it's taking so long.
  19. Don't forget the developer/software websites either, some still provide a download direct from their own site without dealing with a download site.
  20. Yes. The only reason I keep getting asked to install Office 2010 updates over Office 2003 is because I wipe out the Software Distribution folder, I have no use for over 100MB in that folder to only update IE and Windows Malicous Softare Removal Tool.
  21. That makes perfect sense. I'd go one step further and allow it to be user selectable with say a minimum of a 5 minute interval up to your every hour suggestion. Even losing one hours worth of scanning would be very frustrating.
  22. Topic moved to the Recuva forum.
  23. @Hav0c: How one antivirus classifies OpenCandy versus another i.e.; no detection doesn't necessarily make it a bad antivirus in my opinion. I would really dislike an antivirus claiming it as being infected outright and not allowing me the choice to install something when in fact it isn't infected. Some software offer a portable version that's zipped with no adware whatsoever, however the install version may have adware. OpenCandy is very easy to stop by using the /nocandy switch on the installer (Example: C:\Setups\setup.exe /nocandy) and/or by installing with no established Internet connection. We have to remember that all of the popular free antivirus' use a form of in-built advertising (or "upselling" they'd prefer us to call it now) themselves; Avast, Avira, AVG, Panda, etc.
  24. How about trying a recent System Restore Point. You're not the first that can't restore from CCleaner's offered .reg backup(s).
  25. It isn't in the docs. What it does is clean the last location you visited in RegEdit, so the next time you open it it will open in the default location. Possibly considered a privacy thing like cleaning other MRUs.
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