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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. If you're referring to the desktop shortcut then yes in safe mode you can use it to open CCleaner.
  2. Can you be more specific what you want CCleaner to do, such as: * Clean files off another hard disk. * Clean another operating system on another hard disk. I know I use the 'Options > Include' feature to clean Temp folders on my two other non-system hard disks, works good too.
  3. The file just couldn't take it anymore, it gained so many bytes over the years (especially near the mid-section) it decided to finally deleted itself. That reminded me of an old bug that's now squashed in CCleaner that would cause it to axe itself, that however wasn't funny.
  4. Winapp2.ini have you tried running this yet from the winapp2.ini file? Or if you have could it be the cause? [Cached Shell Extensions*] LangSecRef=3025 Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions Default=False RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached RegKey2=HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached
  5. More info is needed: * What operating system are you using, example: Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows 8.1 * What CCleaner version are you using, it will display at the upper-left when the program is open. Edit: Beat to the questions by Alan. However it almost sounds like the old environment variables bug which I think was suppose to have been fixed in a CCleaner update a long time ago. I still don't understand how this affects some peoples machines with many others unaffected.
  6. The sound is too much in my opinion, there's a point of being seen and noticed by car drivers for safety against being ran into, and then there's the being absurd! Case in point there was an old biker behind me in traffic many years ago on a Harley and the hellish rumble coming off it I could actually physically feel inside my car as a vibration. I couldn't imagine being on that thing.
  7. Got to see it on one of my local news channels yesterday with a running video of it in silent action.
  8. The only difference is in the installers, the Slim build installer does not include the Google 3rd party programs.
  9. Here's two things for you to check which can cause this: 1. Go into Options > Advanced and make sure 'Shutdown after cleaning' is unticked. 2. Right-click your CCleaner shortcuts (such as the one on the desktop, etc.,) and make sure the 'Target' field does NOT have /shutdown listed in it. For example: * Runs CCleaner normally: "C:\path to ccleaner\ccleaner.exe" * CCleaner will automatically clean and shutdown the computer: "C:\path to ccleaner\ccleaner.exe" /auto /shutdown More info available in the CCleaner help documentation: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner
  10. Abducted by aliens I think.
  11. They're fine and I find myself always going there for screenshots, user reviews, their review, changelogs, and to see if something is compatible with my OS. I'd imagine something could slip under the radar even for them unintentionally of course such as their installed antivirus not detecting something, although such things can be reported to them. And Softonics I block in my HOSTS file and in my adblocking add-ons/extensions.
  12. Was I too blunt and to the point, it was a mere question without any intention to be offensive. You'll find many characters on an open forum, some can be mellow whereas others can be abrasive you just need to learn who's who -- it doesn't mean anyone is against you or doesn't like you.
  13. Don't download from CNET, they wrap some installers in an adware package. I know it will be impossible to download some software in saying that though since some publishers still use CNET exclusively.
  14. How the hell can you keep up with the myriad of topics you create?
  15. That probably would have zero effect it isn't merely shell32.dll that can lock a file, there's rundll32 (OS related), explorer (OS related), your web browsers, etc. Certain programs like Hazelnut mentioned if closed will allow locked files to be deleted, however if it's OS related a mere reboot will unlock the files - unless of course they're malware.
  16. I've let it go for weeks you spelling it that way, however it's an r i at the end of my name not an n. And it's my actual last name. Incorrect: Andavan Correct: Andavari
  17. Andavari

    Hello World

    For me that is not a 100% correct statement due to how I have my DSL modem configured (which also throws off Geolocation in browsers): If someone were looking for my town location going by IP address/Geolocation they'd end up roughly 80 miles away.
  18. Andavari

    Hello World

    Good to know! And a good looking website design too. Also learn about MAC address.
  19. In the meantime: Right-click in the registry cleaner and select Exclude for the Webroot items listed. I always do this for my installed antivirus software which is to input manual exclusions, it's located in: Options > Exclude > Add (button) > Input the Webroot registry paths/locations
  20. Andavari

    Hello World

    I'd worry less about the IP address! Sure entertainment groups for example like the RIAA and MPAA can use it to initially track people who've illegally been trading their properties but they're probably going to be more interested in obtaining the MAC address which identifies actual computers and/or devices which is usually going to be indisputable in court. Unlike an IP address with the MAC address there's no flipping an on/off switch on the modem to switch it because it will always remain static for a computer and/or device.
  21. Andavari

    Pale Blue Dot

    That's pretty much what I wanted to post but used the Star Trek thing since it pretty much says the same thing clandestinely, but I thought against it as certain groups of people will flame forums if someone mentions their beliefs are a root cause of evil in the world and should be eliminated.
  22. You were possibly infected by downloading and installing what the advertisement had in it. You can get your system checked by a malware removal expert: Scroll down to the #10 item in the forum rules, and choose any one of the forums/sites listed there and they can help determine if your system is clean or if it needs disinfected.
  23. You'll need to do what Hazelnut mentioned not long ago in another topic of stopping it from automatically updating to the new v2 if you wish to stay with v1.75 until you decide for yourself when to "upgrade" Here's what my Updater Settings look like to stay with v1.75: screenshot (alternate screenshot if the first screenshot doesn't show).
  24. It's not a bug in CCleaner, so I'll move this out of the Bug Reporting area. CCleaner merely runs the uninstaller provided by the software when uninstalling, nothing more. Also Firefox and most modern browsers will usually have a tickbox that allows you to remove your profiles during uninstall thus providing a more thorough uninstall -- but as always there's still crumbs leftover on the hard disk and in the registry.
  25. Eventually over time that bookmark manager will be removing everything, as websites go kaput and new ones take their place.
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