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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Messing around in the Network in my opinion requires making a System Restore Point beforehand, even for people who think they know what they're doing.
  2. Old school games were harder to beat too and many seemed like they were from the factory on the hard or insane difficulty level, not modern games though.
  3. Along with what Hazelnut has stated I've noticed some cleaning software (not CCleaner in my case) on my system has taken too long to operate directly due to the antivirus software scanning it, and if the antivirus has a cloud-based feature it can take even longer. The really frustrating thing is those types of antivirus often do this during each Windows session meaning the cleaning software will open or operate unusually slow during that first use however using the cleaning software again during the same Windows session doesn't have that time/wait penalty. Reboot/restart Windows and it starts all over again, very frustrating!
  4. I think they're just covering their backsides. Although I'm with Alan on the concept of why can't they just remove their own update, they could've built that into its re-released replacement. I wonder how many people that don't even read those bulletins would know to remove the old one first, then there's people new to computers that may not know how to remove it.
  5. I have a software like this (not CCleaner though) which has the same behaviour which is directly related to the software trying to look for an update since it auto-updates with no ability to disable it.
  6. I don't think Windows has drivers for those yet.
  7. Mine is also available immediately on an 11 years old WinXP PC with my own custom winapp2.ini file. I use CCleaner Portable and have the updates check disabled.
  8. Something to try to see if it's antivirus related (might not be though): * Virus scan the CCleaner program files folder before you run CCleaner. * Open CCleaner after the virus scan completes. If CCleaner opens quick and is usable it could be due to the antivirus. Also, and perhaps related, visit the Microsoft Updates website and have it download+install any available Root Certificate updates it shows are available. Doing this may allow digitally signed software (all Piriform software is digitally signed) to work correctly, especially if it's a certificate problem.
  9. Devices, even those by neighbours can use your connection, although I'm completely unfamiliar with how Win8x on an OS level handles these, etc., since I have to go into my modem to control these. And about controlling them; I have my system configured where I have to manually input MAC addresses for devices and nothing else can connect without my permission like a next door neighbours devices, etc., it can be a pain and takes legwork however it's more secure.
  10. Perhaps run ChkDsk on the drive it runs slow on. Maybe disk error(s) can cause problems, especially since using secure deletion is more involved than a standard delete. Also look around the forums, it's been mentioned many times using anything more than 1-pass secure deletion isn't recommended.
  11. Untick in CCleaner: Cleaners->Applications->Firefox->Site Preferences Perhaps that will allow your cookies to stay intact. This would be the same for anyone who uses Spybot-S&D and SpywareBlaster which can input bad cookies/sites to block into Firefox as well. Similar topic here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=38979
  12. Videos: * Avidemux (free) - http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/ You can view, edit out bad corrupt parts, etc., and re-encode/transcode. It can fix some videos, but only if it can properly open/import them. * VLC Media Player (Free, Install Version) - http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ * VLC Media Player Portable (Free, Portable Version) - http://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/vlc_portable It can play the videos and also re-encode/transcode them. "May work for playback of damaged/corrupt videos."
  13. Welcome back Ishan. This isn't me being rude against your Photoshop skills. I just wonder why the trend is nowadays especially since Win8x to make flat UI's, etc., that seem to me like a step backwards from icons/images with nice drop shadows, high level of detail, etc., to something less expressive.
  14. For me it doesn't block anymore than the layered security I already had in place, so I've removed it in both Firefox and Dragon.
  15. I saw DIsconnect - Private Browsing being used last night on 60 Minutes and how people need to use something like this when online, I already knew the need for it but many people don't. I decided to try it out and have only used it very briefly. Basically it does what Ghostery and similar do by blocking trackers, etc. It has a cool animation of the trackers, etc., on a given page in Chrome-based browsers (but not in Firefox yet). The GUI of it in Firefox needs some work, such as the very small text in some areas, etc., and lack of the animation of trackers which is supposedly coming soon, using the Chrome-based version first must have spoiled me since it looks better. Here's a YouTube video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKQ5NLY-0Y4 Homepage: https://disconnect.me/ Firefox Add-on Page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/disconnect/ Chrome Web Store Page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disconnect/jeoacafpbcihiomhlakheieifhpjdfeo?hl=en --------------- Edit: Just noticed how it isn't connecting to ad/tracker sites already blocked by my HOSTS file, it shows them as crossed out.
  16. Being very specific -- If you're referring to this in CCleaner: Cleaner -> Windows (tab) -> Windows Explorer -> Run (in Start Menu) Screenshot: I can confirm, it does not work and is broken in XP because after using it and checking in Windows 'Start (button) -> Run' it leaves items in there. I would've never even noticed this had you not started this topic.
  17. That's why I always created a disk image backup before applying anything from Microsoft Updates Tuesday.
  18. If you're trying to "debug" and figure out why CCleaner is doing something completely unexpected you'd need to first backup (ZIP, 7Z, RAR, etc.,) and then remove your winapp2.ini file. I think that's the only way to figure out for sure if it's something wrong with a default CCleaner installation, or something introduced by using winapp2.ini.
  19. Many people make allot of money on there more than doing some 9-5 grind everyday, so yeah it could be considered a very lucrative career.
  20. I've been manually converting the EasyList "malwaredomains_full" block list for browsers, and then editing it in a text editor to remove all those "^" characters in-mass, and then having all those "||" characters changed in-mass to to make it HOSTS file compatible. Doing that blocks allot more stuff that way! Then with HostsXpert I let it get rid of the duplicates that might have already been added by the installed MVPS HOSTS file.
  21. If they are locked files for an antivirus software (many av's use the temp folder) CCleaner won't be able to clean them.
  22. You can't do this with CCleaner! However Windows itself already has the RegEdit tool built-in to accomplish this with ease simply by using a modified saved .REG file. I do this all the time with 7-Zip settings. Example of what is unwanted (exported .REG file modified to delete the settings, notice the "-" character in front of the reg path which deletes settings -- use with extreme caution though): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings] Example of what is saved into the registry, i.e.; the wanted settings: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings] "DefaultOpenPath"="C:\\Videos" "DefaultExportPath"="C:\\Videos" --------- And how to combine the two into one single .REG file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings] Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings] "DefaultOpenPath"="C:\\Videos" "DefaultExportPath"="C:\\Videos"
  23. I would do a reboot and scan again to see if the problem automatically fixes itself. After installing Windows Updates/Microsoft Updates CCleaner's registry cleaner will sometimes flag something new; usually .NET Framework and Microsoft Office.
  24. It should do a rollback to the previous version. Hopefully it uninstalls correctly for those affected, I've read about horror stories in the past about some rollbacks failing from botched updates.
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